
This plugin contains extensions for using in theme which is created by HocWP Team.


=== Extensions by HocWP Team === Contributors: skylarkcob, hocwp, sauhi Donate link: Tags: hocwp, hocwp theme, extensions Requires at least: 6.5 Tested up to: 6.5 Last Updated: 03/06/2024 Stable tag: 2.6.1 Requires PHP: 7.4 License: GPLv2 or later License URI:

The list of extensions for using in theme which is created by HocWP Team.

== Description ==

SB Core plugin is changed name to Extensions by HocWP Team now. This plugin contains extensions for using in theme which is created by HocWP Team. This plugin only works with theme created by HocWP Team.


Includes many useful extensions for using in theme which is created by HocWP Team. The list of extensions is shown below:

  • Change base slug for custom post type and custom taxonomy.
  • Remove base slug for custom post type and custom taxonomy.
  • Remove category base slug and tag base slug: change /category/ and /tag/ into /.
  • Support WooCommerce plugin.
  • Playing media with JW Player.
  • Remind the programmer to relax after every 25 minutes.


  • English
  • Vietnamese

== Installation ==

Install this plugin from your WordPress site Dashboard or follow these steps below:

  1. Download plugin from WordPress Plugins directory and extract it.
  2. Upload the sb-core folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  3. Activate the Extensions by HocWP Team plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress.
  4. Configure the plugin by going to the AppearanceSettingsExtensions menu that appears in your admin menu.

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

Please visit for more details.

= Where is the settings page for Extensions by HocWP Team? =

Go to Appearance → Settings → Extensions and look for the extension you want to use, just activate it then configure in another tab if needed.

