
A Symfony2 bundle for easily test your application. It uses Alice and Faker data fixtures and has more Test Cases


Testing Bundle

An extension of h4cc/AliceFixturesBundle , a Symfony2 bundle for flexible usage of nelmio/alice fixtures integrated with very powerful data generator fzaninotto/Faker. This bundle integrates mockery/mockery library, too. The Testing Bundle bundle works with data fixtures in .yml format, detached from the common Doctrine DataFixtures. There are multiple ways of loading fixture files. The Testing Bundle offers loading Fixtures from .yml , dropping and recreating the ORM Schema.

Table of Contents


    $   php composer.phar require cosma/testing-bundle '2.0.*'

Follow the 'dev-master' branch for latest dev version. But i recommend to use more stable version tags if available.

After that, add the h4ccAliceFixturesBundle and TestingBundle to your Kernel, most likely in the "dev" or "test" environment.

# app/AppKernel.php


public function registerBundles()
    $bundles = array(
        // ...

    if (in_array($this->getEnvironment(), array('dev', 'test'))) {
        // ...
        $bundles[] = new h4cc\AliceFixturesBundle\h4ccAliceFixturesBundle();
        $bundles[] = new Cosma\Bundle\TestingBundle\TestingBundle();


In case you want to change default paths of fixture directory you can configure the testing bundle's fixture_path. This sets a new relative path to the fixture directory in your bundle.

# app/config/config_test.yml

    fixture_directory: Fixture
    tests_directory: Tests
        cleaning_strategy: truncate # drop - to drop database
        port: 8080
        path: /solr
        core: test
        timeout: 10
        port: 9200
        path: /
        timeout: 10   
        index: test
        test_domain: example.com   
        scheme: tcp
        port: 6379
        database: 13
        timeout: 5      

Generate Test Class

With the command cosma_testing:generate:test you can generate stub Test Classes for classes and traits from a php file.

    # Argument :: file - required
    $   php app/console cosma_testing:generate:test  /path/to/file/containing/classes_or_traits.php

Test Cases

Supports the following Test Cases:

Simple Test Case

This case is an extension of PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase, with two extra simple methods:

  • getMockedEntityWithId ($entity, $id)
  • getEntityWithId ($entity, $id)
  • getTestClassPath ()
use Cosma\Bundle\TestingBundle\TestCase\SimpleTestCase;
class SomeVerySimpleUnitTest extends SimpleTestCase
    public function testSomething()
        $mockedUserFullNamespace = $this->getMockedEntityWithId('Acme\AppBundle\Entity\User', 1);
        $mockedUserBundleNamespace = $this->getMockedEntityWithId('AppBundle:User', 2);
        $userFullNamespace = $this->getEntityWithId('Acme\AppBundle\Entity\User', 3);
        $userBundleNamespace = $this->getEntityWithId('AppBundle:User', 4); 
        $thisTestClassPath = $this->getTestClassPath(); 

Web Test Case

This case is an extension of Symfony2 WebTestCase - Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Test\WebTestCase It has the following methods:

  • getKernel ()
  • getContainer ()
  • getClient (array $server)
use Cosma\Bundle\TestingBundle\TestCase\WebTestCase;

class SomeWebFunctionalTest extends WebTestCase
    public function setUp()
        * Required call that boots the Symfony kernel
    public function testSomething()
        $kernel = $this->getKernel();
        $container = $this->getContainer();
        // Client for functional tests. Emulates a browser
        $client = $this->getClient();

DB Test Case

This case is an extension of Symfony WebTestCase with Database and fixtures support It has the following methods:

  • dropDatabase ()
  • loadFixtures (array $fixtures, $dropDatabaseBefore = true)
  • getEntityManager ()
  • getEntityRepository ($entity)
  • getFixtureManager ()
use Cosma\Bundle\TestingBundle\TestCase\DBTestCase;

class SomeFunctionalWebDBTest extends WebTestCase
    public function setUp()
        * Required call that boots the Symfony kernel
        * drops database tables before every test. 
        * has two strategies set by parameter cosma_testing.doctrine.cleaning_strategy:
        * 1. truncate (default,  faster)
        * 2. drop     (actual drop, slower)

         * 1. Truncates the tables user and group(default behaviour)
         * 2. Loads two fixtures files located in src/AppBundle/Fixture/Table/User.yml and src/AnotherBundle/Fixture/Table/Group.yml

         * Loads a fixtures file located in src/SomeBundle/Fixture/SomeDirectory/Book.yml
         * Doesn't truncate the table 
    public function testSomething()
         * Fixtures can be load inside a test, too.

