
A small package that will convert Markdown files with YAML frontmatter into a list of blog item objects.


Markdown Blog

This is a Markdown-based blog module, one that does just the basics of converting a series of, minimalist, Markdown files with Yaml front-matter into an array of BlogArticle entities. These entities can be used to provide a list of blog articles, or to render a given article.


Use standalone

The code can be used standalone or as part of code in larger, likely framework-based, setup.

If you want to use the code standalone, you need to first create a series of Markdown files that have YAML front-matter. Then, you can use the code below as a starting point, to convert the Markdown files into BlogArticle entities, which you can then paginate over or render individually using the templating engine of choice (if you are using one).

require_once '../vendor/autoload.php';

$itemLister = new \MarkdownBlog\Items\Adapter\ItemListerFilesystem(
    __DIR__ . '/../data/posts',
    new \Mni\FrontYAML\Parser()

/** @var \MarkdownBlog\Entity\BlogArticle $item */
$items = $itemLister->getArticles();

Use as part of a framework

If you are using the code as part of a framework, ideally one that implements PSR-11, such as Mezzio, then you can take a slightly different approach.

In this case, first add a configuration entry to your application's configuration that has the following structure.

use Mni\FrontYAML\Parser;

return [
    'blog' => [
        'type' => 'filesystem',
        'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../data/posts',
        'parser' => new Parser(),

Then, in your DI container, add an entry where the key is ItemListerInterface::class and the value is ItemListerFactory. The example below shows how to do this when using Mezzio.

'factories'  => [
    \MarkdownBlog\Items\ItemListerInterface::class => \MarkdownBlog\Items\ItemListerFactory::class,

This will then instantiate an ItemListerInterface object, based on your configuration and make it available to your application, when retrieved.

Then, use it as in the standalone version above, such as in the example below.

/** @var \MarkdownBlog\Entity\BlogArticle $item */
$items = $itemLister->getArticles();