
PHP library that helps to map any input into a strongly-typed value object structure.

MIT License


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Valinor - 0.16.0

Published by romm almost 2 years ago


  • Add support for PHP 8.2 (a92360)

Bug Fixes

  • Properly handle quote char in type definition (c71d6a)


  • Update dependencies (c2de32)
Valinor - 0.15.0

Published by romm about 2 years ago

Notable changes

Two similar features are introduced in this release: constants and enums wildcard notations. This is mainly useful when several cases of an enum or class constants share a common prefix.

Example for class constants:

final class SomeClassWithConstants
    public const FOO = 1337;

    public const BAR = 'bar';

    public const BAZ = 'baz';

$mapper = (new MapperBuilder())->mapper();

$mapper->map('SomeClassWithConstants::BA*', 1337); // error
$mapper->map('SomeClassWithConstants::BA*', 'bar'); // ok
$mapper->map('SomeClassWithConstants::BA*', 'baz'); // ok

Example for enum:

enum SomeEnum: string
    case FOO = 'foo';
    case BAR = 'bar';
    case BAZ = 'baz';

$mapper = (new MapperBuilder())->mapper();

$mapper->map('SomeEnum::BA*', 'foo'); // error
$mapper->map('SomeEnum::BA*', 'bar'); // ok
$mapper->map('SomeEnum::BA*', 'baz'); // ok

Full list of changes


  • Add support for class constant type (1244c2)
  • Add support for wildcard in enumeration type (69ebd1)
  • Introduce utility class to build messages (cb8792)

Bug Fixes

  • Add return types for cache implementations (0e8f12)
  • Correctly handle type inferring during mapping (37f96f)
  • Fetch correct node value for children (3ee526)
  • Improve scalar values casting (212b77)
  • Properly handle static anonymous functions (c009ab)


  • Import namespace token parser inside library (0b8ca9)
  • Remove unused code (b2889a, de8aa9)
  • Save type token symbols during lexing (ad0f8f)
Valinor - 0.14.0

Published by romm about 2 years ago

Notable changes

Until this release, the behaviour of the date objects creation was very opinionated: a huge list of date formats were tested out, and if one was working it was used to create the date.

This approach resulted in two problems. First, it led to (minor) performance issues, because a lot of date formats were potentially tested for nothing. More importantly, it was not possible to define which format(s) were to be allowed (and in result deny other formats).

A new method can now be used in the MapperBuilder:

(new \CuyZ\Valinor\MapperBuilder())
    // Both `Cookie` and `ATOM` formats will be accepted
    ->supportDateFormats(DATE_COOKIE, DATE_ATOM)
    ->map(DateTimeInterface::class, 'Monday, 08-Nov-1971 13:37:42 UTC');

Please note that the old behaviour has been removed. From now on, only valid timestamp or ATOM-formatted value will be accepted by default.

If needed and to help with the migration, the following deprecated constructor can be registered to reactivate the previous behaviour:

(new \CuyZ\Valinor\MapperBuilder())
        new \CuyZ\Valinor\Mapper\Object\BackwardCompatibilityDateTimeConstructor()
    ->map(DateTimeInterface::class, 'Monday, 08-Nov-1971 13:37:42 UTC');

Full list of changes


  • Introduce constructor for custom date formats (f232cc)


  • Handle abstract constructor registration (c37ac1)
  • Introduce attribute DynamicConstructor (e437d9)
  • Introduce helper method to describe supported date formats (11a7ea)

Bug Fixes

  • Allow trailing comma in shaped array (bf445b)
  • Correctly fetch file system cache entries (48208c)
  • Detect invalid constructor handle type (b3cb59)
  • Handle classes in a case-sensitive way in type parser (254074)
  • Handle concurrent cache file creation (fd39ae)
  • Handle inherited private constructor in class definition (73b622)
  • Handle invalid nodes recursively (a401c2)
  • Prevent illegal characters in PSR-16 cache keys (3c4d29)
  • Properly handle callable objects of the same class (ae7ddc)


  • Add singleton usage of ClassStringType (4bc50e)
  • Change ObjectBuilderFactory::for return signature (57849c)
  • Extract native constructor object builder (2b46a6)
  • Fetch attributes for function definition (ec494c)
  • Refactor arguments instantiation (6414e9)
Valinor - 0.13.0

Published by romm about 2 years ago

Notable changes

Reworking of messages body and parameters features

The \CuyZ\Valinor\Mapper\Tree\Message\Message interface is no longer a Stringable, however it defines a new method body that must return the body of the message, which can contain placeholders that will be replaced by parameters.

