
Test Monaco editor integrations using Playwright

MIT License



Test Monaco editor integrations using Playwright.

Table of Contents


npm install playwright-monaco


First, create an entry point that sets up your Monaco editor integration. Your integration should not import Monaco editor. Instead, it should accept the Monaco editor module as an argument. This best practice makes sure your integration also works with other ways to load Monaco editor. For example many users load Monaco editor from a CDN. The ed and monaco variables are assigned globally for convenience, but you can import them for type safety.

// ./tests/setup-monaco.ts
import { ed, monaco } from 'playwright-monaco'

import { configure } from '../src/index.js'


In your Playwright config, call createServer with your entry points. This starts a webserver using esbuild serve. This serves a page containing a fully configured Monaco editor. All default web workers are configured and a full page editor instance is created.

// ./playwright.config.ts
import { type PlaywrightTestConfig } from '@playwright/test'
import { createServer } from 'playwright-monaco'

const config: PlaywrightTestConfig = {
  use: {
    baseURL: await createServer('./tests/setup-monaco')
    // Alternatively, if you need a web worker
    // baseURL: await createServer({
    //   setup: './tests/setup-monaco',
    //   'your-integration': './src/your-integration.worker'
    // })

    // The editor respects dark mode if configured
    //  colorScheme: 'dark'

export default config

Now create a test which uses the editor fixture. The editor fixture navigates to the page served, and contains some convenience functions for working with Monaco editor.

// ./tests/integration.spec.ts
import { test } from 'playwright-monaco'

test('your integration', async ({ editor }) => {
  await editor.createModel('console.log("Hello Monaco!")\n', 'file:///index.js', true)


createServer(entryPoints[, options])

Create an esbuild dev server which serves Monaco editor.


  • entryPoints: A string or object that contains the setup key. These entry points will be built
    and loaded using esbuild.
  • options: Optional additional configuration options. The following options are accepted:
    • alias: Substitute packages with an alternative.
    • port: The port on which to serve the page.


The global Monaco editor module. This can only be used in the browser.


The global Monaco editor instance. This can only be used in the browser.

test(name, fn)

A Playwright test instance that has been extended with the editor fixture.

editor fixture

The editor fixture is a Playwright handle attached to the window. It’s configured to allow type-safe access to the ed and monaco globals as well. In addition, the editor fixture has the following helper functions:

createModel(value[, pathOrUri[, open[, language]]])

Create a Monaco editor model.

  • value: The value to set. (string)
  • pathOrUri: The path or uri of the model. If a path is given, it will be converted to a file uri.
    (URL | string)
  • open: If set to true, the created model is opened in the editor. (boolean)
  • language: The model language. By default this is auto detected based on the uri. (string)

A Playwright handle for the model.

open(patterns[, options])

Open one or more files from the file system in Monaco editor.

  • pattern: A glob pattern or array of glob patterns to open in the editor. (string | string[])
  • options: Options to pass to globby. The cwd option is also used to determine the base path of
    the models. See globby options for details.


Open an existing model in the editor.

  • uri: The uri of the model to open. (string)


Set the position in the editor


  • position: THe position to set. (object)

trigger(handlerId[, payload])

Trigger an editor action.


  • handlerId: The id of the action to trigger. (string)
  • payload: An additional payload to send with the action. (any)


The result of the action.

waitForMarkers(uri, fn)

Wait for marker data to be triggered for a resource.


  • uri The resource uri to wait for markers for. (string)
  • fn A function to evaluate to trigger marker data. (function)


Marker data for the uri.


MIT © Remco Haszing