
Visual Studio Code extension with code snippets for PlaywrightšŸŽ­

MIT License



This Visual Studio Code extension adds predefined useful code snippets for Playwright.

Snippets in Visual Studio Code (VS Code) are customizable templates that can be quickly inserted into your code.

Using snippets speeds up coding by reducing repetitive tasks, allowing for more efficient and error-free code writing.

How to Use Snippets in VS Code

Snippets in Visual Studio Code (VS Code) are customizable templates that can be quickly inserted into your code. Hereā€™s how to use them:

  1. Insert a Snippet

    Type a trigger word (e.g. pw-page) followed by pressing Tab or Ctrl + Space to bring up the snippet suggestion. Select the desired snippet from the list.

  2. Navigate through Fields

    After inserting a snippet, use Tab to jump between predefined placeholders within the snippet. You can customize or remove these fields as needed.

Snippets List

Below you can find a list of all supported snippets.


Snippet Description
pw-afterAll Playwright afterAll block
pw-afterEach Playwright afterEach block
pw-beforeAll Playwright beforeAll block
pw-beforeEach Playwright beforeEach block
pw-check-dataLayer Check dataLayer
pw-clear-cookies Clear all cookies in the browser context
pw-codegen-browser-default-profile Run codegen with browser profile
pw-describe Basic describe suite with before/after hooks
pw-describe-full Describe suite with all before/after hooks
pw-download Handle file downloads
pw-emulate-geolocation Emulate a specific geolocation
pw-eval Evaluate a JavaScript expression in the page context
pw-expect-toBeDisabled Expect an element to be disabled
pw-expect-toBeEditable Expect an element to be editable
pw-expect-toBeEmpty Expect an element to be empty
pw-expect-toBeEnabled Expect an element to be enabled
pw-expect-toBeFocused Expect an element to be focused
pw-expect-toBeHidden Expect an element to be hidden
pw-expect-toBeInViewport Expect an element to be in the viewport
pw-expect-toBeVisible Expect an element to be visible
pw-expect-toContainText Expect an element to contain specific text
pw-expect-toHaveAccessibleDescription Expect an element to have an accessible description
pw-expect-toHaveAccessibleName Expect an element to have an accessible name
pw-expect-toHaveAttribute Expect an element to have a specific attribute
pw-expect-toHaveClass Expect an element to have a specific class
pw-expect-toHaveCount Expect an element to have a specific count
pw-expect-toHaveCSS Expect an element to have specific CSS property
pw-expect-toHaveId Expect an element to have a specific ID
pw-expect-toHaveJSProperty Expect an element to have a specific JavaScript property
pw-expect-toHaveRole Expect an element to have a specific role
pw-expect-toHaveScreenshot Expect the page to have a screenshot
pw-expect-toHaveText Expect an element to have text
pw-expect-toHaveTitle Expect the page to have a specific title
pw-expect-toHaveURL Expect the page to have a specific URL
pw-expect-toHaveValue Expect an element to have a specific value
pw-expect-toHaveValues Expect an element to have specific values
pw-fixture-pom Playwright Fixture for Page Object Model (POM) class template
pw-get-elements-from-viewport Get elements from the viewport
pw-goto Navigate to a URL
pw-iframe-click Locate and click an element inside a frame
pw-iframe-fill Locate and fill an element inside a frame
pw-iframe-multiple-elements Perform multiple interactions inside a frame, including waiting for an element
pw-locator-handler Add a custom locator handler
pw-locator-screenshot Take a screenshot of the element
pw-network-throttle-basic Throttle network requests globally with a 100ms delay
pw-network-throttle-css-js Throttle loading of CSS and JavaScript resources
pw-network-throttle-images Throttle loading of image resources
pw-network-throttle-random Throttle network requests with a random delay
pw-network-throttle-request-type Throttle requests based on HTTP method (GET, POST, etc.)
pw-page-on-console Listen for console events
pw-page-on-request-mock Intercept network requests
pw-page-on-response Listen for response events
pw-page-screenshot Take a screenshot of the page
pw-pom Playwright Page Object Model (POM) class template
pw-record-har Record HAR file
pw-route-abort Abort a network request
pw-runtime-annotations Add runtime annotations
pw-set-cookie Set a cookie in the browser context
pw-set-describe-default Set test describe as default
pw-set-describe-parallel Set test describe as parallel
pw-set-describe-retries Set test describe retries
pw-set-describe-serial Set test describe as serial
pw-set-describe-timeout Set test describe timeout
pw-set-test-skip Set test as skip
pw-set-test-slow Set test as slow
pw-set-tests-slow Set all test as slow
pw-step Basic test step
pw-test Basic test
pw-test-annotations Basic test with annotations
pw-test-tag Basic test with tag
pw-test-tags Basic test with tags
pw-test-use-locale-timezone Set locale and timezone for a specific test
pw-test-use-network-slomo Slow down Playwright operations
pw-test-use-testIdAttribute Set the testIdAttribute for test
pw-test-use-viewport-hd-size Set the viewport size for test
pw-use-har Use HAR file
pw-wait-request Wait for a specific request
pw-wait-response Wait for a specific response
pw-wait-response-print-console Print all response details to the console


This project is open source and we welcome contributions from the community. If you would like to contribute, please follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix.
  3. Make your changes and commit them to your branch.
  4. Push your branch to your forked repository.
  5. Open a pull request to merge your changes into the main repository.

Please ensure that your code follows our coding guidelines and includes appropriate tests. We appreciate your contributions and look forward to reviewing your pull requests!

For more information


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