
A silex service provider that provides tools for doing HTTP content negotiation.

MIT License



The silex-conneg-provider is a silex service provider that provides tools for doing HTTP Content Negotiation in your application. It allows you to declare which request and response formats your application can handle. If the client requests a response in a format your application does not support, they will get a 406 Not Acceptable response. If the client sends a request body in a format your application does not support, they will get a 415 Unsupported Media Type response. There is also a service to make it easy to automatically serialize responses and deserialize requests using JMS Serialzier or Symfony Serializer.


Install the silex-conneg-provider using composer. This project uses sematic versioning.

    "require": {
        "jdesrosiers/silex-conneg-provider": "~1.0"


Content Negotiation

  • conneg.responseFormats: (array) Array of supported response formats. Defaults to array("html")
  • conneg.requestFormats: (array) Array of supported request formats. Defaults to array("form")


  • conneg.defaultFormat: (string) Defaults to html
  • conneg.serializationContext: (JMS\Serializer\SerializationContext or array). Optional.
  • conneg.deserializationContext: (JMS\Serializer\DeserializationContext or array). Optional.


  • conneg: Provides an object with two methods: createResponse and deserializeRequest. This service is only
    available if you have a serializer service installed.
  • createResponse: This works just like Respose::create, but takes an object instead of a string and serializes it
    to the desired format. The format is determined by the middleware this service provider includes.
  • deserializeRequest: Pass it a class name and it will deserialize the request entity and give you back an instance
    of that class.


$app->register(new JDesrosiers\Silex\Provider\ContentNegotiationServiceProvider(), array(
    "conneg.responseFormats" => array("json", "xml"),
    "conneg.requestFormats" => array("json", "xml"),
    "conneg.defaultFormat" => "json",


The service provider adds middleware that does all of the content negotiation header validation automatically and responds appropriately when the request can not be handled. You can get the response format determined by the middleware using the Request::getRequestFormat method.


Serailizer Usage

The conneg service provides some helper functions for automatically serailizing responses and deserializing requests. This functionality is available if you have an instance of either the JMS Serialzier or the Symfony Serializer accessible at $app["serializer"]. You can get the JMS Serializer from the jdesrosiers/silex-jms-serializer-provider or the Symfony Serializer from the silex built-in SerializerServiceProvider.

$app->post("/foo", function (Request $request) use ($app) {
    // deserializeRequest takes the class name of a JMS Serializer annotated class and will deserialize
    // the request entity and give you back an instance of that class.
    $requestData = $app["conneg"]->deserializeRequest("FooRequest");

    $response = Foo::create($requestData);

    // createResponse works just like Respose::create, but takes a JMS Serializer annotated object
    // instead of a string and serializes it to the format the user requested.
    return $app["conneg"]->createResponse($response, 201, array(
        "Location" => "/foo/1234",