
PHPUnit Tests Library from the Official WordPress Develop Repo

GPL-3.0 License


PHPUnit WordPress Documentation

At a glance


PHPUnit WordPress is the WordPress PHPUnit unit test library (Nightly Build) included in the WordPress core develop repository, made installable via Composer. The primary goal is to make getting up and running with your tests much faster. Rather than tracking down a script or copying from project to project, you have a single package to add to your development dependencies.

Why PHPUnit WordPress?

The core PHPUnit test library is a fundamental library for writing PHPUnit tests with WordPress. Historically, it has only been available to install via SVN checkout, usually from a script. As a PHP dependency it only makes sense that this should be installable via Composer with the rest of your dependencies.

One obstacle to achieving this is due to a hardcoded required placement of the wp-tests-config.php file by the library's bootstrap.php. When including as a library in a project, it expects the tests config file to be in the parent directory of the library's includes directory.

/ (library root)
├── data
├── includes
│   ├── factory
│   ├── bootstrap.php
│   ├── factory.php
│   ├── functions.php
│   ├── install.php
│   └── ...
└── wp-tests-config.php

Normally this file would not be editable installed as a Composer dependency, because files within its vendor directory are not intended to be modified.

PHPUnit WordPress solves this by including this file in the package source which acts as a kind of proxy to your "real" tests config file, which can be wherever you wish.


Install the latest version

composer require mralaminahamed/phpunit-wordpress-tests yoast/phpunit-polyfills --dev

Because PHPUnit WordPress is a simple versioned subset mirror of WordPress core, it shares the same tag as the version it was built from.

Install the version for a specific version of WordPress

composer require mralaminahamed/phpunit-wordpress-tests:dev-main --dev


As of WordPress 5.8.2 (and the latest versions of previous major releases), the Yoast PHPUnit Polyfills package was added as a required dependency of the PHPUnit infrastructure in WordPress core which makes up the source of PHPUnit WordPress. Unlike normal Composer packages, this will not be installed automatically for you as it is not a dependency of mralaminahamed/phpunit-wordpress. Just like WordPress itself it must be provided separately, although not to worry as this is very easy and can be done as part of the initial install as well (see above).

If you're already using PHPUnit WordPress and are seeing errors about this after upgrading, simply require the package with Composer as a dev dependency and you should be all set:

composer require --dev yoast/phpunit-polyfills

See for more information.

PHPUnit Compatibility

The library is compatible with PHPUnit 3.6+, 4, 5, and support for newer versions of PHPUnit have been added since.


The only configuration necessary for PHPUnit WordPress is to set the location to your real tests config file as an environment variable.

There are many ways to do this, but the easiest way is to define this in your phpunit.xml file for your project!

    <!-- ... -->

        <env name="PHPUNIT_WORDPRESS__TESTS_CONFIG" value="tests/wp-config.php" />

    <!-- ... -->

Alternatively, you could set this in PHP anywhere before the includes/bootstrap.php file is required:

putenv( 'PHPUNIT_WORDPRESS__TESTS_CONFIG=path/to/wp-tests-config.php' );

Create a wp-tests-config.php file

curl -sSL -o wp-tests-config.php

Modify this file as necessary as you will likely want to commit it to version control. Be sure not to hardcode any sensitive data into it. Instead you may consider using something like phpdotenv to set your keys and secrets in a .env file which are then loaded as environment variables.

Table Prefix (optional)

You may also configure the table prefix which you want to use for your tests.

This is configurable by setting the PHPUNIT_WORDPRESS__TABLE_PREFIX environment variable. If set, this will take precedence over what is set in your tests config file. If not, and the $table_prefix variable is not set in your tests config file then it will use wptests_ as a fallback.


Updating the default bootstrap.php file to use PHPUnit WordPress

--- /tmp/tests/bootstrap-before.php
+++ /tmp/tests/bootstrap-after.php
@@ -5,7 +5,9 @@

-$_tests_dir = getenv( 'WP_TESTS_DIR' );
+// Composer autoloader must be loaded before PHPUNIT_WORDPRESS__DIR will be available
+require_once dirname( dirname( __FILE__ ) ) . '/vendor/autoload.php';
+$_tests_dir = getenv( 'WP_TESTS_DIR' ) ?: getenv( 'PHPUNIT_WORDPRESS__DIR' );

 if ( ! $_tests_dir ) {
     $_tests_dir = rtrim( sys_get_temp_dir(), '/\\' ) . '/wordpress-tests-lib';

Complete Working Examples

PHPUnit WordPress in the Wild