
Backend app for connecting investors and investment advisors.


Backend for a Fullstack project


Backend of a fullstack app that connects investors and investment advisors. The goal of this project was to make my first fullstack app using Nest.js.

Table of contents


Build with

  • Node.js
  • Nest
  • Typescript
  • PostgreSQL
  • Prisma ORM

Deploy links

Project Structure



├── node_modules/       Dependencies installed in your local environment.
├── prisma/             Contains Prisma migrations and Prisma models
├── src/                Source code
|   |
│   ├── database/       Contains the connection between Prisma and Nest;
|   |
│   ├── decorators/     Functions that may be used throughout the code;
|   |          
│   ├── interceptor/    Has a pagination function;
|   |          
│   ├── modules/        Classes that stablish the main ingredients of the API;
|     |
│     ├── admin/        The admin module has access to everything;
|       | 
                        (The description below is equivalent for the
                        following modules);
|       | 
│       ├── dto         Defines the data the API will receive   
                        and transfers it between controller and service;  
|       | 
│       ├── entity      The class that maps to the database;   
|       | 
│       ├── controller  Defines the type of route and what 
                        it will receive from the client.
                        Also the place where the Swagger
                        documentation is customized;                   
|       | 
│       ├── service     Defines how the API will handle the client's request
                        and interacts with the database;   
|       | 
│       ├── module      Handles controllers, providers and exports;   
|       |
|     |
│     ├── advisors/     Each is connected to N investor and, with
                        one investment type;      
|     | 
│     ├── investment_types/   
|     |                 Each one is connect to an advisor,
                        and to N products;
|     | 
│     ├── investors/    The main user of the app. 
|     |                 Will connect to N products,
                        and one advisor;
|     | 
│     ├── products/     (Not implemented yet)
|     |                 Connects with N investors, and
                        N investment_types;
|     | 
│     ├── session/      Starts the user's session
|     |                 
|     | 
│     ├── users/        Sets default values
|     |                 that the other modules  
                        will extend;
│   .env.example          example of how to write a .env
│   relationships.jpeg    visualization of the relationships between the modules 
│   └── ...


  • build: Compile Nest.js;
  • format: Format the source code with Prettier;
  • start: Start the Nest.js server;
  • start:dev: Start the server in dev mode monitoring updates;
  • start:debug: Start the server in debug mode monitoring updates;
  • start:prod: Start server to test the deployment of the source code;
  • lint: Runs ESLint for linting and automatic correction;

Run the scripts starting with npm run or yarn,


  • @nestjs/common: ^10.0.0,
  • @nestjs/core: ^10.0.0,
  • @nestjs/jwt: ^10.2.0,
  • @nestjs/passport: ^10.0.3,
  • @nestjs/platform-express: ^10.0.0,
  • @nestjs/swagger: ^7.2.0,
  • @prisma/client: ^5.9.0,
  • @types/multer: ^1.4.11,
  • bcryptjs: 2.4.3,
  • class-transformer: 0.5.1,
  • class-validator: 0.14.1,
  • cloudinary: 2.0.1,
  • cors: 2.8.5,
  • dotenv: 16.4.1,
  • jsonwebtoken: 9.0.2,
  • multer: 1.4.5-lts.1,
  • passport: 0.7.0,
  • passport-jwt: 4.0.1,
  • pg: 8.11.3,
  • prisma: 5.9.0,
  • reflect-metadata: 0.1.13,
  • rxjs: 7.8.1,
  • swagger-ui-express: 5.0.0

Dev dependencies

  • @nestjs/cli: ^10.0.0,
  • @nestjs/schematics: ^10.0.0,
  • @nestjs/testing: ^10.0.0,
  • @swc/cli: ^0.1.65,
  • @swc/core: ^1.3.105,
  • @types/bcryptjs: ^2.4.6,
  • @types/express: ^4.17.17,
  • @types/jest: ^29.5.2,
  • @types/node: ^20.3.1,
  • @types/passport-jwt: ^4.0.1,
  • @types/supertest: ^6.0.0,
  • @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin: ^6.0.0,
  • @typescript-eslint/parser: ^6.0.0,
  • eslint: ^8.42.0,
  • eslint-config-prettier: ^9.0.0,
  • eslint-plugin-prettier: ^5.0.0,
  • jest: ^29.5.0,
  • nodemon: ^3.0.3,
  • prettier: ^3.0.0,
  • source-map-support: ^0.5.21,
  • supertest: ^6.3.3,
  • ts-jest: ^29.1.0,
  • ts-loader: ^9.4.3,
  • ts-node: ^10.9.1,
  • tsconfig-paths: ^4.2.0,
  • typescript: ^5.1."

