
Example project showing how to run a Slim framework based PHP app in Docker locally & on Heroku incl. connection to MariaDB

MIT License



Example project showing how to run a Slim framework based PHP app in Docker locally & on Heroku incl. connection to MariaDB


Install the PHP dependency management solution composer:

brew install composer

Install a PHP interpreter (see As PHP uses an interpreter, that is triggered by a webserver (see LAMP stack), it could be tedious to install the myriad of tools on your local machine. Also alternatives like XAMPP seem quite dusty.

So why not use Docker as the interpreter/webserver runtime? As you may already noticed, a docker-compose.yml is present in the root of the project. Start it with

docker-compose up -d

If you have IntelliJ and want to run PHP Unit tests, install the PHP Docker plugin. Then be sure to configure a remote PHP interpreter according to the docs. Therefore head over to Preferences/Languages & Frameworks / PHP:

and configure your Docker Environment and finally the concrete Docker-Compose image:

PHP without a clue - how to start

I have to admit, I've never done PHP before. But my students have to, so I need to know what they are talking about. Let's choose a decent PHP webframework like Slim, which look really nice and easy to start with!

Let's start with PHP and Slim by creating a new app with the help of a skeleton:

php composer.phar create-project slim/slim-skeleton slim-php-docker-heroku-mariadb

Now slim skeleton prepares everything for us: TravisCI config, Docker Compose file, coveralls configuration, composer files, phpunit configuration, tests and application code... Wow!

To run the application in development, you can run these commands

composer start

# Or you can use `docker-compose`:
docker-compose up -d

After that, open http://localhost:8080 in your browser:

Run the test suite locally:

composer test

Run PHP build with composer on TravisCI

This one is simple, since the Slim skeleton generates us most of the Travis config already. Just activate the build settings on Travis for this project at and have a look into the [.travis.yml] (.travis.yml):

language: php

dist: trusty

  - php: 7.1
  - php: 7.2
  - php: 7.3
  - php: nightly

  - php: nightly

- composer require php-coveralls/php-coveralls:^2.1.0
- composer install -n

- vendor/bin/phpunit --coverage-clover clover.xml

- vendor/bin/php-coveralls --coverage_clover=clover.xml -v

This will create 3 parallel Travis builds - where all of them install all dependencies with composer and run the phpunit tests. Also a converalls report will be created.

Run Slim PHP on Heroku

Having a look at, this should be also simple!

First add a Profile:

web: vendor/bin/heroku-php-apache2 public/

Here we can choose from 2 possible webservers: heroku-php-apache2 or heroku-php-nginx.

Since Slim serves the HTML/CSS/JavaScript from the public directory, we need to set it as a document root.

Now assuming you already created your Heroku account and installed heroku CLI (e.g. via brew install heroku), let's create a Heroku PHP app (if you want to specify a name, heroku create is not enough):

heroku apps:create slim-php-docker-heroku-mariadb

With that a Heroku app is already created:

Now to create a working deploy pipeline, we simply need to connect our Heroku app to our GitHub repository like this:

and also configure Automatic Deploys with the Wait for CI to pass before deploy checkbox enabled, so that Heroku will automatically deploy our Slim PHP app every time, we push to our GitHub repository - and all Travis build succeeded.

With that our app should already be running on Heroku - just have a look at

Add Docker Compose MariaDB

As we already know, we could also start our Slim PHP application via docker-compose up -d, which is configured through the docker-compose.yml:

version: '3.7'

        image: php:7-alpine
        working_dir: /var/www
        command: php -S -t public
            - DB_HOSTNAME=mariadb
            - DB_DATABASE=slim_php
            - DB_USERNAME=slim
            - DB_PASSWORD=changeme
            - mariadb
            - 8080:8080
            - slim-php-network
            - .:/var/www
            - logs:/var/www/logs
        image: mariadb:10.4.10-bionic
            MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: changeme
            MYSQL_DATABASE: slim_php
            MYSQL_USER: slim
            MYSQL_PASSWORD: changeme
            - "3306:3306"
            - slim-php-network
        restart: on-failure
            - ./mariadb:/var/lib/mysql
            # All scripts in docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/ are automatically
            # executed during container startup
            - ./database/db.sql:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/db.sql


        driver: local

As database data will be placed inside the current directories's /mariadb, make sure to add /mariadb to your .gitignore.

Now get yourself an Database client like one of those, for me I took DBVisualizer and installed it with brew cask install dbvisualizer. Then use the credentials from the docker-compose.yml and connect your DB client to our Dockerized MariaDB:

If you want to have a look into our freshly created database slim_php and the table students, just do it:

Use the Dockerized MariaDB from Slim PHP


Add Heroku MariaDB


Extracted from project README
License renovateenabled Deployed on Heroku
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