        $entityManager = $this->getEntityManager();
        $entityRepository = $this->getEntityRepository('AppBundle:User');
        $fixtureManager = $this->getFixtureManager();

Solr Test Case

This case is an extension of WebTestCase, from current bundle, with extra Solr support It has the following methods:

  • getSolariumClient ()
use Cosma\Bundle\TestingBundle\TestCase\SolrTestCase;

class SomeSolrTest extends SolrTestCase
    public function setUp()
        * Required call that boots the Symfony kernel and truncate default test Solr core

    public function testIndex()
        $solariumClient = $this->getSolariumClient();
         * get an update query instance
        $update = $solariumClient->createUpdate();

         * first fixture document
        $documentOne = $update->createDocument();
        $documentOne->id = 123;
        $documentOne->name = 'testdoc-1';
        $documentOne->price = 364;

         * second fixture document
        $documentTwo = $update->createDocument();
        $documentTwo->id = 124;
        $documentTwo->name = 'testdoc-2';
        $documentTwo->price = 340;

         * add the documents and a commit command to the update query
        $update->addDocuments([$documentOne, $documentTwo]);

         * execute query

Elastic Search Test Case

This case is an extension of WebTestCase, from current bundle, with extra ElasticSearch support It has the following methods:

  • getElasticIndex ()
  • getElasticClient ()
class SomeElasticTest extends ElasticTestCase
    public function setUp()
        * Required call that boots the Symfony kernel and recreates default test elastic index

    public function testSomethingElastic()
        // get default Elastica client
        $elasticClient = $this->getElasticClient();
        // get default index - test
        $elasticIndex  = $this->getElasticIndex();
        // create another index
        $anotherElasticIndex = $elasticClient->getIndex('another_index');
        $anotherElasticIndex->create([], true);
        //Create a type
        /** @type \Elastica\Type $type **/
        $type = $this->getElasticIndex()->getType('type');

        // index documents
            new \Elastica\Document(1, ['username' => 'someUser'])

            new \Elastica\Document(2, ['username' => 'anotherUser'])

            new \Elastica\Document(3, ['username' => 'someotherUser'])
        //query for documents
        $query = array(
            'query' => array(
                'query_string' => array(
                    'query' => '*User',

        $path = $elasticIndex->getName() . '/' . $type->getName() . '/_search';

        $response = $elasticClient->request($path, Request::GET, $query);

        $responseArray = $response->getData();

        $this->assertEquals(3, $responseArray['hits']['total']);

Selenium Test Case

This case is an extension of WebTestCase, with extra Selenium support It has the following methods:

  • getRemoteWebDriver ()
  • getTestDomain ()
  • open ($url)
  • openSecure ($url)
use Cosma\Bundle\TestingBundle\TestCase\SeleniumTestCase;

class SomeSeleniumTest extends SeleniumTestCase

    public function setUp()
        * Required call that boots the Symfony kernel and initialize selenium remote web driver

     * read title from google site
    public function testGoogleTitle()
        $remoteWebDriver = $this->getRemoteWebDriver();
        $domain = $this->getTestDomain();
        // open http url http://testdomain/somepage.html 
        $webDriver = $this->open('/somepage.html');
        $this->assertContains('Some Title', $webDriver->getTitle());
        // open https url https://testdomain/securePage.html 
        $webDriver = $this->openSecure('/securePage.html');
        $this->assertContains('Some Title', $webDriver->getTitle());

Redis Test Case

This case is an extension of WebTestCase, with extra Redis support It has the following methods:

  • getRedisClient ()
use Cosma\Bundle\TestingBundle\TestCase\RedisTestCase;

class SomeSeleniumTest extends RedisTestCase

    public function setUp()
        * Required call that boots the Symfony kernel and initialize selenium remote web driver

     * read title from google site
    public function testGoogleTitle()
        $redisClient = $this->getRedisClient();
        $redisClient->set('key' , 'value');

Composed Test Cases

You can build composed Test Cases using the following defined traits under \Cosma\Bundle\TestingBundle\TestCase\Traits: Supports following test cases:

  • SimpleTrait
  • DBTrait
  • CommandTrait
  • ElasticTrait
  • SolrTrait
  • SeleniumTrait
  • RedisTrait

