
This is a PHP-based quiz website that allows users to test their knowledge by answering quiz questions. The project uses HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, and MySQL.

GPL-3.0 License



This is a PHP-based quiz website that allows users to test their knowledge by answering quiz questions. The project uses HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, and MySQL.


View/Use the project/site hosted on Quiz-App don't use any such informations that can expose your privecy.

Project Structure

The project directory contains the following files:

  • admin/

    • index.php: Main admin page.
    • login/
      • index.php: Admin login page.
    • submits/
      • index.php: Submission handling page.
  • css/

    • admin.css: Styles for the admin interface.
    • body.css: General styles for the website body.
    • button.css: Styles for buttons.
    • input.css: Styles for input fields.
    • login.css: Styles for login-related elements.
    • main.css: Main stylesheet.
    • nav.css: Styles for navigation elements.
  • db/

    • dbconn.php: Database connection configuration.
  • div/

    • nav.php: Navigation component.
  • method/

    • string.php: PHP methods related to string manipulation.
  • result/

    • index.php: Page displaying quiz results.
  • submit/

    • index.php: Submission handling page.
  • user/

    • getquiz/
      • index.php: User page for accessing quizzes.
    • login/
      • index.php: User login page.
    • profile/
      • goto.php: Profile navigation logic.
      • index.php: User profile page.
  • index.php: Main entry point for the quiz app.


To run and test this on local machine, follow these steps:

install xampp on your local machine.

if you know how to run php web app skip this steps, refer to this site for setup your own xampp server: wikihow

  • Start the Apache Server.
  • Start the Mysql Server.

clone the repo to your htdocs of xampp

git clone https://github.com/h4jack/quiz.git C:\{path_to_xampp}\xampp\htdocs\quiz

now open the link on your browser.



To use the quiz app follow this below example, or try using it on the hosted server.


  • login as the quiz name:
    admin login
  • create quiz:
    create quiz
  • edit/update/delete the quiz
    update quiz


  • login same as you logged in on admin/quiz side.
  • enter the quiz name and go to give the quiz.
  • give quiz answer/ and submit when you think it is completed.
  • see the result by clicking on the view button.

Expression Calculator Features

the quiz app provides the following features:

  • quiz creation
  • quiz taking.
  • view result.
  • and all the user/admin level features.

Tech Stack

Client: HTML, CSS, JS

Server: PHP, MariaDB MySQL(SQL).



This project open source you can contribute to this just clone and improve this project.


This project is licensed under the GPL-3.0 license


If you have any feedback or suggestions, please feel free to create an issue or contact us.