These parameters can now be defined by implementing the interface \CuyZ\Valinor\Mapper\Tree\Message\HasParameters.

This leads to the deprecation of the no longer needed interface \CuyZ\Valinor\Mapper\Tree\Message\TranslatableMessage which had a confusing name.

final class SomeException extends DomainException implements ErrorMessage, HasParameters, HasCode
    private string $someParameter;

    public function __construct(string $someParameter)

        $this->someParameter = $someParameter;

    public function body() : string
        return 'Some message / {some_parameter} / {source_value}';

    public function parameters(): array
        return [
            'some_parameter' => $this->someParameter,

    public function code() : string
        // A unique code that can help to identify the error
        return 'some_unique_code';

Handle numeric-string type

Kudos to @sergkash7 for this new feature!

The new numeric-string type can be used in docblocks.

It will accept any string value that is also numeric.

(new MapperBuilder())->mapper()->map('numeric-string', '42'); // ✅
(new MapperBuilder())->mapper()->map('numeric-string', 'foo'); // ❌

Better mapping error message

Kudos to @Slamdunk for this!

The message of the exception will now contain more information, especially the total number of errors and the source that was given to the mapper. This change aims to have a better understanding of what is wrong when debugging.


Could not map type `array{foo: string, bar: int}` with the given source.


Could not map type `array{foo: string, bar: int}`. An error occurred at path bar: Value 'some other string' does not match type `int`.

Full list of changes


  • Rework messages body and parameters features (ad1207)


  • Allow to declare parameter for message (f61eb5)
  • Display more information in mapping error message (9c1e7c)
  • Handle numeric string type (96a493)
  • Make MessagesFlattener countable (2c1c7c)

Bug Fixes

  • Handle native attribute on promoted parameter (897ca9)


  • Add fixed value for root node path (0b37b4)
  • Remove types stringable behavior (b47a1b)
Valinor - 0.12.0

Published by romm over 2 years ago

Notable changes

SECURITY — Userland exception filtering

See advisory GHSA-5pgm-3j3g-2rc7 for more information.

Userland exception thrown in a constructor will not be automatically caught by the mapper anymore. This prevents messages with sensible information from reaching the final user — for instance an SQL exception showing a part of a query.

To allow exceptions to be considered as safe, the new method MapperBuilder::filterExceptions() must be used, with caution.

final class SomeClass
    public function __construct(private string $value)
        \Webmozart\Assert\Assert::startsWith($value, 'foo_');

try {
    (new \CuyZ\Valinor\MapperBuilder())
        ->filterExceptions(function (Throwable $exception) {
            if ($exception instanceof \Webmozart\Assert\InvalidArgumentException) {
                return \CuyZ\Valinor\Mapper\Tree\Message\ThrowableMessage::from($exception);

            // If the exception should not be caught by this library, it
            // must be thrown again.
            throw $exception;
        ->map(SomeClass::class, 'bar_baz');
} catch (\CuyZ\Valinor\Mapper\MappingError $exception) {
    // Should print something similar to:
    // > Expected a value to start with "foo_". Got: "bar_baz"
    echo $exception->node()->messages()[0];

Tree node API rework

The class \CuyZ\Valinor\Mapper\Tree\Node has been refactored to remove access to unwanted methods that were not supposed to be part of the public API. Below are a list of all changes:

  • New methods $node->sourceFilled() and $node->sourceValue() allow accessing the source value.

  • The method $node->value() has been renamed to $node->mappedValue() and will throw an exception if the node is not valid.

  • The method $node->type() now returns a string.