All composed TestCases can use one or more traits and extends Cosma\Bundle\TestingBundle\TestCase\WebTestCase

namespace Acme\AppBundle\TestCase;

use Cosma\Bundle\TestingBundle\TestCase\WebTestCase;

// add the rest of traits
use Cosma\Bundle\TestingBundle\TestCase\Traits\DBTrait;
use Cosma\Bundle\TestingBundle\TestCase\Traits\ElasticTrait;
use Cosma\Bundle\TestingBundle\TestCase\Traits\SeleniumTrait;
use Cosma\Bundle\TestingBundle\TestCase\Traits\RedisTrait;

abstract class ComposedTestCase extends WebTestCase
    *   This Test Case combines: DB, Elastic and Selenium Test Cases 
    use DBTrait;
    use ElasticTrait;
    use SeleniumTrait;
    use RedisTrait;
    public function setUp()
        $this->getFixtureManager();     // from DBTrait
        $this->recreateIndex();         // from ElasticTrait
        $this->getRemoteWebDriver();    // from SeleniumTrait
        $this->resetRedisDatabase();    // from RedisTrait

Retry Tests

Use the @retry annotation for a Class or Method to retry tests in case of failure. Method annotations are overwriting Class annotation.

use Cosma\Bundle\TestingBundle\TestCase\SimpleTestCase;

* Will retry 10 times all the Class tests that are failing
* @retry 10 
class SomeVerySimpleUnitTest extends SimpleTestCase
    * Will retry 10 times this test if is failing because of the class annotation from above
    public function testFirst()
        // ...
    * Will retry 4 times this test if is failing because of the method annotation from below
    * @retry 4 
    public function testSecond()
        // ...


Alice fixtures are integrated with Faker.

The most basic functionality of Alice is to turn flat yaml files into objects.

You can define many objects of different classes in one file as such:

        username: <username()>
        fullname: <firstName()> <lastName()>
        birthDate: <date()>
        email: <email()>
        favoriteNumber: <numberBetween(1, 200)>

        name: Admins  
        users: [@user1, @user4, @user7]      

Importing/Exporting Fixture Files

You can easily dump Database data to Yaml fixture files with the command cosma_testing:fixtures:dump

    # Argument :: dump directory - required
    # Argument :: entity  - if not specified will save all entities : default *
    # Option :: --associations / -a - saves the associations between entities, too
    $   php app/console cosma_testing:fixtures:export [-a|--associations] dumpDirectory [entity]
    $   php app/console cosma_testing:fixtures:export -a "path/to/dump/directory" BundleName:Entity

You can easily import Yaml fixture to Database with command h4cc_alice_fixtures:load:files

    # Argument :: list of files to import : required
    # Option :: --type / - t : Type of loader. Can be "yaml" or "php" : yaml default
    # Option :: --drop / -d : drop and create schema before loading
    # Option :: --no-persist / - np :  persist loaded entities in database
    $   php app/console cosma_testing:fixtures:import [--drop] /path/to/fixtureFileOne.yml  /path/to/fixtureFileTwo.yml

Advanced Usage

Adding own Providers for Faker

A provider for Faker can be any class, that has public methods. These methods can be used in the fixture files for own testdata or even calculations. To register a provider, create a service and tag it.


        class: YourProviderClass
            -  { name: h4cc_alice_fixtures.provider }

Adding own Processors for Alice

A alice processor can be used to manipulate a object before and after persisting. To register a own processor, create a service and tag it.


        class: YourProcessorClass
            -  { name: h4cc_alice_fixtures.processor }


Mockery is a simple yet flexible PHP mock object framework for use in unit testing

use Cosma\Bundle\TestingBundle\TestCase\SimpleTestCase;
class SomeUnitTest extends SimpleTestCase
    public function testGetsAverageTemperatureFromThreeServiceReadings()
        $service = \Mockery::mock('service');
        $service->shouldReceive('readTemp')->times(3)->andReturn(10, 12, 14);

        $temperature = new Temperature($service);

        $this->assertEquals(12, $temperature->average());

Run Tests

vendor/phpunit/phpunit/phpunit -c phpunit.xml.dist --coverage-text --coverage-html=Tests/coverage Tests


The bundle is licensed under MIT.

Package Rankings
Top 15.43% on Packagist.org
Extracted from project README's
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