
PHP presentation system


PHP presentation system

This repo holds the PHP presentation system hosted on https://talks.php.net.

You can find the presentations under https://github.com/php/presentations.

This system works perfectly for PHP 5.3 and needs the XML extension.


Brief walkthrough of how this all hangs together:

config.php - User configurable paths and filenames flash.php - Flash widget rendering embedded from objects.php fonts/ - Font files help.php - Help file index.php - Prints list of available presentations objects.php - Top-level widget rendering presentations/ - Directory of presentation files (from separate CVS) show.php - Main slide display code XML_Presentation.php - XML parser for the presentation files XML_Slide.php - XML parser for the slide files

When a user first enters the site index.php presents a list of presentations by walking through the presentations/ directory and parsing each *.xml file using the XML_Presentation XML parser. The filename of the presentation file without the extension becomes the id by which the presentation is known. This string is passed to show.php via PATH_INFO (eg. show.php/intro)

Now we are in show.php. Here we first parse $PATH_INFO to figure out which presentation file to read. Open the presentation file and grab the list of slides. First slide is #0 internally. Will probably show it to the user as starting at #1. The presentation file itself looks like this:

slides/slide1.xml slides/slide2.xml

That is, you start it with a tag, and have at least a title tag inside. The others are optional. Then a series of tags where you put the relative filename (to the presentations dir) of each slide.

This particular presentation XML file ends up getting parsed into an array of objects that looks like this:

Array ( [1] => _presentation Object ( [title] => PHP - Scripting the Web [navmode] => flash [event] => OSCON [location] => San Diego [date] => July 22, 2002 [speaker] => Rasmus [slides] => Array ( [0] => _pres_slide Object ( [filename] => slides/slide1.xml )

                [1] => _pres_slide Object
                        [filename] => slides/slide2.xml




Technically you could put more than 1 presentation in the same file, but this isn't completely supported at this point. This presentation object gets stored in $pres which is a session variable. We will see why in a little bit. So to get at the title of the presentation you would use:


And to get the filename of the first slides you would use:


The slide XML files start with a tag and needs a tag as well. Then it can have any combination of the following tags:

Paragraph of text which can contain and Bullet list which can contain and Image which can contain and Example block which can contain , or

See the example slides in the slides/ directory for more info.

If you look in objects.php you will see that each widget type has a $mode property and that the display() method for each one looks something like this:

function display() {

And then you can have html(), flash(), text(), svg(), jpg() methods for each one.


Have a look at the TODO file for a list of things to start working on. If we all pitch in a bit we should all end up with cool-looking presentations through this very flexible system.