
The lib allows to check your environment easy and allows to test and build your environment in one action


Hat Environment

The lib allows to check your environment easy and allows to test and build your environment in one action


    slava$ bin/environment
    [SKIP]      --default
    [SKIP]      --dev
    [OK]        environment.ini

    [OK]        --default
    [SKIP]      ubuntu
    [OK]        osx
    [FAIL]      php version
                    definition : php version
                    properties :
                      command : php -v
                      version : 5.4.0
                    options :
                      name : php version
                      class : Hat\Environment\Tester\CommandVersion
                    result :
                      command : php -v
                      version : 5.4.0
                      regex : /(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)/
                      output : PHP 5.3.18 (cli) (built: Nov 24 2012 14:53:21)Copyright (c) 1997-2012 The PHP Gr...
    [OK]        nodejs installed
    [FAIL]      nodejs version
                    definition : nodejs version
                    properties :
                      command : node -v
                      version : 0.8.16
                    options :
                      name : nodejs version
                      class : Hat\Environment\Tester\CommandVersion
                      depends : nodejs installed
                    result :
                      command : node -v
                      version : 0.8.16
                      regex : /(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)/
                      output : v0.8.14
    [OK]        mysql installed
    [OK]        mysql version
    [OK]        beanstalk installed
    [OK]        beanstalk version
    [OK]        less installed
    [OK]        less version
    [OK]        mongo installed
    [OK]        mongo version
    [OK]        phpunit installed
    [OK]        phpunit version
    [FAIL]      beanstalk is working
                    definition : beanstalk is working
                    properties :
                      process : beanstalkd
                    options :
                      name : beanstalk is working
                      class : Hat\Environment\Tester\Process
                      depends : beanstalk installed
                    result :
                      process : beanstalkd
                      command : ps -ef
                      output :   UID   PID  PPID   C STIME   TTY           TIME CMD    0     1     0   0 10:15A...
    [FAIL]      mysql is working
                    definition : mysql is working
                    properties :
                      process : mysqld
                    options :
                      name : mysql is working
                      class : Hat\Environment\Tester\Process
                      depends : mysql installed
                    result :
                      process : mysqld
                      command : ps -ef
                      output :   UID   PID  PPID   C STIME   TTY           TIME CMD    0     1     0   0 10:15A...
    [FAIL]      mongodb is working
                    definition : mongodb is working
                    properties :
                      process : mongod
                    options :
                      name : mongodb is working
                      class : Hat\Environment\Tester\Process
                    result :
                      process : mongod
                      command : ps -ef
                      output :   UID   PID  PPID   C STIME   TTY           TIME CMD    0     1     0   0 10:15A...
    [OK]        http server is working
    [OK]        PHP PDO extension
    [OK]        PHP MB extension
    [FAIL]      PHP.ini short_open_tag is empty
                    definition : PHP.ini short_open_tag is empty
                    properties :
                      option : short_open_tag
                      expected : 0
                    options :
                      name : PHP.ini short_open_tag is empty
                      class : Hat\Environment\Tester\PhpIni
                    result :
                      option : short_open_tag
                      expected : 0
                      output :
    [OK]        PHP.ini date.timezone is not empty
    [FAIL]      app cache is writable
                    definition : app cache is writable
                    properties :
                      path : app/cache
                    options :
                      name : app cache is writable
                      class : Hat\Environment\Tester\IsWritable
                    result :
                      path : app/cache
    [OK]        ebadmin cache is writable
    [OK]        app logs is writable
    [OK]        ebadmin logs is writable
    [FAIL]      osx
    [FAIL]      --default
    [SKIP]      --dev
    [FAIL]      environment.ini

Install via Composer

curl -s https://getcomposer.org/installer | php

subl composer.json

        "require": {
            "hat/environment": "dev-master"

php composer.phar install

you can test default profile

environment.ini should be in the root of your project you can see example vendor/hat/environment/environment.ini

Package Rankings
Top 13.68% on Packagist.org