
Source code behind the Microsoft Research project Ada

MIT License



This repo contains the software needed to run Ada.


The following is what is current:

  • TeensyFirmware the C++ firmware running on the Teensy's.
  • TeensyUnitTest a windows C++ app that unit tests all the Teensy code.
    This is especially important because Teensy boards do not support debugging.
  • DmxController the python app that controls the big DMX par lights on the floor. This gets commands from the Server.
  • RpiController the C++ app that runs on the Raspberry Pis bridging the Server on the PC to the Teensys. Also provides some handy test menu options for manually setting colors and animations.
  • Server the Python app that runs on the Server PC on the 3rd floor, pushes to the RpiController and DMX controller and retrieves Sensei data from cosmosdb, and the Ada camera.
  • Azure a script for setting up your Azure Web Pub Sub service.
  • EmotionDetector a C# project that wraps the emotion detector model, providing a COM object that is used by IPCameraGUI.
  • IPCameraGUI reads the RTSP stream from the Ada Camera and performs movement detection, face detection and EmotionDetection, sending detections to the Server.
  • AdaKiosk a C# WPF app that simulates and controls Ada designed for a kiosk tablet device.
  • AdaKioskUnitTest a C# WPF app that simply prints all Web Pub Sub messages going on between
    the kiosk and the Ada Server.
  • AdaKioskService a C# app runs as a system service
    on the AdaKiosk to perform auto-updating of the AdaKiosk app.
  • AdaServerRelay an Azure Function used together with an Azure Logic App
    to use the Azure Web Pub Sub service to monitor the status of the Ada Server and the KasaBridge, sending emails if things
    are not running smoothly.
  • AdaWebPubSub an Azure Web Pub Sub service is used to communicate with the Ada Server.
  • KasaBridge A bridge to the Kasa Power switches. This bridge runs on a device that has
    wifi connectivity to the Kasa Power Switches.
  • HistoricalData Some *.csv files that capture some historical data
    from cosmos which can be used in "replay mode" by the Server.

The following are there for Archive purposes only:

  • Ada-Serial-Test
  • DMX-Drivers
  • JennyPrototype
  • handtracking

Setup Raspberry Pi

The raspberry pis also have a clone of this Ada git repo. Each pi is named adapi1, adapi2, adapi3. The Server Admin account has SSH key setup for logging into each pi which you can do like this:

ssh pi@adapi1

Then check if RpiController is already running using ps -ax if it is you can kill it so you can update it as follows:

cd /home/pi/git/Ada
git pull

If you get new TeensyFirmware then run this:

cd /home/pi/git/Ada/TeensyFirmware

Then to build the RpiController:

cd RpiController
mkdir build && cd build && cmake ..

Then you can launch it by running the script in the RpiController folder.

You will see it connect to the Teensy over Serial, automatically finding the serial port:

Looking for server: ada-core...
Found Teensy at: /dev/ttyACM0, Teensyduino_USB_Serial_6116590
Using local ip ""
Using server ip ""
Auto-starting Sensei

It also connects to the Server named 'ada-core' and auto-starts the Sensei command which receives lighting commands from the Server.

When you reboot the pi it should do all this automatically, including git pull and build so it will always be up to date and it will auto-start Sensei mode.


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