
Add to a Spotify playlist all songs posted in a slack channel.

MIT License


Slack to Spotify

Add to a Spotify playlist all songs posted in a slack channel.


This project is as simple as possible. Just one file. No dependency. You can host it anywhere.

Spotify auth

Spotify auth is very painful for such application!

We need a real application that run on internet... or we can fake it

Initial setup

  1. Create a new app;
  2. Edit this app;
  3. Set the redirect URI that point to a service you can trust (you don't need to have access to this server, this is just a hack). We will refer to this value with REDIRECT_URL.

oAuth Dance

Then we will simulate the oAuth dance by hand.

Edit the following URL with your CLIENT_ID and REDIRECT_URL, then open it in your browser to get the CODE.

Note: The playlist must be public. If not, please adapt the scope to your need.

For example:

Then accept Spotify Conditions and Application Permissions. Then and you should hit an URL similar to:


For example:

Extract the CODE from the URL. Once you get it, you can use it to get the token and the refresh token:

curl -X POST -u CLIENT_ID:CLIENT_SECRET -d code=CODE -d grant_type=authorization_code -d redirect_uri=REDIRECT_URL

For example:

curl -X POST -u 81cb20b1d11f45d6babacba97c66a303:this-is-secret -d code=AQCW4dtKP2p51JrnFJEPzXeD2wE1SchGp2fNfdi-LvOkyGVt8WwrMG9W8-CC5Tj004cAmYzsqYtbwRPjG0z5yh8iYE-JrFxkpQmDAGQyN5OOqFFS7B4aYtD3w3sakrpP2b2FxnnE-mYtwhv270VdaTDZ_6JVQYjRCg8McPhUJyHzxWWjL0N2HUjfN4eMV9hDSzUpYIo1uQCUjnKLaKl2v6ZrUs_oUCl4I_GY76_tsKzEz37Vx4BkSQ -d grant_type=authorization_code -d redirect_uri=

You should get something similar to:

  "access_token": "BQC2K3L.....XXX0Ou",
  "token_type": "Bearer",
  "expires_in": 3600,
  "refresh_token": "AQDEoH5NHTTo_....2dINcnHHU",
  "scope": "playlist-modify-public"

Here we go! we have a refresh_token. We will use it to get a new token each time we need to talk to Spotify.

Slack configuration

Initial setup

  1. Create a new application;
  2. Enable Event Subscription;
  3. Add "App unfurl domains" on links;
  4. Install the app in the workspace;
  5. Invite the bot in the channel /invite @BOT_NAME.

See the manifest.json for the app configuration.

Application configuration

cp .env.dist .env
# edit the file

Then configure your web server to use theses environnement variable. If you can not, you can edit the index.php and set the variables directly in it.


Run the local server:

export $(egrep -v '^#' .env | xargs)
php -d variables_order=EGPCS -S

Start ngrok:

ngrok http 9999