
A PocketMine-MP plugin that adds kits to your server with many features and support for UIs and custom enchantments

AGPL-3.0 License



A PocketMine-MP plugin that adds kits to your server with many features and support for UIs (FormAPI plugin) and custom enchantments (PiggyCustomEnchants)

Latest release:

Latest development phars:

This plugin only supports PocketMine-MP. It might work on other forks as well, but please Do NOT open issues if you have problems with AdvancedKits and you are using a fork.

Features overview:

  • Highly configurable
  • UI (user interface) support using libFormAPI (already included in the phars)
  • Custom enchantments support using PiggyCustomEnchants plugin
  • Custom permissions support
  • Built in permissions system if you don't want to use any permissions manager (see kits.yml)
  • Economy support: pay to get a kit. Support for EconomyS, PocketMoney and MassiveEconomy
  • Sign support: write a sign to let users get a kit
  • Time limit (cooldown) for kits
  • Option for one kit per life (see config.yml)
  • Execute commands with kits
  • Easy translation system

Commands: The main command: /kit Alias for /kit: /ak, /advancedkits .

  • /kit [kitname] - Selects a kit. If no argument is kit name, opens the UI if possible or display a list of available kits.
  • /akreload - reloads kits.yml (when edited while the server is running)

Signs: To let users get a kit through a sign, you can create one like this: (capitals don't matter)

Line 1: [AdvancedKits]

Line 2: kitname

Line 3 & 4: Whatever you like

The default kit is: testkit. You can add kits editing kits.yml (see "Kit settings").

UI support: You don't need to install the plugin FormAPI as it is already included in the latest phars from poggit. To let users select a kit using a UI, enable 'show-form-no-args' in the config.yml Then, to open the UI, use /kit If you run this plugin in folder format, you will have to use DEVirion and manually install FormAPI, or disable 'show-form-no-args' in the config.yml

Permissions: If 'permissions-mode' in the config.yml is true: with the permission advancedkits.kitname, a player will be able to get the kit named "kitname". Note: in the permission, the kit name HAS to be ALL in lowercase letters. If 'permissions-mode' in the config.yml is false, you can specify in the kits.yml which users (and in which worlds) can get a kit. (see kit settings)

Kit Settings:

In order to add a kit you will need to edit the config kits.yml . If you open that file with bloc notes, you will be not able to edit because it will be all in one line, so open it with WordPad, Notepad ++, ... You can add lots of kits, but remember to keep this format:

  # ITEM FORMAT: "id:damage:count:name:ench_name:ench_level"
  # NO enchantments and NO custom name: "id:damage:count"

  # ONLY custom name: "id:damage:count:custom name"

  # ONLY enchantments: "id:damage:count:DEFAULT:enchantment1:level"
  # (Put DEFAULT in the name field if you do not want a custom name)
  # You can put as many enchantments as you want like this: "id:damage:count:DEFAULT:enchantment1:level:enchantment2:level" etc.

  # Enchantments AND custom name: "id:damage:count:custom name:enchantment1:level"
  # You can put as many enchantments as you want like this: "id:damage:count:custom name:enchantment1:level:enchantment2:level" etc.

  # You can write both numeric or string IDs
  - "260:0:10"
  - "267:0:1:Sword Name"
  helmet: "diamond_helmet:0:1"
  chestplate: "diamond_chestplate:0:1:DEFAULT:protection:1"
  leggings: "diamond_leggings:0:1:Leggings Name"
  boots: "diamond_boots:0:1"

  # Set items for specific slots, will override existing items. Only use if you want to assign items to specific slots, otherwise delete this.
    9: "golden_apple:0:5"
    12: "bow:0:1"

  - "tell {player} you got an awesome kit thanks to AdvancedKits plugin!"

    hours: 24
    minutes: 30

  # EFFECT FORMAT: "name:seconds:amplifier"
  - "speed:120:2"

  # Add a cost for the kit. Compatible with EconomyAPI, PocketMoney and MassiveEconomy
  # Put 0 if you want the kit to be free
  money: 50

  # If you do not use pureperms, use 'worlds' to specify in which worlds you want this kit to be used
  # Leave blank to let use the kit in all worlds
  - "kitpvp"

  # If you do not use pureperms, use 'users' to specify which players will be able to get this kit
  # Leave blank to let all the players use this kit
  - "luca28pet"
  - "dioconsole"

  # FormAPI users:
  # Img type: 'url' or 'path'
  img-type: ''
  # Put here the image URL/path
  img-data: ''
  # How the kit is displayed on the form
  form-name: 'Test Kit: 50$'

You can find a list of available enchantments in the file Enchantment.php in the pmmp source code:

If you don't specify users or world, then the kit will be available to all users or in all worlds. If 'permissions-mode' in the config.yml is true, these parameters will be ignored


You can easily translate plugin messages by editing the file inside the plugin folder. Remember to don't change the "lang-version" parameter, as it is used for internal proposes.


# Users are able to get only one kit per life
one-kit-per-life: true

# Users are able to get a kit if they log out even if they did not die (only works if one-kit-per-life: true)
reset-on-logout: true

# Use built in permission system even if using PurePerms
force-builtin-permissions: false

# Sign text (capitals and color codes don't matter)
sign-text: "[AdvancedKits]"