
Ecoleta - Developed during the event NLW 1.0 by @Rocketseat

MIT License


đŸ’ģ Project

Ecoleta is an application that aims to help people find places that collect specific types of waste, encouraging people to recycle more.

🚀 Built with

This project was developed with the following technologies:

ℹī¸ How to run


To run the application you will need:

I strongly recommend using Docker to run the databases. If you decide to use docker, follow this steps to install and run the docker image.

# install Postgres image (if you don't specify an username it will be postgres by default)
$ docker run --name imagename -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=yourPassword -p 5432:5432 -d postgres

# start Postgres
$ docker start imageName


Now clone the repository and install the dependencies.

# to clone the repository
$ git clone

# go into the backend folder
$ cd ecoleta/backend

#install the backend dependencies
$ yarn

In order to connect to the database, you will need to enter the access informations into a ormconfig.json. You can find more about it here.

# run migrations
$ yarn typeorm migration:run

# run api
$ yarn dev:server


# in another tab of the terminal install the frontend dependencies and run it 
$ cd frontend
$ yarn
$ yarn start


The Application was developed using Expo. It is a free and open source toolchain built around React Native to facilitate the process of running and testing applications. Click here to get start with Expo.

# install the dependencies
cd mobile

In order to run the application on your device, you need to change the ip config.


  baseURL: '',

replace with your machine's ip.

Now with everything on place, run the application.

# to run the app
yarn start

Expo will open a page in your browser, scan the QRcode on the page and wait for the app to load.

The Application was developed and tested on Iphone 6s and Android Studio Emulator.

📝 License

This project is under the MIT license. See the LICENSE for more information

đŸ“Ŧ Get in touch!

Made with ☕ and ❤ī¸ by Stefano Saffran.