  • The methods $message->name(), $message->path(), $message->type() and $message->value() have been deprecated in favor of the new method $message->node().

  • The message parameter {original_value} has been deprecated in favor of {source_value}.

Access removal of several parts of the library public API

The access to class/function definition, types and exceptions did not add value to the actual goal of the library. Keeping these features under the public API flag causes more maintenance burden whereas revoking their access allows more flexibility with the overall development of the library.

Full list of changes


  • Filter userland exceptions to hide potential sensible data (6ce1a4)
  • Refactor tree node API (d3b1dc)
  • Remove API access from several parts of library (316d91)
  • Remove node visitor feature (63c87a)

Bug Fixes

  • Handle inferring methods with same names properly (dc45dd)
  • Process invalid type default value as unresolvable type (7c9ac1)
  • Properly display unresolvable type (3020db)


  • Ignore .idea folder (84ead0)
Valinor - 0.11.0

Published by romm over 2 years ago

Notable changes

Strict mode

The mapper is now more type-sensitive and will fail in the following situations:

  • When a value does not match exactly the awaited scalar type, for instance a string "42" given to a node that awaits an integer.

  • When unnecessary array keys are present, for instance mapping an array ['foo' => …, 'bar' => …, 'baz' => …] to an object that needs only foo and bar.

  • When permissive types like mixed or object are encountered.

These limitations can be bypassed by enabling the flexible mode:

(new \CuyZ\Valinor\MapperBuilder())
    ->map('array{foo: int, bar: bool}', [
        'foo' => '42', // Will be cast from `string` to `int`
        'bar' => 'true', // Will be cast from `string` to `bool`
        'baz' => '…', // Will be ignored

When using this library for a provider application — for instance an API endpoint that can be called with a JSON payload — it is recommended to use the strict mode. This ensures that the consumers of the API provide the exact awaited data structure, and prevents unknown values to be passed.

When using this library as a consumer of an external source, it can make sense to enable the flexible mode. This allows for instance to convert string numeric values to integers or to ignore data that is present in the source but not needed in the application.

Interface inferring

It is now mandatory to list all possible class-types that can be inferred by the mapper. This change is a step towards the library being able to deliver powerful new features such as compiling a mapper for better performance.

The existing calls to MapperBuilder::infer that could return several class-names must now add a signature to the callback. The callbacks that require no parameter and always return the same class-name can remain unchanged.

For instance:

$builder = (new \CuyZ\Valinor\MapperBuilder())
    // Can remain unchanged
    ->infer(SomeInterface::class, fn () => SomeImplementation::class);
$builder = (new \CuyZ\Valinor\MapperBuilder())
        fn (string $type) => match($type) {
            'first' => ImplementationA::class,
            'second' => ImplementationB::class,
            default => throw new DomainException("Unhandled `$type`.")
    // …should be modified with:
        /** @return class-string<ImplementationA|ImplementationB> */
        fn (string $type) => match($type) {
            'first' => ImplementationA::class,
            'second' => ImplementationB::class,
            default => throw new DomainException("Unhandled `$type`.")

Object constructors collision

All these changes led to a new check that runs on all registered object constructors. If a collision is found between several constructors that have the same signature (the same parameter names), an exception will be thrown.

final class SomeClass
    public static function constructorA(string $foo, string $bar): self
        // …

    public static function constructorB(string $foo, string $bar): self
        // …

(new \CuyZ\Valinor\MapperBuilder())
    ->map(SomeClass::class, [
        'foo' => 'foo',
        'bar' => 'bar',

// Exception: A collision was detected […]

Full list of changes


  • Handle exhaustive list of interface inferring (1b0ff3)
  • Make mapper more strict and allow flexible mode (90dc58)


  • Improve cache warmup (44c5f1)
Valinor - 0.10.0

Published by romm over 2 years ago

Notable changes

Documentation is now available at

Full list of changes


  • Support mapping to dates with no time (e0a529)

Bug Fixes

  • Allow declaring promoted parameter type with @var annotation (d8eb4d)
  • Allow mapping iterable to shaped array (628baf)
Valinor -

Published by romm over 2 years ago

Notable changes

Cache injection and warmup

The cache feature has been revisited, to give more control to the user on how and when to use it.