== Screenshots ==

  1. The list extensions for using in theme.
  2. Change or remove base slug for custom post type and taxonomy.

== Changelog == = 2.3.2 =

  • 23/07/2024: Update page login in account extension.
  • 22/07/2024: Update account extension, add register form layout 2 same with the most popular shop site in Vietnam.
  • 20/07/2024: Update account extension, now support page attribute for account shortcode.
  • 31/05/2024: Release version 2.6.0 supports updates.
  • 31/05/2024: Fix development function change localhost url to current domain.
  • 17/05/2024: Show hide Swiper pagination, navigation, scrollbar by settings.
  • 03/05/2024: Now slider will be based on Swiper JS if plugin is loaded.
  • 03/5/2024: Update Slider and Account extensions.
  • 19/01/2024: Update zip folder function.
  • 24/10/2023: Update WooCommerce extension, add setting on-sale percentage.
  • 12/08/2023: Add bulk action for user activity logs table.
  • 24/06/2023: Update development functions.
  • 26/05/2023: Update WooCommerce extension to receive wc_get_template function.
  • 16/05/2023: Add filter to add shortcode dynamically.
  • 15/05/2023: Update WooCommerce extension to find template part from theme first.
  • 13/01/2023: Update default login CSS.
  • 11/06/2022: Fix checking class HOCWP_EXT_Allow_Webp.
  • 05/05/2022: Fix update base slug class.
  • 04/05/2022: Update Base Slug extension.
  • 27/04/2022: Update CAPTCHA functions.
  • 07/04/2022: Now requires WordPress 5.9 and PHP 8 or later.
  • 01/04/2022: Update slider extension.
  • 01/03/2022: Update WooCommerce extension.
  • 26/02/2022: Copy slider shortcode when click on pre code.
  • 19/01/2022: Add user activity logs for Account extension.
  • 19/11/2021: Update WooCommerce extension, allow user apply filter for mini cart.
  • 23/10/2021: Add slider table columns for showing shortcode.
  • 28/08/2021: Hide all other elements on time break page for development.
  • 12/08/2021: Update custom login style for reCaptcha displaying.
  • 12/08/2021: Deprecated Account Kit functions.
  • 29/07/2021: Update Trending extension, add number for query post ids.
  • 21/04/2021: Update slider index error.
  • 25/03/2021: Update for WordPress 5.7, requires at least PHP 7.4.
  • 25/12/2020: Update thumbnail media select on slider extension.
  • 25/11/2020: Require theme core version 6.8.0.
  • 25/11/2020: Change static function to normal function in class HOCWP_Theme and HOCWP_Theme_Utility.
  • 25/11/2020: Add slider extension.
  • 12/11/2020: Fix WooCommerce incompatible with Polylang.
  • 12/11/2020: Skip admin notices action for specific pages.
  • 03/11/2020: Add Allow Webp extension.
  • 12/09/2020: Remove login form language switcher border.
  • 10/08/2020: Add option Only AMP page for ads.
  • 21/06/2020: Update ads extension.
  • 30/05/2020: Update development functions.
  • 26/05/2020: Update media player extension.
  • 24/05/2020: Update anime extension.
  • 17/04/2020: Update VIP Management extension.
  • 17/04/2020: Update Add Post Frontend extension.
  • 28/12/2019: Update development functions to replace localhost URL.
  • 28/12/2019: Update WooCommerce extension.
  • 27/12/2019: Update WooCommerce extension and development functions.
  • 17/12/2019: Update development functions.
  • 02/12/2019: Add params for user custom Google and Facebook login button.
  • 10/09/2019: Update Facebook Account Kit script.
  • 22/08/2019: Add feature make user verify email address and phone number for viewing site.
  • 19/08/2019: Add custom-ajax.php from theme.
  • 19/08/2019: Update for Ads extension can only display on mobile or desktop.
  • 19/08/2019: Add Facebook Account Kit for Account extension. Now user can log in by using phone number or email address.
  • 26/07/2019: Update WooCommerce extension hides tab heading in content by default.
  • 23/07/2019: Change plugin version for skipping update.
  • 08/06/2019: Add WooCommerce supports gallery zoom, lightbox and slider.
  • 26/05/2019: Now plugin requires WordPress 5.0 or higher, PHP 7.0 or higher.
  • 26/05/2019: Update Ads extension, add widget for displaying ads on sidebar.
  • 25/05/2019: Fix pending post count for Add Post Frontend extension.
  • 22/04/2019: Update Media Player extension, now support playing video from Google Video link.
  • 11/04/2019: Allow media player play inline instead of using iframe.
  • 06/04/2019: Update Ads extension and Media Player extension. Now user can put VAST and VPAID ads to JW Player. User can choose player for video playing.
  • 20/03/2019: Add get price filter for extension Classifieds.
  • 08/03/2019: Update Account extension (page login). Update Add Post Frontend extension: Add pending posts count on admin bar, allow to publish pending posts by bulk action.
  • 04/03/2019: Update VIP Management extension.
  • 25/02/2019: Update VIP Management extension and Classifieds extension.
  • 13/02/2019: Update Google Code Prettify extension.
  • 14/01/2019: Add auto-detect ads block and display warning.
  • 10/01/2019: Update development functions.
  • 24/12/2018: Update VIP extension for adding new post.
  • 24/12/2018: Update address field to change maps maker in admin edit post for Add Post Frontend extension.
  • 24/12/2018: Allow filter display ads arguments.
  • 24/12/2018: Hide page content when post added in Add Post Frontend extension.
  • 09/12/2018: Now developer can filter author contact info in VIP Management extension.
  • 09/12/2018: Check image upload first by Javascript in Add Post Frontend extension.
  • 09/12/2018: Force code get meta address first in Add Post Frontend extension.
  • 09/12/2018: Add filter enable/disable price and acreage meta in Add Post Frontend extension.
  • 09/12/2018: Allow user select taxonomies which allow author choose one term in Add Post Frontend extension.
  • 07/12/2018: Update get administrative boundary for Classifieds extension, now It requires theme core version 6.6.1.
  • 07/12/2018: Add some section description for Account extension setting page.
  • 29/11/2018: Update style for frontend account profile page. Update style for add post and vip post from frontend page. Add functions for enable or disable upload post thumbnail, insert media post frontend.
  • 29/11/2018: Add functions for use combobox in add post frontend. Add ajax autocomplete for nonhierarchical taxonomies input. Support query VIP post in RSS Feed.
  • 29/11/2018: Now require theme core version 6.6.0, so please update your theme before use new plugin version.
  • 29/11/2018: Update Anime Episode page attributes.
  • Requires Theme Core version 6.5.8.
  • Update Account extension.
  • Update VIP Management extension.
  • Update Anime extension.
  • Update custom update profile page style.
  • Update redirect to url when users login or signup.
  • Add current password to profile page.
  • Only show vip post added message for vip content.
  • Make account extension loads scripts as priority 99.
  • Check errors before insert post frontend.
  • Check user data errors before registration.

= 2.3.1 =

  • Update VIP Management extension.
  • Update Account extension.
  • Update Add Post Frontend extension.
  • Update Classifieds extension.
  • Update Google Maps extension.

= 2.3.0 =

  • Stop support for PHP version below 5.6.

= 2.2.9 =

  • Fix Account extension.
  • Update Anime extension.
  • Add shortcode supports for Ads extension.

= 2.2.8 =

  • Update Classifieds extension.
  • Add function for creating custom login page.
  • Update Google Maps extension.

= 2.2.7 =

  • Add extension Google Maps.
  • Update extension Account;
  • Update extension Add Post Frontend.
  • Update extension Ads.
  • Update extension Anime.
  • Update extension Classifieds.
  • Update extension Media Player.
  • Update extension VIP Management.

= 2.2.6 =

  • Add function to init SB Core when HocWP Theme not activated.
  • Add Classifieds extension.
  • Update Google Code Prettify extension.

