
Smart search/replace functionality for PHP code

MIT License


Php Smart Search/replace Functionality

It is much easier than using regex.


composer require imanghafoori/php-search-replace


1- Lets say you want to remove double semi-colon occurances like these:

$user = 1;;
$user = 2; ;
$user = 3;

Then you can define a pattern like this:

$pattern = [';;' => ['replace' => ';']];

This will catch all the 3 cases above since the neutral php whitespaces are ignored while searching.


Here is a copmerehensive list of placeholders you can use:

  • <var> or <variable>: for variables like: $user
  • <str> or <string>: for hard coded strings: 'hello' or "hello"
  • <class_ref>: for class references: \App\User::where(... , User::where
  • <full_class_ref>: only for full references: \App\User::
  • <until>: to capture all the code until you reach a certain character.
  • <comment>: for commands (does not capture doc-blocks)
  • <doc_block>: for doc-blocks
  • <statement>: to capture a whole php statement.
  • "<name:nam1,nam2>" or <name>: for method or function names. ->where or ::where
  • <white_space>: for whitespace blocks
  • <bool> or '<boolean>': for true or false (acts case-insensetive)
  • <number>: for numeric values
  • <cast>: for type-casts like: (array) $a;
  • <int> or <integer>: for integer values
  • <visibility>: for public, protected, private
  • <float>: for floating point number
  • "<global_func_call:func1,func2>": to detect global function calls.
  • <in_between>: to capture code within a pair of {...} or (...) or [...]
  • <any>: captures any token.
  • You can also define your own keywords if needed!

You just define a class for your new keyword and append the class path to the end of Finder::$keywords[] = MyKeyword::class property. Just like the default keywords.


lets say you want to remove the optional comma from arrays:

$a = [
$b = ['1','2',];

Then you can define a pattern like this:

$pattern = [',<whitespace>?]' => ['replace' => '"<1>"]']];

Here the <whitespace>? mean an optional whitespace may reside there, and the "<1>" means the value that matches the first placeholder should be put there.