The method MapperBuilder::withCacheDir() has been deprecated in favor of a new method MapperBuilder::withCache() which accepts any PSR-16 compliant implementation.


These changes lead up to the default cache not being automatically registered anymore. If you still want to enable the cache (which you should), you will have to explicitly inject it (see below).

A default implementation is provided out of the box, which saves cache entries into the file system.

When the application runs in a development environment, the cache implementation should be decorated with FileWatchingCache, which will watch the files of the application and invalidate cache entries when a PHP file is modified by a developer — preventing the library not behaving as expected when the signature of a property or a method changes.

The cache can be warmed up, for instance in a pipeline during the build and deployment of the application — kudos to @boesing for the feature!

Note The cache has to be registered first, otherwise the warmup will end up being useless.

$cache = new \CuyZ\Valinor\Cache\FileSystemCache('path/to/cache-directory');

if ($isApplicationInDevelopmentEnvironment) {
    $cache = new \CuyZ\Valinor\Cache\FileWatchingCache($cache);

$mapperBuilder = (new \CuyZ\Valinor\MapperBuilder())->withCache($cache);

// During the build:
$mapperBuilder->warmup(SomeClass::class, SomeOtherClass::class);

// In the application:
$mapperBuilder->mapper()->map(SomeClass::class, [/* … */]);

Message formatting & translation

Major changes have been made to the messages being returned in case of a mapping error: the actual texts are now more accurate and show better information.


The method NodeMessage::format() has been removed, message formatters should be used instead. If needed, the old behaviour can be retrieved with the formatter PlaceHolderMessageFormatter, although it is strongly advised to use the new placeholders feature (see below).

The signature of the method MessageFormatter::format() has changed as well.

It is now also easier to format the messages, for instance when they need to be translated. Placeholders can now be used in a message body, and will be replaced with useful information.

Placeholder Description
{message_code} the code of the message
{node_name} name of the node to which the message is bound
{node_path} path of the node to which the message is bound
{node_type} type of the node to which the message is bound
{original_value} the source value that was given to the node
{original_message} the original message before being customized
try {
    (new \CuyZ\Valinor\MapperBuilder())
        ->map(SomeClass::class, [/* … */]);
} catch (\CuyZ\Valinor\Mapper\MappingError $error) {
    $node = $error->node();
    $messages = new \CuyZ\Valinor\Mapper\Tree\Message\MessagesFlattener($node);

    foreach ($messages as $message) {
        if ($message->code() === 'some_code') {
            $message = $message->withBody('new message / {original_message}');

        echo $message;

The messages are formatted using the ICU library, enabling the placeholders to use advanced syntax to perform proper translations, for instance currency support.

try {
    (new \CuyZ\Valinor\MapperBuilder())->mapper()->map('int<0, 100>', 1337);
} catch (\CuyZ\Valinor\Mapper\MappingError $error) {
    $message = $error->node()->messages()[0];

    if (is_numeric($message->value())) {
        $message = $message->withBody(
            'Invalid amount {original_value, number, currency}'

    // Invalid amount: $1,337.00
    echo $message->withLocale('en_US');
    // Invalid amount: £1,337.00
    echo $message->withLocale('en_GB');
    // Invalid amount: 1 337,00 €
    echo $message->withLocale('fr_FR');

See ICU documentation for more information on available syntax.

Warning If the intl extension is not installed, a shim will be available to replace the placeholders, but it won't handle advanced syntax as described above.

The formatter TranslationMessageFormatter can be used to translate the content of messages.

The library provides a list of all messages that can be returned; this list can be filled or modified with custom translations.

    // Create/override a single entry…
    ->withTranslation('fr', 'some custom message', 'un message personnalisé')
    // …or several entries.
        'some custom message' => [
            'en' => 'Some custom message',
            'fr' => 'Un message personnalisé',
            'es' => 'Un mensaje personalizado',
        'some other message' => [
            // …

It is possible to join several formatters into one formatter by using the AggregateMessageFormatter. This instance can then easily be injected in a service that will handle messages.