= 2.2.5 =

  • Update Media Player extension.

= 2.2.4 =

  • Update Link Manager extension.

= 2.2.3 =

  • Add function to manage bookmark links.

= 2.2.2 =

  • Add RSS Feed extension for user can customize what post type appears on site feed.

= 2.2.1 =

  • Add Trending extension.
  • Update development functions.

= 2.2.0 =

  • Update Ads extension. Allow third party custom query args.

= 2.1.9 =

  • Update Media Player extension.

= 2.1.8 =

  • Update register taxonomy function.
  • Update check theme and core requirements.

= 2.1.7 =

  • Fix check class and function exists.

= 2.1.6 =

  • Fix bugs.

= 2.1.5 =

  • Fix bugs on theme old version.

= 2.1.4 =

  • Update extension to OOP. Now you can add new extension by declare a class.
  • Allow theme to add custom post types and custom taxonomies.
  • Add Anime extension.
  • Add Media Player extension.
  • Add extension requirements.

= 2.1.3 =

  • Stop direct access plugin files.
  • Require at least PHP version 5.6.
  • Update account extension.
  • Add custom menu to login page.
  • Add language switcher to login page.

= 2.1.2 =

  • Upgrade core.
  • Update Dynamic Sidebar extension.
  • Fix translation.

= 2.1.1 =

  • Change textdomain for translate plugin.
  • Fix error on old themes version.
  • Add more directories for deleting duplicated min file.

= 2.1.0 =

  • Add back compat function for older theme version.
  • Customize style for default login page.

= 2.0.9 =

  • Fix Call to undefined function hocwp_load_all_extensions.

= 2.0.8 =

  • Auto load extension.
  • Add Dynamic Sidebar extension.

= 2.0.7 =

  • Just notify backup once per day.

= 2.0.6 =

  • Update style for WooCommerce site.

= 2.0.5 =

  • Update development functions.

= 2.0.4 =

  • Add ads extension.
  • Add account extension.
  • Add extension for user can create post from front-end.

= 2.0.3 =

  • Update development functions, skip checking work time when activate plugin.

= 2.0.2 =

  • Added countdown function for the remaining break time.

= 2.0.1 =

  • Add functions for WooCommerce plugin.
  • Add Google Code Prettify.
  • Add JW Player.
  • Add functions development.
  • Require theme core version at least 6.1.6.

= 2.0.0 =

  • Change plugin name to Extensions by HocWP Team.
  • Stop supporting for old theme on SB Options code.

= 1.6.8 =

  • Update post_id param for the post thumbnail function.

= 1.6.6 =

  • Update sortable UI
  • Control WP_Query

= 1.6.5 =

  • Update for theme can use old versions with split core plugin and theme.

= 1.6.4 =

  • Small update for check theme support SB Core or not.

= 1.6.3 =

  • Force deactivate all SB Plugins if current theme doesn't support.

= 1.6.2 =

  • Stop using SB Plugins if current theme doesn't support.

= 1.6.1 =

  • Update for Retail Coupon theme
  • Update captcha functions.

= 1.6.0 =

  • Update function for SB Login Page plugin.
  • Update function for SB BIC HealthCare plugin.

= 1.5.9 =

  • Add color picker field.
  • Update core style.
  • Update for Retail theme.

= 1.5.8 =

  • Update function to get current week day and date time.
  • Add function to check WPCF installed.
  • Update select term field.
  • Update for Retail Coupon theme.

= 1.5.7 =

  • Update for game theme.

= 1.5.6 =

  • Update for SB Comment mail message.
  • Add function to get query paged.

= 1.5.5 =

  • Add function to detect duplicate comment.
  • Add function to remove all cuplicate.
  • Add function to update product.

= 1.5.4 =

  • Update missing action.

= 1.5.3 =

  • Hide loading image.
  • Update for SB Banner Widget.

= 1.5.2 =

  • Update for SB Clean.
  • Add ajax loading full screen.

= 1.5.1 =

  • Remove Google reCaptcha.
  • Add new captcha functional.

= 1.5.0 =

  • Add small update for SB Login Page plugin.

= 1.4.9 =

  • Add filter to change mail from name.
  • Re-struct SB Core plugin.

= 1.4.8 =

  • Add function to set cookie via javascript.
  • Add function to stop mouse wheel via javascript.
  • Add media upload with image preview for post meta box.
  • Update editor for post meta box.
  • Add function to check user.
  • Update for SB Login Page plugin.

= 1.4.7 =

  • Add function to get admin email.
  • Add function to create page template from plugin.
  • Add reCaptcha lib to project.

= 1.4.6 =

  • Add select page field.
  • Update function to get all image from string.
  • Update function to change site url.

