
Scops Engine - Social Networking Platform


Scops Engine - Social Networking Platform

Current version - 2.0.4

Scops Engine is an innovative social networking website that can be used in your business and serve as a base to create a social networking website for your school, university and etc. It incorporates all the features necessary for comfortable social networking. Make connections with friends, family, customers and acquire new ones by using our dating module and participating in various events. Discover and enjoy music anywhere with our advanced audio player. Share your enjoyable moments with your friends through video and photo sharing.

Demos and Sources


  • Registration

    • Login And Sign Up easy (Now is fast)
    • Fast Ajax Based registration (make profile only with 4 steps)
    • Fast Login (cache based login only with your password our system know your email)
    • Password Reset (if you dont know you password don't worry reset it now)
  • User Profile (Now looks great is different than Facebook)

    • Upload photo and cover easy with one click
    • Friends Section (your friends)
    • Photos Section (your latest uploaded photos)
    • Groups Section (in how much group you are)
    • Profile Information (when you are born , how old are you etc
    • Wall and News (Of course we do not miss it to add a powerful wall for your social network you can expand more than 70 urls any of which YouTube, VIMEO , INSTAGRAM , SOUNDCLOUD etc..
  • Settings Manage Everything

    • Profile Settings (update your profile)
    • Groups Settings (manage groups settings)
    • Change Profile name (you can change aways your name)
    • Change profile password (change your password if you want new)
    • Black List (add members to black list if you not want they to view your profile
    • Delete your profile forever (our system will delete all your history , images , files and etc.. dont wory we are not information collectors
    • Closed Profile (Great function yes ? with this function you can be calm from intruders)
  • News Feed Comfort is important

    • Great Grid based design of our news feed comfort is important
    • Follow the news of groups , friends and much more
  • Request Real Notification

    • Group Request (you will get invites from group in this section)
    • Friends Request (The peoples who wants to be your friends will give you a friend request you can view it on the Friends Requests)
  • Notifications

    • Likes ( you will get notification when someone like your post , photo , video etc..
    • Shares (you will get notification when someone share your post to his wall)
    • Dislikes (you will get notification when someone dislike your post , photo , video etc
  • Music The Music Is life

    • Ajax based music player (when you browse on the website the music will not stop)
    • Playlist (collect your favorite songs and play it fast when you want)
  • Guests There are no secrets

    • Guests (with this function you can view all users who have visited your profile)
    • Enable/Disable (you can easy enable or disable this function if you dont like it
  • Entertainment

  • Games Because we will kill boredom

    • My Games (the games when you have played)
    • Games Section
  • Dating Meet With your love

    • Like (like photos of participants in dating section)
    • Wink (Wink to your future love)
  • Ask Like

    • Ask questions (you can ask Antonym questions)
  • Who is online

    • This feature allows you to check who is online in the network
  • Top 50

    • Top 50 function (here you will see the top 50 members in the website based on rating system)
  • #Hashtags

    • #Hashtags (Incredible #hashtags search engine ajax based just enter a word and you will get information of it if exits )
  • Search

    • Ajax based search engine allows you to search members and groups (you can filter the search engine with function members online , male , female,etc)
  • Chat is more than real

    • Send images , videos, audios (our chat provide you a possibility to send media to your friends using the chat)
    • Chat History (here you can view all chats history)
    • Drag able (move your chat and paste it wherever you want)
  • Sticker Store (For The chat)

    • Sticker Store (our sticker store is very completed add or remove stickers from our stickers store)
  • Wall Because its convenient

    • Attach photos (share photos with friends)
    • Share links (Share links with friends
    • Attach post (attach you important post of the top of your wall)
    • Like (like your friends of yourself posts)
    • Dislike (dislike your friends of yourself posts)
    • Powerful expand url system (you can expand more than 70 URLs any of which YouTube, VIMEO , INSTAGRAM , SOUNDCLOUD etc..)
    • Delete posts (you can remove stories from your wall if you not like it)
    • Pop up wall (like a twitter or vk )
  • Videos

    • Upload videos
    • Like and comment videos
    • Video feed
    • Video Album
  • Groups

    • Groups (create groups and promote your brand)
    • Groups settings (manage your group settings like the profile settings)
    • Post stories on the group wall (wall for the groups here you can share with your
    • Group Photos (you can upload in your group photos )
    • Moderators (add or remove moderators from your group)
    • Invite friends (here you can invite friends to be followers to your group)
  • Events

    • Create event (you can create event from the system calendar
    • Invite friend (invite friends to your event)
  • Admin panel

    • Manage everything written above in one place easily and quickly


  • v: 2.0.41 Date: February 17, 2017

    • Error corrections
    • German language bug
    • Uploading new image bug
    • Themes bug
    • Connection bug
  • v: 2.0.4 Date: February 1, 2017

    • Ads manager
    • Verified badges
    • Post editing
    • Fixed bug ( Empty email )
    • Automatic installation added ( Now you can easily install Scops )
    • And much more
  • v: 2.0.3 Date: January 11,2017

    • Geolocation added
    • User is available to react to a comment( Like/Dislike )
    • New language pack added( German )
    • Bug fixes
  • v: 2.0.1 Date: December 20,2016

    • Added 3 New themes
    • Added new settings tab
    • Added Video call (works only with SSL chertificate)
    • Added metetions
    • Added news feed filter by news (audio , video , friends , groups , photos and only text)
    • Added only follow like facebook and (follow and add to friends)
    • Added 5 languages (Russian , English , Armenian , Francis , Bulgarian)
    • Added new design on the games + categories section now you can play and enjoy fully
    • Added new modal box profile and page (group) for the info button.
    • New URL Expander
    • New modal box with users who like this
    • New modal box with users who dislike this
    • Added change the current theme from profile setings
    • Added change url of the profile from profile settings
    • Added show me or no in the datting section
    • Fixed issue with the voice control website , now is more easy to control the website only with voice
    • All ajax requests are updated for more speed for the website
    • User Interface Improvements
    • Fixed admin send to all users push notification issues
    • Fixed security issues
    • Fixed security issues with the admin panel
    • Fixed issues with audio player
    • Fixed: All know issues