
Symfony bundle which is used to create fake API Sandbox response with annotations

MIT License



SandboxBundle is a Symfony2 Bundle which is mostly used in conditions when you don't want to reach your real controller in a sandbox / testing environment.

For example, if you have a controller which handles some action let's say a purchase, you could use a fake response instead of creating a real purchase request. Only by using annotations and in your sandbox / testing environment the controller will be overriden with the response you choose (in JSON or XML format).

Table of contents


The following instructions outline installation using Composer. If you don't have Composer, you can download it from

  • Run either of the following commands, depending on your environment:
$ composer require "danrevah/sandbox-bundle":"dev-master"    
$ php composer.phar require "danrevah/sandbox-bundle":"dev-master"    

Create a Sandbox environment

  • Copy the file from your project-root-directory/web/app_dev.php into the same directory and call the new file app_sandbox.php.
  • In the file you've just created app_sandbox.php change this line $kernel = new AppKernel('dev', true); to this line $kernel = new AppKernel('sandbox', true);
  • Go to project-root-directory/app/AppKernel.php and change this line if (in_array($this->getEnvironment(), array('dev', 'test'))) to this line `if (in_array($this->getEnvironment(), array('dev', 'test','sandbox'))) ```
  • In the AppKernel.php file after the if case you've just edited, add this if case also:
    if (in_array($this->getEnvironment(), array('sandbox'))) {
        $bundles[] = new danrevah\SandboxBundle\SandboxBundle();
  • Copy the file from project-root-directory/app/config/config_dev.yml and call it config_sandbox.yml.
  • Add this to the end of your config_sandbox.yml:
        force: true
        # Force mode means you won't be able to "fall"
        # to the REAL controller if a Sandbox response is not available.
        # It will produce an error instead.
  • That's it! you can now access your sandbox environment using app_sandbox.php

Single Response Annotation

used in situations when you need a constant response while on sandbox enviorment. the response will always be the same.

     * GET /resource
     * @ApiSandboxResponse(
     *      responseCode=200,
     *      type="json",
     *      parameters={
     *          {"name"="some_parameter", "required"=true}
     *      },
     *      resource="@SandboxBundle/Resources/responses/token.json"
     * )
    public function getAction() {
        return array('foo');
  • responseCode (default = 200) - it's the Http response code of the Sandbox response.
  • type (default = 'json') - you can choose between 'json' and 'xml'.
  • parameters (default = array()) - this is used to validate required parameters in the Sandbox API in order to produce an Exception if the parameter is missing.
  • resource (required) - the real controller will be overwritten by this, in the above example it will ALWAYS return the contents of the token.json instead of the 'foo' from the real getAction(), it won't even go inside.

Multi Response Annotation

used in situations when you need to return different responses depending on the parameters which are being sent.

     * POST /resource
     * @ApiSandboxMultiResponse(
     *      responseCode=200,
     *      type="json",
     *      parameters={
     *          {"name"="some_parameter", "required"=true}
     *      },
     *      responseFallback={
     *          "type"="xml",
     *          "responseCode"=500,
     *          "resource"="@SandboxBundle/Resources/responses/error.xml"
     *      },
     *      multiResponse={
     *          {
     *              "type"="xml",
     *              "resource"="@SandboxBundle/Resources/responses/token.xml",
     *              "caseParams": {"some_parameter"="1", "some_parameter2"="2"}
     *          },
     *          {
     *              "resource"="@SandboxBundle/Resources/responses/token.json",
     *              "caseParams": {"some_parameter"="3", "some_parameter2"="4"}
     *          }
     *      }
     * )
    public function postAction() {
        return array('bar');
  • responseCode (default = 200) - it's the Http response code of the Sandbox response.
  • type (default = 'json') - you can choose between 'json' and 'xml'.
  • parameters (default = array()) - this is used to validate required parameters in the Sandbox API in order to produce an Exception if the parameter is missing.
  • multiResponse (required) - used to find matching parameters from the request and if the values are equal, it returns a response with the resource file mentiond. the parameters type and responseCode inside the multiResponse are not required it will use the parent parameters if none is found inside a matching case.
  • responseFallback (required) - it's using this response when none of the multiResponse caseParams has been matched.