
Core classes for Super User and others (for use as submodule)

GPL-3.0 License


Super User Core Build Status

Core classes for Super User and others (for use as submodule)

A collection of classes for common PHP tasks such as:

  • Database queries (using PDO)
  • Creating JSON encoded responses to XMLHttp requests
  • Handling $_SESSIONs & $_COOKIEs
  • Parsing a variety of file MIME types
  • Managing logins
  • Logging PHP errors
  • etc.

Installation instructions

There are a variety of ways to include these classes in your project, such as downloading them as in an archived format and extracting them where desired, directly cloning into your project, or adding as a submodule in your projects repository.

To add as a submodule:

  • Copy the repository URI or for it and copy the URI of your fork
  • cd into your project directory
  • git submodule add {repository URI} {path/to/destination}
  • Note that submodules are not updated in a regular git pull
  • To pull updates in submodules, use git submodule update


Super User Core classes are designed to be easy to use with PHP's built-in auto-loading

  • Make sure that the parent directory is in your include_path
  • set_include_path({core_parent_directory} . PATH_SEPARATOR . get_include_path());
  • Configure file extensions to use
  • spl_autoload_extensions('.class.php');
  • Set the auto-loader
  • spl_autoload_register();
  • Create a new instance of a class including path/namespace
  • $my_class = new \shgysk8zer0\Core\my_class($args)
  • Or $my_class = \shgysk8zer0\Core\my_class::static_method($args)


If installed as a submodule in Git, updating is relatively easy

  • To update to the latest version: git submodule update --remote
  • To update to the version in your repository:
  • git pull to pull changes from your repository
  • git submodule update to checkout the commit used in the project's repository

Git treats submodules as single files, and submodules have a DETACHED HEAD unless you checkout a branch


Report a bug or request a feature

Issues may be reported on GitHub via my Issues Page

Create a pull request

Pull requests can be made either on GitHub or via email For best results, you should fork this repo and add the main repo as a remote git remote add shgysk8zer0 git://

  • Create a Pull Request on GitHub
  • To send a pull request via email:
  • Email me the output of git request-pull shgysk8zer0/master origin > {path/to/destination.diff}
  • Or send me a patch (along with a pull-request or diff)
  • git format-patch -o {/path/to/patches} shgysk8zer0/master


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