
A promise and react based jsx style task flow library

MIT License


React and promise based task flow library

Now a lot of features are task flow based. You could break features into a seriese of tasks with order and dependency. For example, to start task C, you have to wait for task A / B and then take their outputs for further process. To express and reuse task flow easily and visually, it could help improve development efficiency. In this repo, task flow and workflow are the same.


Simple taskflow expression

Take the task flow below, there are 4 params for input. The task flow would add all 4 params with 3 add nodes and then double the sum with double node. Then the double node's result would be set as task flow's output.

The task flow above could be expressed with react jsx style below,

    <InputNodeComponent params={["num1", "num2", "num3", "num4"]} />
    <NodeComponent name="add1" gen={addFunc} deps={["num1", "num2"]} />
    <NodeComponent name="add2" gen={addFunc} deps={["num3", "num4"]} />
    <NodeComponent name="add3" gen={addFunc} deps={["add1", "add2"]} />
    <NodeComponent name="double" gen={doubleFunc} deps={["add3"]} />
    <OutputNodeComponent name="res" dep="double" />

In the jsx code above, there is a container with tag WorkflowComponent. Inside the container, there is first a InputNodeComponent node with params which is a array of name of the input parameters. NodeComponent add1 would take num1 and num2 defined within InputNodeComponent node to compute the add result with addFunc. After two node add1 and add2 finish work, add3 would take their outputs to run addFunc again with result passed to double node. Finally the result of double node computed by doubleFunc, would be set as task flow's output with alias res. The input parameter and output of a node are all refferenced by name.

The jsx code expression above is simple, clear and visual. You don't have to write code with long and chainning expressions.

For each NodeComponent, you need to specify a function that could genrate WorkflowExecutionNode as below,

export interface WorkflowExecutionNode {
    run: (...params: any[]) => any;
    cancel?: () => void;

Re-usable taskflow expression

If you want to define a re-usable task flow, then you could define a function with props to wrap the workflow. For example,

function ComputationWorkflow(props: WorkflowInputProps) {
    return (<WorkflowComponent {...props}>
            <InputNodeComponent params={["num1", "num2", "num3", "num4"]} />
            <NodeComponent name="add1" gen={addFunc} deps={["num1", "num2"]} />
            <NodeComponent name="add2" gen={addFunc} deps={["num3", "num4"]} />
            <NodeComponent name="add3" gen={addFunc} deps={["add1", "add2"]} />
            <NodeComponent name="double" gen={doubleFunc} deps={["add3"]} />
            <OutputNodeComponent name="res" dep="double" />

And in a new task flow, reuse the task flow by passsing the params. Then chain the current task flow output to parent taks flow's output node.

    <InputNodeComponent params={["num1", "num2", "num3", "num4"]} />
    <ComputationWorkflow name="comp" params={["num1", "num2", "num3", "num4"]} />
    <OutputNodeComponent name="res" dep="comp.res" />

Taskflow conversion

The example above is about taskflow expression. Once you have defined jsx taskflow, you could use buildJsxWorkflow to generate the task flows with ndoes and its depdencies. For example,

const jsxWorkflow = <WorkflowComponent>
    <InputNodeComponent params={["num1", "num2", "num3", "num4"]} />
    <ComputationWorkflow name="comp" params={["num1", "num2", "num3", "num4"]} />
    <OutputNodeComponent name="res" dep="comp.res" />
const workflow = buildJsxWorkflow(jsxWorkflow)

Taskflow execution

createWorkflowExecutor is for create task flow executor by passing the task flow structure. Call the run method, then wait for the outputs of promise and reference the result by alias . For example,

const jsxWorkflow = <WorkflowComponent>
    <InputNodeComponent params={["num1", "num2", "num3", "num4"]} />
    <ComputationWorkflow name="comp" params={["num1", "num2", "num3", "num4"]} />
    <OutputNodeComponent name="res" dep="comp.res" />
const workflow = buildJsxWorkflow(jsxWorkflow)
const executor = createWorkflowExecutor(workflow)
executor.run(1, 2, 3, 4).then((res) => {

Please reference example and test folder for more.

Development Setup

Please install vscode as IDE

# install
npm install

# build
npm run build

# test
npm run test

# lint
npm run lint

To debug test case, set sourceMap to be true in tsconfig.json, set configuration to be Jest Current File, open test file and run Start Debugging from vscode menu.



buildJsxWorkflow(expression: React.ReactElement, addNodeName: boolean = false)

Convert the jsx task flow expression to Workflow with node id to name mapping as optional.


  • expression - the jsx expression of the task flow
  • addNodeName - false by default, if true it would generate id to node name mapping.


The task flow instance

createWorkflowExecutor(wf: Workflow)

Create task flow executor with task flow instance.


  • wf - the task flow instance, not the task flow jsx expression


The task flow executor instance

dumpWorkflow(wf: Workflow)


  • wf - the task flow instance


The code that could generate taks flow instance


Task flow

export interface Workflow {
    inputs: number[];
    zeroDepNodes: number[];
    nodes: WorkflowNode[];
    outputs: Record<number, string>;
    binding: Record<number, number[]>;
    nodeNames?: Record<number, string>;

Task flow executor

export interface WorkflowExecutor {
    cancel() : void;
    run(...params: any[]) : Promise<any>;
    setTimeout(timeout: number) : void;
    reset() : void;
    state() : ExecutionStatus;
    inst(inst: boolean) : void;
    workflow() : Workflow;
    stats(): NodeExecutionStatus[];


Below are the basice components. You could create custom task flow components based on theme. Please note that only function components are supported.

declare function NodeComponent(props: NodeProps): any;
declare function WorkflowComponent(props: WorkflowProps): any;
declare function InputNodeComponent(props: InputNodeProps): any;
declare function OutputNodeComponent(props: OutputNodeProps): any;

About react

The library uses react to express task flow. It would add extra bundle size. as 1) react is included, 2) the jsx taskflow expression would actually be converted to code to create react elements.

If you don't want to depends on react and minize the bundle size. You could 1) dump the workflow instance code with dumpWorkflow method at runtime or test code. And use the generated code to generate task flow instance, 2) use cli and package target to print the genrated code for pure typescript project. Please reference the workflow target in ./example/client.

    "workflow": "taskflow-react-cli -w ./src/controller/FreWorkflow.tsx -n workflowDef"

-w specifies the file path and -n specfies the name of workflow instance exported. Here you need to import unitNodeGenerator from the library, and other node generator functions.

UI application

The best scenario for task flow is pure data flow. For task that needs to wait for user's input like clicking button, please keep the resolve function. When user clicks the button, you run the resolve function with input needed.

For UI specify task flow, it is recommended to define something like bridge to keep state and callback functions to update UI. Please check ./example/client for reference.