
Parse and retrieve data from Excel XLSx files

MIT License


SimpleXLSX class (Official)

Parse and retrieve data from Excel XLSx files. MS Excel 2007 workbooks PHP reader. No addiditional extensions need (internal unzip + standart SimpleXML parser).

See also: SimpleXLS old format MS Excel 97 php reader. SimpleXLSXGen xlsx php writer.

Hey, bro, please the package for my motivation :) and donate for more motivation!

Sergey Shuchkin [email protected]

Basic Usage

use Shuchkin\SimpleXLSX;

if ( $xlsx = SimpleXLSX::parse('book.xlsx') ) {
    print_r( $xlsx->rows() );
} else {
    echo SimpleXLSX::parseError();
    [0] => Array
            [0] => ISBN
            [1] => title
            [2] => author
            [3] => publisher
            [4] => ctry

    [1] => Array
            [0] => 618260307
            [1] => The Hobbit
            [2] => J. R. R. Tolkien
            [3] => Houghton Mifflin
            [4] => USA



The recommended way to install this library is through Composer. New to Composer?

This will install the latest supported version:

$ composer require shuchkin/simplexlsx

or download PHP 5.5+ class here

Basic methods

// open
SimpleXLSX::parse( $filename, $is_data = false, $debug = false ): SimpleXLSX (or false)
SimpleXLSX::parseFile( $filename, $debug = false ): SimpleXLSX (or false)
SimpleXLSX::parseData( $data, $debug = false ): SimpleXLSX (or false)
// simple
$xlsx->rows($worksheetIndex = 0, $limit = 0): array
$xlsx->readRows($worksheetIndex = 0, $limit = 0): Generator - helps read huge xlsx
$xlsx->toHTML($worksheetIndex = 0, $limit = 0): string
// extended
$xlsx->rowsEx($worksheetIndex = 0, $limit = 0): array
$xlsx->readRowsEx($worksheetIndex = 0, $limit = 0): Generator - helps read huge xlsx with styles
$xlsx->toHTMLEx($worksheetIndex = 0, $limit = 0): string
// meta
$xlsx->dimension($worksheetIndex):array [num_cols, num_rows]
$xlsx->sheetMeta($worksheetIndex = null):array sheets metadata (null = all sheets)


XLSX to html table

echo SimpleXLSX::parse('book.xlsx')->toHTML();


if ( $xlsx = SimpleXLSX::parse('book.xlsx') ) {
	echo '<table border="1" cellpadding="3" style="border-collapse: collapse">';
	foreach( $xlsx->rows() as $r ) {
		echo '<tr><td>'.implode('</td><td>', $r ).'</td></tr>';
	echo '</table>';
} else {
	echo SimpleXLSX::parseError();

or styled html table

if ( $xlsx = SimpleXLSX::parse('book_styled.xlsx') ) {
    echo $xlsx->toHTMLEx();

XLSX read huge file, xlsx to csv

if ( $xlsx = SimpleXLSX::parse( 'xlsx/books.xlsx' ) ) {
    $f = fopen('book.csv', 'wb');
    // fwrite($f, chr(0xEF) . chr(0xBB) . chr(0xBF)); // UTF-8 BOM
    foreach ( $xlsx->readRows() as $r ) {
        fputcsv($f, $r); // fputcsv($f, $r, ';', '"', "\\", "\r\n");
} else {
    echo SimpleXLSX::parseError();

XLSX get sheet names and sheet indexes

// Sheet numeration started 0

if ( $xlsx = SimpleXLSX::parse( 'xlsx/books.xlsx' ) ) {
    print_r( $xlsx->sheetNames() );
    print_r( $xlsx->sheetName( $xlsx->activeSheet ) );

    [0] => Sheet1
    [1] => Sheet2
    [2] => Sheet3

Using rowsEx() to extract cell info

$xlsx = SimpleXLSX::parse('book.xlsx');
print_r( $xlsx->rowsEx() );

