
The saas-template is a template for building SaaS applications. It combines the capabilities of Laravel and Nuxt in a unified repository and accelerates the development of web applications. Seamlessly integrates the back-end reliability of Laravel with the front-end agility of Nuxt. Ideal for rapid prototyping and deployment.

MIT License



The saas-template is a template for building SaaS applications. It combines the capabilities of Laravel and Nuxt in a unified repository and accelerates the development of web applications. Seamlessly integrates the back-end reliability of Laravel with the front-end agility of Nuxt. Ideal for rapid prototyping and deployment.


To manage the repository, it uses the pnpm package manager and turborepo.

It comes with a set of pre-configured packages and apps that can be used to build a SaaS application. The template is designed to be flexible and can be customized to suit the needs of the project.

It has the workflow jobs to build docker images and push them to the GitHub Container Registry. It also has workflow jobs to deploy the apps to the Cloudflare Pages and the services to the Laravel Forge.


The repository is structured as follows:

  • apps - Contains the Nuxt apps.
  • packages - Contains the packages that will be used by the apps, services and scripts.
  • scripts - Contains the scripts that will be used to manage the repository or other utilities.
  • services - Contains the Laravel services.


To use the template, you need to have the following installed:

GitHub Actions

You need to set the following secrets in the GitHub repository.

Actions secrets and variables

  • CLOUDFLARE_ACCOUNT_ID - The Cloudflare account ID.
  • CLOUDFLARE_API_TOKEN - The Cloudflare API token.
  • CLOUDFLARE_PAGES_PROJECT_NAME_APP_BLOG - The Cloudflare Pages project name for the app-blog.
  • CLOUDFLARE_PAGES_PROJECT_NAME_APP_WEB - The Cloudflare Pages project name for the app-web.
  • DEV_SERVICE_API_LARAVEL_FORGE_TRIGGER_URL - The Laravel Forge trigger URL for the dev environment.
  • STAGE_SERVICE_API_LARAVEL_FORGE_TRIGGER_URL - The Laravel Forge trigger URL for the stage environment.
  • PROD_SERVICE_API_LARAVEL_FORGE_TRIGGER_URL - The Laravel Forge trigger URL for the prod environment.
  • NUXT_UI_PRO_LICENSE - The Nuxt UI Pro license key (opt-out if not using Nuxt UI Pro).
  • NUXT_PUBLIC_FORMKIT_PRO_KEY - The FormKit Pro key (opt-in if using FormKit Pro (search for #NOTE: FORMKIT PRO in the code)).

Dependabot secrets

  • NUXT_UI_PRO_LICENSE - The Nuxt UI Pro license key (opt-out if not using Nuxt UI Pro).
  • NUXT_PUBLIC_FORMKIT_PRO_KEY - The FormKit Pro key (opt-in if using FormKit Pro (search for #NOTE: FORMKIT PRO in the code)).

Cloudflare Pages

You need to create a Cloudflare page per app and set the following environment variables.

  • NUXT_PUBLIC_API_URL - The API URL for the app.
  • NUXT_UI_PRO_LICENSE - The Nuxt UI Pro license key (opt-out if not using Nuxt UI Pro).
  • NUXT_PUBLIC_FORMKIT_PRO_KEY - The FormKit Pro key (opt-in if using FormKit Pro (search for #NOTE: FORMKIT PRO in the code)).
  • NUXT_PUBLIC_TURNSTILE_SITE_KEY - The Turnstile site key for the app.
  • NUXT_TURNSTILE_SECRET_KEY - The Turnstile secret key for the app.
  • NUXT_PUBLIC_APP_NAME - The app name for the app.
  • NUXT_PUBLIC_APP_VERSION - The app version for the app. (should be set by the deployment)
  • NUXT_PUBLIC_BASE_URL - The base URL for the app.

Laravel Forge

You need to create a Laravel Forge site per service and environment. You must set the Web Directory in the settings to the public directory of the service for example services/api/public.

