
Simple scheduling for CMSimple_XH

GPL-3.0 License



Schedule_XH facilitates the coordination of meetings for members (registered through Register_XH or Memberpages of your CMSimple_XH site. It is similar to the Doodle service, but as the appointment dates have no semantic meaning to Schedule_XH, it can be used for other votings as well.


Schedule_XH is a plugin for CMSimple_XH. It requires CMSimple_XH ≥ 1.7.0 and PHP ≥ 7.1.0.


The lastest release is available for download on Github.


The installation is done as with many other CMSimple_XH plugins. See the CMSimple_XH wiki for further details.

  1. Backup the data on your server.
  2. Unzip the distribution on your computer.
  3. Upload the whole directory schedule/ to your server into the plugins/ directory of CMSimple_XH.
  4. Set write permissions to the subdirectories config/, css/, languages/
    and the data directory of the plugin.
  5. Switch to Schedule in the back-end to check if all requirements are


The configuration of the plugin is done as with many other CMSimple_XH plugins in the back-end of the website. Select PluginsSchedule.

You can change the default settings of Schedule_XH under Config. Hints for the options will be displayed when hovering over the help icons with your mouse.

Localization is done under Language. You can translate the character strings to your own language if there is no appropriate language file available, or customize them according to your needs.

The look of Schedule_XH can be customized under Stylesheet.


To set up a planning/voting on a CMSimple_XH page, use the following plugin call:

{{{schedule('%NAME%', %SHOW_TOTALS%, %READ_ONLY%, %MULTI%, '%OPTION_1%', '%OPTION_2%', '%OPTION_N%')}}}

The parameters have the following meaning:

  • %NAME%:
    The name of the event or other voting. This is used as basename of the CSV
    file in which the results are stored, so it may contain lowercase letters (a-z),
    digits (0-9) and dashes (-) only.
    Whether the totals should be displayed: true (means yes) or
    false (means no). It is important to write this parameter without
    quotes. If you want to use the default value from the plugin configuration, you
    can omit this parameter, if you also omit the %READ_ONLY% and the %MULTI%
  • %READ_ONLY%:
    Whether the planner should be read only: true (means yes) or
    false (means no). It is important to write this parameter without
    quotes. If you want to use the default value from the plugin configuration, you
    can omit this parameter, if you also omit the %MULTI% parameter.
  • %MULTI%:
    Whether multiple options may be chosen for a single planner: true
    (means yes) or false (means no). It is important to write this parameter
    without quotes. If you want to use the default value from the plugin
    configuration, simply omit this parameter.
  • %OPTION_X%:
    The name of the option, which will be displayed as heading of the respective
    table column. This is typically a date, but as it has no semantic meaning to
    Schedule_XH, it can actually be any string. Basically you can have as many
    options as you like.

It is not necessary to restrict access to this page to members; if visitors of your site are not logged in, they will just see the current results, without being able to vote. So you can even place the planner in the template:

<?=schedule('%NAME%', %SHOW_TOTALS%, %READ_ONLY%, %MULTI%, '%OPTION_1%', '%OPTION_2%', '%OPTION_N%');?>

However, if you want to restrict the voting to a certain user group or access level, you have to place the planner on a page, which can only be accessed by members with the respective authorization.


To schedule a Christmas staff party:

{{{schedule('christmas', 'Dec. 18th', 'Dec. 19th', 'Dec. 22nd')}}}

After the voting for the party date, you want to keep the planer, so everybody can see the results. In this case you want to set it read only. To use the %READ_ONLY% parameter, you also have to specify the %SHOW_TOTALS% parameter:

{{{schedule('christmas', false, true, 'Dec. 18th', 'Dec. 19th', 'Dec. 22nd')}}}

To set up a voting about the color of the new team shirts, that displays the voting totals below the table regardless of the respective configuration option:

{{{schedule('shirts', true, 'red', 'green', 'blue')}}}


  • You can have as many planners as you like; just give them different
  • You can place the same planner on different pages; just use the same
  • Your members can change their votes as often as they like.
  • You can change the options even after some members have already voted. As
    the votes are assigned to the name of the option (not by position), this should
    work reasonably well.


Report bugs and ask for support either on Github or in the CMSimple_XH Forum.


Schedule_XH is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

Schedule_XH is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantibility or fitness for a particular purpose. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Schedule_XH. If not, see

Copyright © Christoph M. Becker

Slovak translation © Dr. Martin Sereday


The plugin was inspired by Roymcavoy.

The plugin icon is designed by schollidesign. Many thanks for publishing this icon under GPL.

Many thanks to the community at the CMSimple_XH Forum for tips, suggestions and testing. Particularly I want to thank Ele for beta testing and suggesting improvements.

And last but not least many thanks to Peter Harteg, the “father” of CMSimple, and all developers of CMSimple_XH without whom this amazing CMS would not exist.