
🔖 XML source for cuyz/valinor

GPL-3.0 License


XML source for cuyz/valinor

A Composer library that provides an additional XML source for use with the popular cuyz/valinor library. This allows to easily map XML files or contents to any signature supported by Valinor, e.g. objects or special array shapes. It leverages the mtownsend/xml-to-array library to convert raw XML to a reusable array structure.

🔥 Installation

composer require eliashaeussler/valinor-xml

⚡ Usage

Given the following XML:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <name>Dr. Zane Stroman</name>
        <street>439 Karley Loaf</street>
        <city>West Judge</city>
        <country>Falkland Islands (Malvinas)</country>

These are the resulting classes:

final readonly class Address
    public function __construct(
        public string $street,
        public string $postcode,
        public string $city,
        public string $country,
    ) {}

final readonly class Contact
    public function __construct(
        public string $phone,
    ) {}

final readonly class Person
    public function __construct(
        public string $name,
        public Address $address,
        public Contact $contact,
    ) {}

Mapping from XML string

In order to map the given XML to the Person class, you need to follow these three steps:

  1. Create a new mapper as written in Valinor's documentation
  2. Parse and prepare your XML using the shipped XmlSource
  3. Use the mapper to map your XML to the Person class
use CuyZ\Valinor;
use EliasHaeussler\ValinorXml;

$mapper = (new Valinor\MapperBuilder())->mapper();
$source = ValinorXml\Mapper\Source\XmlSource::fromXmlString($xml);
$person = $mapper->map(Person::class, $source); // instanceof Person

The resulting object will look something like this:

object(Person)#180 (3) {
  string(16) "Dr. Zane Stroman"
  object(Address)#135 (4) {
    string(15) "439 Karley Loaf"
    string(5) "17916"
    string(10) "West Judge"
    string(27) "Falkland Islands (Malvinas)"
  object(Contact)#205 (1) {
    string(12) "827-986-5852"

Mapping from XML file

The XML can also be read from an external file:

use CuyZ\Valinor;
use EliasHaeussler\ValinorXml;

$mapper = (new Valinor\MapperBuilder())->mapper();
$source = ValinorXml\Mapper\Source\XmlSource::fromXmlFile($file);
$person = $mapper->map(Person::class, $source); // instanceof Person

Convert nodes to collections

Sometimes it might be necessary to always convert XML nodes to collections. Given the following XML:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <member><!-- ... --></member> <!-- NOTE: There's only one member -->

Let's assume you want to map this XML to the following class:

final readonly class Community
      * @param list<Person> $member
    public function __construct(
        public array $member,
    ) {}

You will recognize that this does not work as expected when using the above mapping method:

use CuyZ\Valinor;
use EliasHaeussler\ValinorXml;

$mapper = (new Valinor\MapperBuilder())->mapper();
$source = ValinorXml\Mapper\Source\XmlSource::fromXmlFile($file);
$person = $mapper->map(Community::class, $source); // throws exception

It will instead throw an exception like this:

CuyZ\Valinor\Mapper\TypeTreeMapperError: Could not map type `Community` with value array{member: array{…}}.

This is because the XML converter does not know whether <member> should be a collection or if it's just a "normal" node. That's why the XmlSource provides an appropriate method to convert such nodes to collections:

use CuyZ\Valinor;
use EliasHaeussler\ValinorXml;

$mapper = (new Valinor\MapperBuilder())->mapper();
$source = ValinorXml\Mapper\Source\XmlSource::fromXmlFile($file)
$person = $mapper->map(Community::class, $source); // instanceof Community

The resulting object will look something like this:

object(Community)#76 (1) {
  array(1) {
    object(Person)#126 (3) {
      string(16) "Dr. Zane Stroman"
      object(Address)#170 (4) {
        string(15) "439 Karley Loaf"
        string(5) "17916"
        string(10) "West Judge"
        string(27) "Falkland Islands (Malvinas)"
      object(Contact)#252 (1) {
        string(12) "827-986-5852"

However, this is only relevant if only one node of the collection exists in your XML. If the XML contains more than one node, the XML converter properly converts them to a collection:

use CuyZ\Valinor;
use EliasHaeussler\ValinorXml;

$xml = <<<XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <member><!-- ... --></member>
    <member><!-- ... --></member>
    <member><!-- ... --></member>

$mapper = (new Valinor\MapperBuilder())->mapper();
$source = ValinorXml\Mapper\Source\XmlSource::fromXmlString($xml);
$person = $mapper->map(Community::class, $source); // instanceof Community

🧑‍💻 Contributing

Please have a look at

⭐ License

This project is licensed under GNU General Public License 3.0 (or later).