Deploy script

Here is a working custom deploy script for the Laravel Forge site (replace the placeholders with the actual values).

cd /home/{USER_NAME}/{SITE_NAME}
git pull origin $FORGE_SITE_BRANCH
cd services/{SERVICE_NAME}

$FORGE_COMPOSER install --no-dev --no-interaction --prefer-dist --optimize-autoloader

if [ -f artisan ]; then
    $FORGE_PHP artisan migrate --force
    $FORGE_PHP artisan config:cache
    $FORGE_PHP artisan route:cache

    ! $FORGE_PHP artisan octane:status || $FORGE_PHP artisan octane:reload

You also need to manually set the deamon for the Octane server.

command=php8.2 artisan octane:start --no-interaction --server=frankenphp --port={PORT}


To install the template, run the following commands after cloning the repository:

cd saas-template

cp .env.example .env
cp apps/blog/.env.example apps/blog/.env
cp apps/web/.env.example apps/web/.env
cp packages/app-base/.env.example packages/app-base/.env
cp services/api/.env.example services/api/.env

Update the .env files with the actual values and then run the following commands:

pnpm install

cd services/api/
composer install
php artisan key:generate
cd ../..


To develop all apps and packages, run the following command:

pnpm dev


To run all needed services locally, you can use the dev.docker-compose.yml file. You can run the following command to start the services:

docker-compose -f dev.docker-compose.yml up

Below is a list of services you can access via browser.

Service URL Description
adminer http://localhost:8080 Database management tool.
redis-commander http://localhost:8081 Redis management tool.
mailpit http://localhost:8085 A simple SMTP server for development.

Linting and formatting

To lint and format all apps and packages, run the following command:

pnpm lint
pnpm format

And to fix the linting and formatting issues, run the following command:

pnpm lint:fix
pnpm format:fix


Unit tests

To test all apps, packages and services, run the following command:

pnpm test

End-to-end tests

To test all apps, run the following command:

pnpm test:e2e

Update dependencies

Node dependencies

To see all available minor updates for the node dependencies, run the following command:

pnpm taze

To update the node dependencies to the latest minor version, run the following command:

pnpm taze:w
pnpm install

To see all available major updates for the node dependencies, run the following command:

pnpm taze major

To update the node dependencies to the latest major version, run the following command:

pnpm taze:w major
pnpm install

PHP dependencies

To update the PHP dependencies, run the following command:

cd services/api/
composer update --no-scripts
cd ../..



To convert the Font Awesome Pro icons to Iconify icons, you download the Font Awesome Pro icons from the Font Awesome website and extract the zip file and place the fontawesome-pro-\d+\.\d+\.\d+-web directory in the scripts/font-awesome-pro-to-iconify directory.

Then run the following command to generate the Iconify icons:

pnpm generate

After that you can copy the generated icons to the @tituskirch/font-awesome-pro-iconify package. For this you can run the following command:

pnpm copy

After that you can remove the line icons: ['fa6-solid'], from packages/app-base/nuxt.config.ts and uncomment the lines below it. You can also uninstall the package @iconify-json/fa6-solid from @tituskirch/app-base. After that you can mass replace the fa6-solid with fal in the code.



To add a new language to the backend you can run the following command (all available languages can be found here):

cd services/api/
php artisan lang:add {LANGUAGE_CODE}
cd ../..

To update the translations you can run the following command:

cd services/api/
php artisan lang:update
cd ../..


To disable the organization feature, you can set teams to false inside of the services/api/config/permission.php file. You also want to remove the migrations with organization in the name and the migration services/api/database/migrations/2024_05_15_115605_add_is_default_and_is_owner_to_roles_table.php. After that you should be able to user this template with the remaining Organization features. If you want to remove the organization feature completely, you can search the code for Organization and remove the code/files or adjust the code to your needs.