= 1.4.5 =

  • Update function to replace url from post content.
  • Translate human time diff function to Vietnamese.

= 1.4.4 =

  • Add function to change url in post content.
  • Add screenshots.

= 1.4.3 =

  • Add function to convert string to datetime.
  • Test up to WordPress 4.1
  • Update javascript function to format number.
  • Add function to get child terms.
  • Add functions for support theme sticky posts.

= 1.4.2 =

  • Update function to change breadcrumb separator.

= 1.4.1 =

  • Add function to get user local information.

= 1.4.0 =

  • Add more statistics function.
  • Add function to load visitor counter.

= 1.3.9 =

  • Add function to setcookie.
  • Add function to check cookie is enabled.

= 1.3.8 =

  • Add function to get operating system.
  • Add function to get browser.
  • Add function to get country code.

= 1.3.7 =

  • Add more default php functions.
  • Add meta box field number.
  • Add function to get visitor IP.

= 1.3.6 =

  • Add function to load mobile style for theme.
  • Add function to get current admin post type.
  • Add more default quick tags function.

= 1.3.5 =

  • Add function to load media upload when add new or edit post.
  • Add function to set html for tag.
  • Add function to get shortcodes.

= 1.3.4 =

  • Add function to get all image from string.
  • Add function to remove all image from string.
  • Add function to show media upload buttons.

= 1.3.3 =

  • Add meta box field class.
  • Add more default css.
  • Update media upload button.

= 1.3.2 =

  • Add class meta box field.
  • Add more default css.

= 1.3.1 =

  • Update comment count for post.
  • Update function get domain from email.

= 1.3.0 =

  • Update functions for SBT Globe theme.

= 1.2.9 =

  • Support more utilities functional.

= 1.2.8 =

  • Update function to change term url.
  • Check breadcrumb separator before update.

= 1.2.7 =

  • Update function to change url for term's meta.
  • Add functions to use statistics on website.
  • Add functions to count post temperature.

= 1.2.6 =

  • Update to test all plugins and themes are compatible with SB Core.

= 1.2.5 =

  • Hide SB Core plugin update messages on plugins page.
  • Update new check core functions.

= 1.2.4 =

  • Update function to check thing error.

= 1.2.3 =

  • Integrate Breadcrumb NavXT with theme.
  • Update icons for themes and plugins.

= 1.2.2 =

  • Support function to control utilities on SB Theme.
  • Update sortable list functions.
  • Update media upload with url field.
  • Update new translation for Vietnamese.

= 1.2.1 =

  • Update the functions to show carousel.
  • Add functions to show content with nav pills.
  • Make custom post type and custom taxonomy not show on nav-menus.php page by default.

= 1.2.0 =

  • Update functions for add media button.

= 1.1.9 =

  • Update all fields in SB_Field class.
  • Support for SB Banner Widget.

= 1.1.8 =

  • Update widget fields.
  • Fix SB Options saved.

= 1.1.7 =

  • Split files to each folder by types.
  • Move class SB_Product to theme folder.
  • Update build mail body function.
  • Support term extra fields.

= 1.1.6 =

  • Update list plugins created by SB Team.

= 1.1.5 =

  • Support Shopping theme.
  • Add function to create custom post type and custom taxonomy.
  • Update the functions to create meta box for posts.
  • Update check core function.

= 1.1.4 =

  • Update the function to sanitize input data.
  • Update function to change url after settings changed.
  • Add new setting fields.

= 1.1.3 =

  • Add new class to get post from rss feed.
  • New dashboard icon.

= 1.1.2 =

  • Support for Coupon theme.
  • Check array before extract arguments on SB Field class.

= 1.1.1 =

  • Update function to check array arguments on SB Field class.

= 1.1.0 =

  • Update option field argument.
  • Update get post thumbnail function.
  • Add function to change site url when moving hosting.

= 1.0.9 =

  • Fix function to show warning when user click deactivate SB Core plugin.

= 1.0.8 =

  • New: Support SB Login Page.

= 1.0.7 =

  • Bugs: Fix SB Core admin url.

= 1.0.6 =

  • New: Support SB Banner Widget.

= 1.0.5 =

  • New: Support SB Tab Widget.

= 1.0.4 =

  • New: Update for SBT WAP theme.

= 1.0.3 =

  • New: Support SB Post Widget.

= 1.0.2 =

  • New: Add function to deactive SB Theme after SB Core is deativated.

= 1.0.1 =

  • New: Split core functions to many classes, support SB Comment plugin.

= 1.0.0 =

  • First release of this plugin.

== Upgrade Notice == = 2.2.8 = Please read changelog first before you update this plugin.

= 2.0.0 = This plugin only supports for theme which is created by HocWP Team since version 2.0.0.

== Updates == Updates to the plugin will be posted on and the Extensions by HocWP Team homepage will always link to the newest version.