The formatters will be called in the same order they are given to the aggregate.

(new \CuyZ\Valinor\Mapper\Tree\Message\Formatter\AggregateMessageFormatter(
    new \CuyZ\Valinor\Mapper\Tree\Message\Formatter\LocaleMessageFormatter('fr'),
    new \CuyZ\Valinor\Mapper\Tree\Message\Formatter\MessageMapFormatter([
        // …

Full list of changes


  • Improve message customization with formatters (60a665)
  • Revoke ObjectBuilder API access (11e126)


  • Allow injecting a cache implementation that is used by the mapper (69ad3f)
  • Extract file watching feature in own cache implementation (2d70ef)
  • Improve mapping error messages (05cf4a)
  • Introduce method to warm the cache up (ccf09f)

Bug Fixes

  • Make interface type match undefined object type (105eef)


  • Change InvalidParameterIndex exception inheritance type (b75adb)
  • Introduce layer for object builder arguments (48f936)
Valinor - 0.8.0

Published by romm over 2 years ago

Notable changes

Float values handling

Allows the usage of float values, as follows:

class Foo
    /** @var 404.42|1337.42 */
    public readonly float $value;

Literal boolean true / false values handling

Thanks @danog for this feature!

Allows the usage of boolean values, as follows:

class Foo
    /** @var int|false */
    public readonly int|bool $value;

Class string of union of object handling

Allows to declare several class names in a class-string:

class Foo
    /** @var class-string<SomeClass|SomeOtherClass> */
    public readonly string $className;

Allow psalm and phpstan prefix in docblocks

Thanks @boesing for this feature!

The following annotations are now properly handled: @psalm-param, @phpstan-param, @psalm-return and @phpstan-return.

If one of those is found along with a basic @param or @return annotation, it will take precedence over the basic value.

Full list of changes


  • Allow psalm and phpstan prefix in docblocks (64e0a2)
  • Handle class string of union of object (b7923b)
  • Handle filename in function definition (0b042b)
  • Handle float value type (790df8)
  • Handle literal boolean true / false types (afcedf)
  • Introduce composite types (892f38)

Bug Fixes

  • Call value altering function only if value is accepted (2f08e1)
  • Handle function definition cache invalidation when file is modified (511a0d)


  • Add configuration for Composer allowed plugins (2f310c)
  • Add Psalm configuration file to .gitattributes (979272)
  • Bump dev-dependencies (844384)
  • Declare code type in docblocks (03c84a)
  • Ignore Polyfill coverage (c08fe5)
  • Remove symfony/polyfill-php80 dependency (368737)
Valinor - 0.7.0

Published by romm over 2 years ago

Notable changes

Warning This release introduces a major breaking change that must be considered before updating

Constructor registration

The automatic named constructor discovery has been disabled. It is now mandatory to explicitly register custom constructors that can be used by the mapper.

This decision was made because of a security issue reported by @Ocramius and described in advisory GHSA-xhr8-mpwq-2rr2.

As a result, existing code must list all named constructors that were previously automatically used by the mapper, and registerer them using the method MapperBuilder::registerConstructor().

The method MapperBuilder::bind() has been deprecated in favor of the method above that should be used instead.

final class SomeClass
    public static function namedConstructor(string $foo): self
        // …

(new \CuyZ\Valinor\MapperBuilder())
        // …or for PHP < 8.1:
        [SomeClass::class, 'namedConstructor'],
    ->map(SomeClass::class, [
        // …

See documentation for more information.

Source builder

The Source class is a new entry point for sources that are not plain array or iterable. It allows accessing other features like camel-case keys or custom paths mapping in a convenient way.

It should be used as follows:

$source = \CuyZ\Valinor\Mapper\Source\Source::json($jsonString)
        'towns' => 'cities',
        'towns.*.label' => 'name',

$result = (new \CuyZ\Valinor\MapperBuilder())
    ->map(SomeClass::class, $source);

See documentation for more details about its usage.

