
Tools supporting continuous integration and deployment for NLU services.

MIT License


NLU.DevOps · Build Status PRs Welcome

Continuous integration and deployment of NLU models.

Getting Started

Getting Started with the NLU.DevOps Azure DevOps extension

We have published an Azure DevOps extension that wraps the steps below into three pipeline tasks for training, testing and deleting your NLU model. To get started, install the NLU.DevOps extension to your Azure DevOps organization.

See the Azure DevOps extension overview for more details.

Detailed information for each Azure Pipelines task can be found in the docs folder:

Getting Started with the NLU.DevOps CLI

To install the NLU.DevOps CLI tool, run:

dotnet tool install -g dotnet-nlu

This will install the CLI tool to your default .NET Core tools path. See the documentation on the dotnet tool install command for more information on how to customize the installation directory or package source.

The CLI tool by default supports training and testing NLU models against LUIS and Lex.

Detailed information on the CLI tool sub-commands and arguments can be found in the docs folder:


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Extracted from project README
Build Status PRs Welcome
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