
Friendly date time helper library

MIT License


Friendly human readable dates ("5 years ago")!

This extension provides one simple thing: takes dates and gives you friendly "2 hours ago" (plural) or "in one minute" (singular) messages.


composer require ssch/t3-human-readable-time


In Fluid:

{namespace time=Ssch\T3HumanReadableTime\ViewHelpers}
<time:humanReadableTime from="{from}" to="{to}" />

Note: It works alos for dates in the future, too.

Everywhere else

You can also use it everywhere else i.e. in your Services or Controllers:

use Ssch\T3HumanReadableTime\Contract\DateTimeFormatterInterface;

public function __construct(private readonly DateTimeFormatterInterface $dateTimeFormatter)

public function yourAction()
    $someDate = new \DateTimeImmutable('2023-06-15');
    $now = new \DateTimeImmutable();

    $agoTime = $this->dateTimeFormatter->formatDiff($someDate, $now);

Controlling the locale

The extension will automatically use the current locale when translating the messages like in the famous f:translate ViewHelper. However, you can override the languageKey:

{namespace time=Ssch\T3HumanReadableTime\ViewHelpers}
<time:humanReadableTime from="{from}" to="{to}" languageKey="de" />


This extension is heavily inspired and copied from KnpTimeBundle