
A collective index of my favorite blogs

MIT License



Bloggulus is a web application for aggregating and indexing your favorite blogs. I wrote it to serve as a less engaging and more personalized version of sites like Hacker News or Reddit.

Local Development

While the primary Bloggulus website represents my own personal collection of blogs, it is designed to be easily self-hostable. Check out the releases page for pre-built binaries.


This project depends on the Go programming language.


This project uses PostgreSQL for persistent storage. To develop locally, you'll an instance of the database running somehow or another. I find Docker to be a nice tool for this but you can do whatever works best.

The following command starts the necessary containers:

docker compose up -d

These containers can be stopped via:

docker compose down


Run the application (with automatic restarts via wgo):

make run

OAuth Services

For authentication, this project relies on OAuth social sign ins (from GitHub and Google). To work on the auth system, you'll need to create a bloggulus.local.conf file that contains the necessary OAuth credentials (client ID and client secret for each service). If you need these credentials, feel free to reach out.

Then, you can run the app using the local config file with:

make run-local

Otherwise, you can simply run the application normally (without OAuth configured) and use the local-only debug sign in. This is enabled when ENABLE_DEBUG_AUTH is set (which the already Makefile includes for run and run-local).


Tests can be ran after starting the necessary containers:

make test