Full list of changes


  • Change Attributes::ofType return type to array (1a599b)
  • Introduce method to register constructors used during mapping (ecafba)


  • Introduce a path-mapping source modifier (b7a7d2)
  • Introduce a source builder (ad5103)

Bug Fixes

  • Handle numeric key with camel case source key modifier (b8a18f)
  • Handle parameter default object value compilation (fdef93)
  • Handle variadic arguments in callable constructors (b646cc)
  • Properly handle alias types for function reflection (e5b515)


  • Add Striker HTML report when running infection (79c7a4)
  • Handle class name in function definition (e2451d)
  • Introduce functions container to wrap definition handling (fd1117)
Valinor - 0.6.0

Published by romm over 2 years ago


  • Improve interface inferring API (1eb6e6)
  • Improve object binding API (6d4270)


  • Handle variadic parameters in constructors (b6b329)
  • Improve value altering API (422e6a)
  • Introduce a camel case source key modifier (d94652)
  • Introduce function definition repository (b49ebf)
  • Introduce method to get parameter by index (380961)

Bug Fixes

  • Change license in composer.json (6fdd62)
  • Ensure native mixed types remain valid (18ccbe)
  • Remove string keys when unpacking variadic parameter values (cbf4e1)
  • Transform exception thrown during object binding into a message (359e32)
  • Write temporary cache file inside cache subdirectory (1b80a1)


  • Check value acceptance in separate node builder (30d447)
  • Narrow union types during node build (06e9de)
Valinor - 0.5.0

Published by romm over 2 years ago


  • Introduce automatic named constructor resolution (718d3c)
  • Set up dependabot for automated weekly dependency upgrades (23b611)
  • Simplify type signature of TreeMapper#map() (e28003)

Bug Fixes

  • Correct regex that detects @internal or @api annotations (39f0b7)
  • Improve type definitions to allow Psalm automatic inferring (f9b04c)
  • Return indexed list of attributes when filtering on type (66aa4d)
Valinor - 0.4.0

Published by romm almost 3 years ago

Notable changes

Allow mapping to any type

Previously, the method TreeMapper::map would allow mapping only to an object. It is now possible to map to any type handled by the library.

It is for instance possible to map to an array of objects:

$objects = (new MapperBuilder())->mapper()->map(
    'array<' . SomeClass::class . '>',
    [/* … */]

For simple use-cases, an array shape can be used:

$array = (new MapperBuilder())->mapper()->map(
    'array{foo: string, bar: int}',
    [/* … */]

echo $array['foo'];
echo $array['bar'] * 2;

This new feature changes the possible behaviour of the mapper, meaning static analysis tools need help to understand the types correctly. An extension for PHPStan and a plugin for Psalm are now provided and can be included in a project to automatically increase the type coverage.

Better handling of messages

When working with messages, it can sometimes be useful to customize the content of a message — for instance to translate it.

The helper class \CuyZ\Valinor\Mapper\Tree\Message\Formatter\MessageMapFormatter can be used to provide a list of new formats. It can be instantiated with an array where each key represents either:

  • The code of the message to be replaced
  • The content of the message to be replaced
  • The class name of the message to be replaced

If none of those is found, the content of the message will stay unchanged unless a default one is given to the class.

If one of these keys is found, the array entry will be used to replace the content of the message. This entry can be either a plain text or a callable that takes the message as a parameter and returns a string; it is for instance advised to use a callable in cases where a translation service is used — to avoid useless greedy operations.

