
🔖 Web GUI Test Automation for sauce Labs website using playwright & Type Script


🎭 Microsoft Playwright 🎭

🌐 saucedemo website

📝 Framework & language:

  • Microsoft Playwright

  • Type Script

🎨 Project Design:

  • Page Object Model design pattern (POM)

  • read all test data from external json files

  • integrated with allure report

  • CI/CD pipeline using github actions (create workflows that build and test every pull request)

🔊 this project included:

📦️ folder for github workflows

📦️ folder for all pages

📦️ folder for all tests

📦️ folder for all test data

⚗️ playwright config file

🗃️ Documentation

🚧 Requirements

🚀 Running Tests

  1. first of all clone the project
  2. open a terminal on the project root path
  3. Run all tests:
    npx playwright test for more command line refer to playwright Run Command line

📈 Generate reports

  1. HTML report will open after execute the test cases or run this command npx playwright show-report
  2. list Report
  3. Json Report

📄 Allure Report:

  1. npm i -D allure-playwright
  2. allure generate ./allure-results -o ./allure-report --clean
  3. allure open ./allure-report
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