
Get desktop push notification for new articles

MIT License


Receive instant push notification for new articles on your Tiny Tiny RSS instance.

  1. Which articles get pushed are entirely configurable.
  2. Click to open the article, and it will mark it as read on Tiny Tiny RSS.

Supported browsers

I have not tested all of them, but it should work for:

  1. Chrome 50+
  2. Firefox
  3. Microsoft Edge 17+

IE and Safari are explicitly not supported. Other Chromium/Blink-based browsers might support it.

Runtime requirements

We recommend PHP 7+, while PHP 5.6 might still work. You need the following dependencies, in addition to what Tiny Tiny RSS already requires:

  1. curl
  2. openssl
  3. gmp


The module works only with MySQL/MariaDB database. It does not work with the default PostgreSQL database.

How to use

  1. Ensure you have all the runtime requirements stated above. If not, install them.
  2. Download the latest release here (
  3. Go to Tiny Tiny RSS plugins.local folder, create folder named pusher and extract into it your
  4. It is a system plugin, therefore you need to turn it on in the config.php file. The plugin's name is pusher (plugin files must be in the folder with this exactly name)
  5. In user preference, create a filter that triggers this plugin to send push notifications
  6. In order to display HTTP images, you need to turn on af_proxy_http plugin


On Windows

Dev dependencies

In order to build the project, you need:

  1. PHP 7+
  2. NodeJS LTS
  3. Yarn


Licensed under MIT.