
Laravel Vue SPA Starter


Laravel Vue - SPA Starter Template

Laravel Vue Starter template is a perfect place for laravel and vue spa starter projects. Based on Vue.js and the UI Toolkit Element. The work is inspired by vue-element-admin with our love on top of that. With the powerful Laravel framework as the backend, Vue.js as the high performance on the frontend, Laravue appears to be a full-stack solution for an enterprise application level.


  • Laravel Framework Version 7
  • Spatie Media library for user logo and image
  • registration and login process with email verification
  • Roles and Permissions Using Spatie Laravel Permission
  • Maintain Activity log of users
  • Minimal Admin Panel With No Clutter


sudo apt install jpegoptim optipng pngquant gifsicle
npm install -g svgo


# Clone the project and run composer
composer create-project riteshsingh1/laravel-vue-spa

# Migration and DB seeder (after changing your DB settings in .env)
php artisan migrate --seed

# Install dependency with NPM or Yarn
npm install # or yarn

# develop
npm run dev # or npm run watch

# Build on production
npm run production

