
Power Platform CLI Wrapper

MIT License


Power Platform CLI Wrapper

This repo contains the intermediate layer between Power Platform Build Tools, GitHub Actions and PAC CLI.

Cli-Wrapper by itself doesn't call a specific version of PAC CLI, it lets the individual hosts decide which version of PAC CLI to be used. Although, it is recommended that all hosts use the latest version of PAC CLI. Whenever a newer version of PAC CLI is released, each host needs to update it and make new releases. Please check the design for better understanding - Architecture


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Setting Up Dev Environment

Windows, macOS or Linux:

If developing on Linux or macOS, you will also need to install git-lfs. (It is prepackaged with the Git installer for Windows.) Follow the instructions here for your environment.

Getting Started

Clone, restore modules, build and run:

git clone https://github.com/microsoft/powerplatform-cli-wrapper.git
cd powerplatform-cli-wrapper
npm install
npm install -g gulp-cli
gulp ci

How to make GitHub Actions and Build Tools compatible with latest PAC CLI?

After adding any new functionality in PAC CLI, support for relevant parameters/actions needs to be considered on all three repositories. This will ensure that our CI/CD pipelines are in sync with PAC CLI.

Let's say backup environment supports a new action 'foo' then update:

export interface BackupEnvironmentParameters {
  credentials: AuthCredentials;
  environment?: HostParameterEntry;
  environmentUrl?: HostParameterEntry;
  environmentId?: HostParameterEntry;
  backupLabel: HostParameterEntry;
  notes: HostParameterEntry;
  foo: HostParameterEntry;

and also update it in main method

const pacArgs = ["admin", "backup"];
const validator = new InputValidator(host);

validator.pushInput(pacArgs, "--environment", parameters.environment);
validator.pushInput(pacArgs, "--url", parameters.environmentUrl);
validator.pushInput(pacArgs, "--environment-id", parameters.environmentId);
validator.pushInput(pacArgs, "--label", parameters.backupLabel);
validator.pushInput(pacArgs, "--notes", parameters.notes);
validator.pushInput(pacArgs, "--foo", parameters.foo);

Now update the unit test accordingly (mock the input by using test/actions/mock/mockHost.ts)

Once a new parameter/action in cli-wrapper is added and merged to main, then run npm run trigger-pkg-release which will generate a new version (say 0.1.45) of the cli-wrapper npm package, publishes the npm package to this repo's package feed. The new version of that @microsoft/powerplatform-cli-wrapper package can then be consumed in both PP-BT and GitHub Actions repos.

Similar changes need to be done in both Build Tools and GitHub Actions to consume the new parameter 'foo'.

Let's take pp-actions, Go to package.json and update cli-wrapper version (as a pinned version, don't use ^0.1.45 to avoid breaks):

"@microsoft/powerplatform-cli-wrapper": "0.1.45"

Run 'npm install'.

Now go to 'src/actions/backup-environment/index.ts' and add foo parameter:

await backupEnvironment({
    credentials: getCredentials(),
    environment: parameterMap['environment'],
    environmentUrl: parameterMap['environment-url'],
    backupLabel: parameterMap['backup-label'],
    notes: parameterMap['notes'],
    foo: parameterMap['foo'],
}, runnerParameters, new ActionsHost());

Also go to 'backup-environment/action.yml' and add a new entry:

  description: 'Dummy foo action.'
  required: false

Now update the unit test test/bacupEnvironment.test.ts.

Do similar changes also in Build Tools in the specified files -> src/tasks/backup-environment/backup-environment-v0/index.ts, src/tasks/backup-environment/backup-environment-v0/task.json and test/actions/backup-environment.test.ts and nuget.json (line 18, 23).

In pp-actions, After creating a PR with changes in your commit, please update dist folder in a separate commit by running “npm run update-dist” in ".//"

Run gulp ci in both pp-action or pp-build-tools before creating a pull request.


  1. If you are getting an E401 error then it is likely that your PAT in GitHub expired, if it didn't then try to login again by running 'npm login --scope=@microsoft --registry=https://npm.pkg.github.com' and provide the PAT as password.

  2. For Testing before releasing a package on local machine: you can run 'gulp ci' in cli-wrapper after making changes and copy the generated dist folder into ".<pp-build-tools (or) pp-actions>\node_modules@microsoft\powerplatform-cli-wrapper"