
A collection of Arduino projects

MIT License


Arduino Projects

This is a collection of Arduino projects that don't really deserve their own repository.

None of them are really maintained. Feel free to poke around and create pull requests if you have some improvment.



  • Project type: Arduino IDE (.ino)

Simple "guitar" where I used a distance sensor to map distance to a tone and play it through a piezo. You can read more about this project on my blog.

Party Glasses

  • Project type: Arduino IDE (.ino)

Two neopixel rings, attached to a pair of sunglasses. Blog post

Simon Says

  • Project type: Arduino IDE (.ino)

A simon says implemented on an Arduino.

Pushup counter

  • Project type: PlatformIO (.cpp)

A box to which I mounted a 4-digit LCD display and a distance sensor to.

Mini Instagram Stats

  • Project type: Particle Photon (.ino)

RGB led that indicates when you get a new follower or someone likes your posts on Instagram. A two-part project with a webserver in Node.js and a Photon communicating with it.


  • Project type: PlatformIO (.cpp)

A simple implementation of Pong for two players controlling the paddles with potetiometers. Using the TVout-library to display the game on a TV.


  • Project type: Arduino IDE (.ino) and Processing (.pde)

Paint an image with a NeoPixel strip and a camera with a long exposure.

Disco Keyboard

  • Project type: Arduino IDE (.ino) and Processing (.pde)

Turn your keyboard into a sparkling disco show.


  • Project type: Arduino IDE (.ino) and Processing

Make a radar using Arduino, plot your surroundings using processing.

Music Controller

  • Project type: Arduino IDE (.ino) and a Cocoa app

Control Spotify or iTunes via an Arduino interface with an LCD displaying the current song.

Neopixels reacting to audio

  • Project type: Arduino IDE (.ino) and Processing (.pde)

Have neopixels light up with the rythm of music!


  • Toggle lights on/off with claps!

Matrix Painter

  • Project type: Arduino IDE (.ino), Processing (.pde) and iOS

Paint those great 8x8 LED Matrices MAX7219 with our mouse - OR go one step further and use your iOS device!

Neopixel 7-Segment Display

  • Project type: Arduino IDE (.ino)

Create a 7-Segment Display with Neopixels

Happy New Year

  • Project type: Arduino IDE (.ino)

A simple animation on MAX7219 I used in the Intagram post

Arduino PC JoyStick

  • Project type: Arduino IDE (.ino), Python (.py)

Turns an Arduino JoyStick shield in to a PC game pad or second keyboard/mouse.


  • Project type: Arduboy (Arduino IDE (.ino))

A simple proof of concept of the game breakout for the Arduboy

Morse Keyboard

  • Project type: Arduino IDE (.ino)

Turns your Arduino UNO in to a one-button keyboard using morse code.


  • Project type: Arduino IDE (.ino)

Detecting motion with a PIR sensor, a NodeMCU communicates with a Philips Hue bridge to toggle the lights on or off (like the philips motions sensor).


  • Project type: Arduino IDE (.ino)

Repurposing an old phone in to a time telling machine using Arduino Nano 33 IOT and DFPlayer Mini.

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