In any case, the content can contain placeholders that will automatically be replaced by, in order:

  1. The original code of the message
  2. The original content of the message
  3. A string representation of the node type
  4. The name of the node
  5. The path of the node
try {
    (new \CuyZ\Valinor\MapperBuilder())
        ->map(SomeClass::class, [/* … */]);
} catch (\CuyZ\Valinor\Mapper\MappingError $error) {
    $node = $error->node();
    $messages = new \CuyZ\Valinor\Mapper\Tree\Message\MessagesFlattener($node);

    $formatter = (new MessageMapFormatter([
        // Will match if the given message has this exact code
        'some_code' => 'new content / previous code was: %1$s',
        // Will match if the given message has this exact content
        'Some message content' => 'new content / previous message: %2$s',
        // Will match if the given message is an instance of `SomeError`
        SomeError::class => '
            - Original code of the message: %1$s
            - Original content of the message: %2$s
            - Node type: %3$s
            - Node name: %4$s
            - Node path: %5$s
        // A callback can be used to get access to the message instance
        OtherError::class => function (NodeMessage $message): string {
            if ((string)$message->type() === 'string|int') {
                // …
            return 'Some message content';
        // For greedy operation, it is advised to use a lazy-callback
        'bar' => fn () => $this->translator->translate(''),
        ->defaultsTo('some default message')
        // …or…
        ->defaultsTo(fn () => $this->translator->translate('default_message'));

    foreach ($messages as $message) {
        echo $formatter->format($message);    

Automatic union of objects inferring during mapping

When the mapper needs to map a source to a union of objects, it will try to guess which object it will map to, based on the needed arguments of the objects, and the values contained in the source.

final class UnionOfObjects
    public readonly SomeFooObject|SomeBarObject $object;

final class SomeFooObject
    public readonly string $foo;

final class SomeBarObject
    public readonly string $bar;

// Will map to an instance of `SomeFooObject`
(new \CuyZ\Valinor\MapperBuilder())
    ->map(UnionOfObjects::class, ['foo' => 'foo']);

// Will map to an instance of `SomeBarObject`
(new \CuyZ\Valinor\MapperBuilder())
    ->map(UnionOfObjects::class, ['bar' => 'bar']);

Full list of changes


  • Add access to root node when error occurs during mapping (54f608)
  • Allow mapping to any type (b2e810)
  • Allow object builder to yield arguments without source (8a7414)
  • Wrap node messages in proper class (a805ba)


  • Introduce automatic union of objects inferring during mapping (79d7c2)
  • Introduce helper class MessageMapFormatter (ddf69e)
  • Introduce helper class MessagesFlattener (a97b40)
  • Introduce helper NodeTraverser for recursive operations on nodes (cc1bc6)

Bug Fixes

  • Handle nested attributes compilation (d2795b)
  • Treat forbidden mixed type as invalid type (36bd36)
  • Treat union type resolving error as message (e834cd)
  • Use locked package versions for quality assurance workflow (626f13)


  • Ignore changelog configuration file in git export (85a6a4)
  • Raise PHPStan version (0144bf)
Valinor - 0.3.0

Published by romm almost 3 years ago


  • Handle common database datetime formats (#40) (179ba3)


  • Change Composer scripts calls (0b507c)
  • Raise version of friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer (e5ccbe)
Valinor - 0.2.0

Published by romm almost 3 years ago


  • Handle integer range type (9f99a2)
  • Handle local type aliasing in class definition (56142d)
  • Handle type alias import in class definition (fa3ce5)

Bug Fixes

  • Do not accept shaped array with excessive key(s) (5a578e)
  • Handle integer value match properly (9ee2cc)


  • Delete commented code (4f5612)
  • Move exceptions to more specific folder (185edf)
  • Rename GenericAssignerLexer to TypeAliasLexer (680941)
  • Use marcocesarato/php-conventional-changelog for changelog (178aa9)
Valinor - 0.1.1

Published by romm almost 3 years ago


  • Change license from GPL 3 to MIT (a77b28)


  • Handle multiline type declaration (d99c59)

Bug Fixes

  • Filter type symbols with strict string comparison (6cdea3)
  • Handle correctly iterable source during mapping (dd4624)
  • Handle shaped array integer key (5561d0)
  • Resolve single/double quotes when parsing doc-block type (1c628b)


  • Change PHPStan stub file extension (8fc6af)
  • Delete unwanted code (e3e169)
  • Syntax highlight stub files (#9) (9ea95f)
  • Use composer runtime API (1f754a)
Valinor - 0.1.0

Published by romm almost 3 years ago

Initial release 🎉