
My First Project As Ecommerce Backend Api Using Go Programing Language

MIT License


Ecommerce Project using Go Programming with Gin Framework

This project is an ecommerce application built using Go programming language and the Gin framework. It follows the clean code architecture, which promotes separation of concerns and maintainability.

Project Overview

The ecommerce-gin-clean-arch project is designed to provide a performant and feature-rich ecommerce solution. It includes functionalities such as user authentication, product management, shopping cart, order processing, and payment integration.

Used Packages

The project utilizes the following packages:

  1. GIN: A web framework written in Go that combines high performance with an API similar to Martini.
  2. JWT: A Go implementation of JSON Web Tokens for secure authentication and authorization.
  3. GORM with PostgreSQL: A powerful ORM library for Go that simplifies database operations.
  4. Wire: A code generation tool for dependency injection, making it easier to connect components.
  5. Viper: A configuration solution for Go applications, supporting various formats and 12-Factor app principles.
  6. swag with gin-swagger and swaggo files: Converts Go annotations to Swagger Documentation 2.0 for API documentation.
  7. Stripe: A Go client library for the Stripe API, allowing seamless integration with Stripe's payment platform.
  8. [Google Auth] A Go library for handling authentication and authorization with Google services.
  9. Twilio: A Go client library for the Twilio API, enabling communication via SMS, voice, and other channels.
  10. Razorpay: A Go client library for the Razorpay API, facilitating payment processing and
  11. AWS SDK: A comprehensive SDK for integrating Go applications with Amazon Web Services, providing functionalities for interacting with Amazon S3 and other AWS services.

Please refer to the respective package documentation for more information on how to use and integrate these packages into your Go application.

Setup Instructions

To use and test the ecommerce-gin-clean-arch project, please follow these steps:


Make sure you have the following installed on your system:

1. Clone the Repository

Clone the ecommerce-gin-clean-arch repository to your local system:

git clone
cd ecommerce-gin-clean-arch

2. Install Dependencies

Install the required dependencies using either the provided Makefile command or Go's built-in module management:

# Using Makefile
make deps
# OR using Go
go mod tidy

3. Configure Environment Variables

details provided at the end of the file

4. Make Swagger Files (For Swagger API Documentation)

make swag

To Run The Application

make run

To See The API Documentation

  1. visit [swagger] http://localhost:8000/swagger/index.html

To Test The Application

1. Generate Mock Files

make mockgen

2. Run The Test Functions

make test

Set up Environment Variables

Set up the necessary environment variables in a .env file at the project's root directory. Below are the variables required:

### PostgreSQL database details
DB_NAME="your database name"
DB_USER="your database user name"
DB_PASSWORD="your database owner password"
DB_PORT="your database running port number"
### JWT
ADMIN_AUTH_KEY="secret code for signing admin JWT token"
USER_AUTH_KEY="secret code for signing user JWT token"
### Twilio
AUTH_TOKEN="your Twilio authentication token"
ACCOUNT_SID="your Twilio account SID"
SERVICE_SID="your Twilio messaging service SID"
### Razorpay
RAZOR_PAY_KEY="your Razorpay API test key"
RAZOR_PAY_SECRET="your Razorpay API test secret key"
### Stripe
STRIPE_SECRET="your Stripe account secret key"
STRIPE_PUBLISH_KEY="your Stripe account publish key"
STRIPE_WEBHOOK="your Stripe account webhook key"
### Google Auth
GOAUTH_CLIENT_ID="your Google auth client ID"
GOAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET="your Google auth secret key"
GOAUTH_CALL_BACK_URL="your registered callback URL for Google Auth"
### AWS S3 Service
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="your aws access key id"
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="your AWS secret access key"
AWS_REGION="your AWS region"
AWS_BUCKET_NAME="your AWS s3 bucket name"