
Rebuilds PHP code from an abstract syntax tree.

BSD-3-CLAUSE License


Customizing PHP-Styler


  1. Custom Styler Class

  2. Method Overrides

  3. Operator Spacing

  4. Brace Placement

  5. Trailing Comma

  6. Function Signatures

  7. Finished Output

Custom Styler Class

The easiest way to start is with an empty anonymous extension of Styler in your php-styler.php config file; remember to include various PhpParser amd PhpStyler imports.

use PhpParser\Node\Expr;
use PhpParser\Node\Stmt;
use PhpStyler\Config;
use PhpStyler\Files;
use PhpStyler\Printable as P;
use PhpStyler\Printable\Printable;
use PhpStyler\Styler;

return new Config(
    files: new Files(__DIR__ . '/src'),
    styler: new class (lineLen: 88) extends Styler {

You might also create an entirely separate class, then load and instantiate it as the $styler argument.

use PhpParser\Node\Expr;
use PhpParser\Node\Stmt;
use PhpStyler\Config;
use PhpStyler\Files;
use PhpStyler\Printable as P;
use PhpStyler\Printable\Printable;
use PhpStyler\Styler;

class MyStyler extends Styler

return new Config(
    files: new Files(__DIR__ . '/src'),
    styler: new MyStyler(lineLen: 88),

Then invoke the php-styler preview command to make sure it works without errors.

Method Overrides

In general, override the Styler::s*() method for styling the relevant Printable. See the Styler itself to get an idea of the very large number of methods available for override. There is really quite a lot here; you will be well-served by experimenting with trial-and-error when attempting customizations.

Operator Spacing

The $this->operators property describes the spacing around operation strings. This property is used by the Styler::sInfix*(), Styler::sPrefix*(), and Styler::sPostfix*() method families.

Each $this->operators key is the class name of the operation, and each value is a three-element array consisting of the space before the operator, the operator itself, and the space after the operator.

You can modify the spacing around operators by overriding the Styler::modOperators() method returning the operators to modify. (Cf. the Styler::$operators property for all operator strings.) For example, to make sure there is no space around !:

    protected function modOperators() : array
        return [
            Expr\BooleanNot::class => ['', '!', ''],

Brace Placement

The Styler comes with several methods dedicated to brace placement.

  • braceOnNextLine() puts an opening brace on the next line.
  • braceOnSameLine() puts an opening brace on the same line.
  • braceEnd() puts a closing brace on the same line.

Use these methods to place braces when overiding a Styler::s*() method.

In addition, the standard Styler uses two common methods for brace placement on class-like structures and control-flow structures:

  • classBrace() defines brace placement on class-like structures (class, interface, trait, etc.); defaults to braceOnNextLine()
  • controlBrace() defines brace placement on control-flow structures (if, do, foreach, etc.); defaults to braceOnSameLine()

Override classBrace() to change brace placement on all class-like structures. Likewise, override controlBrace() to change brace placement on all control-flow structures. Finally, if you want to, you can override the class-like and control flow Styler::s*() methods to handle brace placement on each individual structure.

Function Signatures

The default presentation behavior for a function signature with expansive parameters and a return typehint is to ...

  • put a space on either side of the return typehint colon, and
  • put the opening brace on the next line.

This keeps the parameters and return typehint lined up vertically with 4-space indents, and presents visual blank space between the signature and the body, like so:

    public function veryLongFunctionName(
    ) : ReturnTypeHint
        // ...

To change the spacing around the return typehint colon, override the method that adds the colon and spaces:

    protected function sReturnType(P\ReturnType $p) : void
        $this->line[] = ': ';

To present the brace on the same line, override the method that sets the condition for when the space between the function signature and the function body should be condensed:

    protected function functionBodyCondenseWhen(): callable
        return fn (string $lastLine): bool => str_starts_with(trim($lastLine), ')');

Changing the colon and brace placement in that manner will de-align the return typehint from the rest of the signature, and remove the visual blank space between the signature and the body:

    public function veryLongFunctionName(
    ): ReturnTypeHint {
        // ...

Trailing Comma

By default, the Styler adds a trailing comma to the last item in an argument, parameter, or array listing, when that listing has been split across lines.

To not-add the trailing comma, override Styler::lastSeparator() to return an empty string:

    protected function lastSeparator() : string
        return '';

To not-add the comma only in some lists but not others, override the Styler::last*Separator() method for that type of list:

    protected function lastArgSeparator() : string
        // no trailing comma for args
        return '';

    protected function lastArraySeparator() : string
        // trailing comma for arrays
        return ',';

    protected function lastParamSeparator() : string
        // no trailing comma for params
        return '';

Finished Output

The finished output of styled code is handled by the finish() method. This is where you can add or trim lines around the code. For example, to make sure there is always a double-newline at the top of the file, and no line ending at the end:

    protected function finish(string $code) : string
        return '<' . '?php' . $this->eol . $this->eol . trim($code);