
A PocketMine-MP plugin.

AGPL-3.0 License



A PocketMine-MP portal plugin.

Latest release: https://poggit.pmmp.io/p/PortalsPE/

Latest development phars: https://poggit.pmmp.io/ci/luca28pet/PortalsPE/PortalsPE

How to create a portal:

  • /portal pos1, then break the first position
  • /portal pos2, then break the second position
  • Go to where you want the destination of the portal to be, and do /portal create portalName

Flags: Every portal has a set of flag which can modify its behaviour. Current list of implemented flags:

  • teleport: true/false. If false, the portal will not teleport the player to the destination, but will still execute commands (useful e.g. when you want to transfer player to another server)
  • permissionMode: true/false. If true, the players must have the permission portalspe.portal.portalname to use the portal
  • autoload: true/false. If true, the plugin will try to automatically load the destination world
  • commands: the list of commands that will be executed when the player enters the portal. You can use {portal} and {player} variables which will be the portal name and the player name

See Commands section belows to see how to edit flags.


  • /portal pos1
  • /portal pos2
  • /portal create
  • /portal list: see the name of the created portals
  • /portal delete : deletes a portal
  • /portal flag teleport <true|false>: enables/disables flag teleport
  • /portal flag permissionMode <true|false>: enables/disables permission mode
  • /portal flag autoload <true|false>: enables/disables world auto loading
  • /portal flag addcommand : adds a command to the portal
  • /portal flag rmcommand : removes a command from the portal
  • /portal flag listcommands: list the commands


  • portalspe.command.portal: access the main command
  • portalspe.portal.portalName: access to portalName


#Do not edit this
version: 1

#Choose how the plugin detects players movement: use "event" to use PlayerMoveEvent or "task" to use a repeating task
#Best choice may be "task"
movement-detection: "task"

#Task time in seconds (only matters when "task" is selected in the previous field)
task-time: 3

#Language for players messages. You can use {player} and {portal} variables
  error: "The destination of this portal is in a world that does not exist or is not loaded"
  no-perm: "You do not have permission to use this portal"
  success: "You have entered the portal"