
a PHP CLI tool and library for interacting with the VersionEye API

MIT License


a PHP CLI/Library for the VersionEye API

see for API documentation


There are 2 ways to install it:

  • Download the Phar (recommended)
  • Install from source code

Download the Phar (recommended)

download the latest version from the Releases section or from the cli:

$ wget //or latest stable

Install as global Composer Package

$ composer g require digitalkaoz/versioneye-php

now you can run ~/.composer/vendor/bin/versioneye maybe add this folder to your PATH variable.

Install from source code

first you have to decide which http adapter to use. The library supports all adapters supported by php-http/httpplug

$ composer require digitalkaoz/versioneye-php


all API endpoints are implemented, see for their detailed docs.



use Rs\VersionEye\Client;

$api = (new Client())->api('services');     // Rs\VersionEye\Api\Services
$api->ping(); //array

//other implemented APIs
$api = (new Client())->api('github');       // Rs\VersionEye\Api\Github
$api = (new Client())->api('me');           // Rs\VersionEye\Api\Me
$api = (new Client())->api('projects');     // Rs\VersionEye\Api\Projects
$api = (new Client())->api('products');     // Rs\VersionEye\Api\Products
$api = (new Client())->api('sessions');     // Rs\VersionEye\Api\Sessions
$api = (new Client())->api('users');        // Rs\VersionEye\Api\Users


Here some usage examples.

$ bin/versioneye services:ping
$ bin/versioneye products:search symfony

Or with the phar file.

php versioneye.phar products:search "symfony"
php versioneye.phar products:show "php" "symfony:symfony"

The last command requires that you have setup your API Key correctly.


to store your generated API Token globally you can create a global config file in your home directory:

~/.veye.rc we share the same config file with the ruby cli

the file would look like:

:api_key: YOUR_API_TOKEN

now you dont have to pass your token on each call!

##CLI Tool

to build a standalone phar, simply execute the following commands.

$ composer require --dev kherge/box
$ vendor/bin/box build
$ php versioneye.phar


The Commands are autogenerated by introspecting the API Implementations. Each Public Method is a Command, each Method Parameter will be translated into a InputArgument or InputOption.

  github:delete           remove imported project.
  github:hook             GitHub Hook.
  github:import           imports project file from github.
  github:repos            lists your's github repos.
  github:show             shows the detailed information for the repository.
  github:sync             re-load github data.
  me:comments             shows comments of authorized user.
  me:favorites            shows favorite packages for authorized user.
  me:notifications        shows unread notifications of authorized user.
  me:profile              shows profile of authorized user.
  products:follow         follow your favorite software package.
  products:follow_status  check your following status.
  products:references     shows all references for the given package.
  products:search         search packages.
  products:show           detailed information for specific package.
  products:unfollow       unfollow given software package.
  products:versions       shows all version for the given package.
  projects:all            shows user`s projects.
  projects:create         upload project file.
  projects:delete         delete given project.
  projects:licenses       get grouped view of licences for dependencies.
  projects:merge          merge two projects together.
  projects:merge_ga       merge two projects together (only for maven projects).
  projects:show           shows the project's information.
  projects:unmerge        unmerge two projects.
  projects:update         update project with new file.
  services:ping           Answers to request with basic pong.
  sessions:close          delete current session aka log out.
  sessions:open           creates new sessions.
  sessions:show           returns session info for authorized users.
  users:comments          shows user's comments.
  users:favorites         shows user's favorite packages.
  users:show              shows profile of given user_id.


default HTTP-Adapter

since we are relying on php-http we dont ship a default http implementation. (for dev we do)

choose one of these Client Adapters and require it with composer and puli will discover it for you, and we will use it!

implement a new HTTP Adapter

simply implement the Rs\VersionEye\Http\HttpClient Interface:

class MyHttpClient implements HttpClient
     * @inheritDoc
    public function request($method, $url, array $params = [])
        //implement your own special http handling here

and then pass it the the Client:


$api = (new Client(new MyHttpClient))->api('users');

writing a new Api

simply implement the Rs\VersionEye\Api\Api Interface:

namespace Rs\VersionEye\Api;

class Foo implements Api
     * awesome api endpoint
    public function bar($bar, $bazz=1)
        //implement api endpoint

the you have to register the Api in the CommandFactory (maybe even that could be autogenerated by searching all implementors of Interface Rs\VersionEye\Api\Api):

class CommandFactory
     * generates Commands from all Api Methods
     * @param  array     $classes
     * @return Command[]
    public function generateCommands(array $classes = [])
        $classes = $classes ?: [

be aware that each public method would be exposed as Command. Mandatory Parameters will be InputArguments, optionals will be a InputOption. The Command description would be taken from the phpdoc!

So the above example will be generated to this Command:

foo:bar --bazz=1 bar      //awesome api endpoint

Writing a new Console Output Formatter

by default the Command tries to find the same API method in the Output Classes (if not it will output the data as simple print_r:

Rs\VersionEye\Api\Github:sync API ----> Rs\VersionEye\Output\Github:sync Output

so for the above Example simply create the following Class:


namespace Rs\VersionEye\Output;

class Foo
    public function bar(OutputInterface $output, $response)
        //output the $response (API Result)

thats all.


$ composer test
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