
This web application is built to enable users browser through different houses which they can reserve on choice basis. The users can add their own houses to let other users reserve that for extra income. Users can register an account to use the website with full access with a unique username.

MIT License


Table of Contents

Project Name

EarthBnb Backend API

About this project

This web application is built to enable users browser through different houses which they can reserve on choice basis. The users can add their own houses to let other users reserve that for extra income. Users can register an account to use the website with full access with a unique username. The whole application is built in two major parts. The Earthbnb_backend holds code for the API backend that returns and handles the database on API request from the frontend of this website. The database working behind the screen is a relational database developed with PostgreSQL. The Earthbnb_frontend contains the user interface of the website where the users can interact with the database. The backend of the website is created with Ruby on Rails API and the frontend is created with ReactJS and Redux.

Built With

Key Features

Key features of the application.

  • A full stack webapp where users can register and sign in using a unique username.
  • Users can add, delete and browse through the reigstered houses and reserve any house on choice.
  • API endpoints /houses and /houses/:id are available publicly whereas API endpoints /reservations and /reservations/:username is private only to registered and logged in users.
  • Users will be able to reserve a house in an available date. It is made sure by the developers that a user cannot reserve a house within a date range if any other user has already reserved it.
  • Users reservation data is private to every user and none can access each others data.
  • The API returns different type of organized errors for bad requests.
  • The UI of the website is built following this design guidelines.
  • The API is documented using rswag here.
  • The databse tables are generated using this ER diagram.

Live Demo

Live demo is available here.

N.B: The backend API is not available due to the restriction on the free account on Render for hosting PostgreSQl databases. As a result new account registration and viewing of the inner UI is not available in the live demo. Take a look at the UI images below.

Getting Started

To clone the repository in local environment try following steps.


  • A code editor like Visual Studio Code with Git, Ruby, and Gem.

You can check if Git is installed by running the following command in the terminal.

$ git --version

Likewise for Ruby and gem for package installation.

$ ruby --version && gem --version

Note: This project is built with Ruby version 3.1.3


Clone the repository using this link.


In the terminal, go to your file directory and run this command.

$ git clone

Get into development

In the terminal, run these commands to get into development.

$ cd Earthbnb_backend

$ bundle init

$ bundle install (install dependencies)

Note: You might need to update database.yml for development and testing environments with necessary username and password for your database in their respective positions. Also make sure to comment out pidfile and workers at config/puma.rb to run the server without error.

$ rails db:create

$ rails db:migrate

$ rails db:seed

$ rails server


This website is applicable for both mobile and desktop version.

Run Test

$ rails db:create RAILS_ENV=test

$ rails db:migrate RAILS_ENV=test

$ rails rswag

Kanban Board

The Kanban Board made for this project can be found here. The initial state of the Kanban Board can be found here. There are four members in our team. Their details can be found in the authors section.


Prangon Ghose

Shinhyo Belliard

Glenda Diaz

Victor Gonzalez

Future Features

  • Add animation to create smooth user experience.
  • Enable only admin users to add or delete houses.
  • Implement proper user authentication from the front-end to the server.


Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome! Add suggestions by opening new issues.

Feel free to check the issues page.

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Authors would like to thank:


This project is MIT licensed.