    [0] => Array
            [0] => Array
                    [type] => s
                    [name] => A1
                    [value] => ISBN
                    [href] => 
                    [f] => 
                    [format] => 
                    [s] => 0
                    [css] => color: #000000;font-family: Calibri;font-size: 17px;
                    [r] => 1
                    [hidden] =>
                    [width] => 13.7109375
                    [height] => 0
                    [comment] =>
            [1] => Array
                    [type] => 
                    [name] => B1
                    [value] => 2016-04-12 13:41:00
                    [href] => Sheet1!A1
                    [f] => 
                    [format] => m/d/yy h:mm
                    [s] => 0
                    [css] => color: #000000;font-family: Calibri;font-size: 17px;            
                    [r] => 2
                    [hidden] => 1
                    [width] => 16.5703125
                    [height] => 0
                    [comment] => Serg: See transaction history   

Select Sheet

$xlsx = SimpleXLSX::parse('book.xlsx');
// Sheet numeration started 0, we select second worksheet
foreach( $xlsx->rows(1) as $r ) {
// ...

Get sheet by index

$xlsx = SimpleXLSX::parse('book.xlsx');	
echo 'Sheet Name 2 = '.$xlsx->sheetName(1);

XLSX::parse remote data

if ( $xlsx = SimpleXLSX::parse('' ) ) {
	$dim = $xlsx->dimension(1); // don't trust dimension extracted from xml
	$num_cols = $dim[0];
	$num_rows = $dim[1];
	echo $xlsx->sheetName(1).':'.$num_cols.'x'.$num_rows;
} else {
	echo SimpleXLSX::parseError();

XLSX::parse memory data

// For instance $data is a data from database or cache    
if ( $xlsx = SimpleXLSX::parseData( $data ) ) {
	print_r( $xlsx->rows() );
} else {
	echo SimpleXLSX::parseError();

Get Cell (slow)

echo $xlsx->getCell(0, 'B2'); // The Hobbit

DateTime helpers

// default SimpleXLSX datetime format is YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS (ISO, MySQL)
echo $xlsx->getCell(0,'C2'); // 2016-04-12 13:41:00

// custom datetime format
$xlsx->setDateTimeFormat('d.m.Y H:i');
echo $xlsx->getCell(0,'C2'); // 12.04.2016 13:41

// unixstamp
$ts = $xlsx->getCell(0,'C2'); // 1460468460
echo gmdate('Y-m-d', $ts); // 2016-04-12
echo gmdate('H:i:s', $ts); // 13:41:00

// raw excel value
$xlsx->setDateTimeFormat( NULL ); // returns as excel datetime
$xd = $xlsx->getCell(0,'C2'); // 42472.570138889
echo gmdate('m/d/Y', $xlsx->unixstamp( $xd )); // 04/12/2016
echo gmdate('H:i:s', $xlsx->unixstamp( $xd )); // 13:41:00 

Rows with header values as keys

if ( $xlsx = SimpleXLSX::parse('books.xlsx')) {
    // Produce array keys from the array values of 1st array element
    $header_values = $rows = [];
    foreach ( $xlsx->rows() as $k => $r ) {
        if ( $k === 0 ) {
            $header_values = $r;
        $rows[] = array_combine( $header_values, $r );
    print_r( $rows );
    [0] => Array
            [ISBN] => 618260307
            [title] => The Hobbit
            [author] => J. R. R. Tolkien
            [publisher] => Houghton Mifflin
            [ctry] => USA
    [1] => Array
            [ISBN] => 908606664
            [title] => Slinky Malinki
            [author] => Lynley Dodd
            [publisher] => Mallinson Rendel
            [ctry] => NZ


use Shuchkin\SimpleXLSX;

ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL );
ini_set('display_errors', 1 );

if ( $xlsx = SimpleXLSX::parseFile('books.xlsx', true ) ) {
    echo $xlsx->toHTML();
} else {
    echo SimpleXLSX::parseError();

Classic OOP style

use SimpleXLSX;

$xlsx = new SimpleXLSX('books.xlsx'); // try...catch
if ( $xlsx->success() ) {
    foreach( $xlsx->rows() as $r ) {
        // ...
} else {
    echo 'xlsx error: '.$xlsx->error();

More examples here

Error Codes

SimpleXLSX::ParseErrno(), $xlsx->errno()