
PHP micro-router



PHP micro-router (MIT Licensed)

  • Concise, simple syntax wrapping a full feature set
  • Easy install; Composer or single file include (~200 SLOC)
  • Low routing overhead (< 1ms)*

Route66 was written to add some features to the minimalist Macaw router without bloating it.

Nginx config example

server {
	index index.html index.htm index.php;

	location / {
		try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?/$uri;

	location ~ \.php$ {
		fastcgi_index index.php;
		fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;
		include fastcgi_params;

Install (require or Composer)

require 'Route66.php';

	"require": {
		"leeoniya/route66": "dev-master"

Basic example

// front controller (index.php)
require 'Route66.php';

use Route66 as R;

R::get('/', function() {
	echo 'Hello world!';


HTTP methods

// any HTTP method can be bound via static invocation using its name
R::post('/topics', function() {});

// multiple methods
R::match('post|put', '/comment', function() {});

// equivalent to R::match('get|post|put|patch|delete|head|options',..)
R::any('/', function() {};)

Named params & validation

// basic param (all characters except '/')
R::get('/posts/@id',       function($id) {});

// param validated by regex alias
R::get('/posts/@id:alpha', function($id) {});

// aliases and regexs can be broken out for readability
R::get('/posts/@id',       function($id) {}, ['id' => ':alpha']);
R::get('/posts/@id',       function($id) {}, ['id' => '\w{12}']);

// define a custom alias
R::alias(':date', '[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}');

Optional segments & params

// optional params with defaults (set in handler)
R::get('/posts(/@year(/@month(/@day)))', function($year = 2015, $month = 6, $day = 15) {});

// regex alias without a param (non-capturing)
R::get('/posts(/:slug)', function() {});

// optional trailing slash (though rtrim-ing it from REQUEST_URI before dispatch is faster)
R::get('/blog/?', function() {});

Un-named params

// un-named params via regex capture groups
R::get('/posts/(\w{12})', function($id) {});

Route prefixing (base path)

R::get('/posts', function() {});	// maps to /blog/posts

R::get('/login', function() {});	// maps to /admin/login

Before pre-filter (fall-through)

// before all /admin* routes
R::get('/admin(/:all)', function() {
	// verify valid session, etc...
	return R::NOHALT;		// fall through to additional routes

R::get('/admin/dashboard', function() {
	// show dashboard...

Custom catch-all (no route found)

R::nomatch(function($meth, $uri) {
	header($_SERVER["SERVER_PROTOCOL"] . " 404 Not Found");
	exit('404 Not Found.');

Custom dispatch (e.g. internal redirects)

R::dispatch('get', '/blog');

Route caching

// example of storing compiled routes in session

if ($routes = @$_SESSION['routes'])

// define all routes here


if (!isset($_SESSION['routes']))
	$_SESSION['routes'] = R::export();

Named routes & reverse routing

// un-named
R::get('/users/@id', function($id) {}, ['id'=>':alpha']);

// named (the trailing 2 args can be passed in any order. all below are equivalent.)
R::get('/users/@id', function($id) {}, 'named1');
R::get('/users/@id', function($id) {}, ['id'=>':alpha'], 'named1');
R::get('/users/@id', function($id) {}, 'named1', ['id'=>':alpha']);

// dispatch a named route
R::dispatch('get', 'named1', ['id' => 'abc123']);

Util methods

R::redirect($location, $code = 301);

New features (relative to Macaw)

  • Named params (e.g. @user:alpha)
  • Optional route segments and params, param defaults
  • Route-group prefixing
  • Param regex & aliases can be broken out for readability
  • Short defs for multi-method routes
  • Named routes and reverse routing, custom dispatch
  • Per-route fall-through control (Macaw has only global)
  • Route compilation cache, import/export
  • Utility methods for is_ajax, is_https and redirect
  • Modified and added regex aliases

Other PHP routers

* As with any router, speed will depend on: route quantity & complexity, numbers of params, whether caching is used, server hardware, PHP version, opcode caching.