Local settings


  1. Clone the repositório:
git clone [email protected]:brunomoleta/Investment-app-server.git
  1. Install the project's dependencies:
yarn install

Environment variables

Make sure you set the environment variables in the .env file, using .env.example, located at the project's root.

Database config

  1. Install PostgreSQL

Make sure you have PostgreSQL installed on your system. You can download it at postgresql.

  1. Start the server

After installing, start the PostgreSQL service. The commands change depending on the operating system:

  • Linux:
sudo service postgresql start
  • Windows:

Go to "Control panel" > "Admin Tools" > "Services". Find the PostgreSQL service and start it.

  • MacOS:
pg_ctl -D /usr/local/var/postgres start
  1. Enter the Database

By default, PostgreSQL creates a database named postgres. You can access it using the word psql at the terminal:

psql -U postgres

This will open an interactive session with the postgres database using your postgres user. You will have to put your password without seeing it.

  1. Create a new Database

Inside the psql shell, run the following command to create a new database:


Change db_name with the desired name for the database.

  1. Run the prisma migrations
prisma migrate dev

Start server

Run the following command to start the server:

# development
$ yarn start

# watch mode
$ yarn run start:dev

# production mode
$ yarn run start:prod

Local server running at: http://localhost:3001.

PS: The port may be diffent if you changed the config at .env.


The full doc is at deploy-swagger(deploy) or local-swagger(running locally).

Method Endpoint Responsability Autenticação
POST /session/admin Generate admin authentication token Universal Access
POST /session/advisor Generate advisor authentication token Universal Access
POST /session/investor Generate investor authentication token Universal Access
---------- ------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- ---------------------
POST /investor Creates an investor Universal Access
GET /investor Retrievess investors Authenticated User
GET /investor/id Retrievess investor by Token Authenticated User
GET /investor/advisor/:advisor_id Filters investors by advisor Authenticated User
GET /investor/amount/:amount Filters investors by amount($) Authenticated User
PATCH /investor Updates investor's data by the Token Authenticated User
PATCH /investor/password Validates current password and update it Authenticated User
DELETE /investor Deletes investor by the Token Authenticated User
---------- ------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- ---------------------
POST /advisor Creates an advisor Universal Access
GET /advisor Retrieves advisors Universal Access
GET /advisor/all Retrieves advisors with all their data Authenticated User
GET /advisor/speciality_id/:speciality_id Filter advisors through speciality_id Universal Access
GET /advisor/experience/:experience Filter advisors through experience Universal Access
GET /advisor/id Retrieves advisor through the token Authenticated User
PATCH /advisor Updates an advisor through the token Authenticated User
PATCH /advisor/password Validates current password and update it Authenticated User
DELETE /advisor Deletes an advisor through the token Authenticated User
---------- ------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- ---------------------
POST /investment_type Creates an investment type Authenticated User
GET /investment_type/all Retrieves investment types with all related data Authenticated User
GET /investment_type Retrieves investment types Universal Access
GET /investment_type/risk/:risk Filter investment types by their risk Universal Access
GET /investment_type/id/:id Retrieves investment_type through their id Universal Access
PATCH /investment_type Update investment_type through their id Authenticated User
---------- ------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- ---------------------
POST /admin Create admin Authenticated User
GET /admin Retrieves admins Authenticated User
GET /admin/id Retrieves admin through the Token Authenticated User
PATCH /admin/password Validate current password and update it Authenticated User
DELETE /admin Remove admin Authenticated User

The process

What I learned

Session payload

To enhance the logged user security I decided to retrieve only the id at the payload. It was the first time I tried it, so it was not straightforward. Finally, it worked with the following:

const { id } = user;
const token = { sub: id };

return { token: await this.jwtService.signAsync(token) };

At the controller the client passes the token to make a request. Such as:

request: string,
updatePasswordDto: UpdatePasswordDto,
  const token = request.headers.authorization.split(' ')[1];
  const decoded: any = decode(token);

  return await this.advisorsService.updatePassword(

Update password

I also want to highlight the update of the password service:

  id: string, passwordDto: UpdatePasswordDto
  const advisor =
    await this.prisma.advisor.findUnique({
      where: { id },

  const passwordMatch = await

  const hashedPassword = await
    bcrypt.hash(passwordDto.newPassword, 10);

  await this.prisma.advisor.update({
    where: { id },
    data: { password: hashedPassword },

  return { message: 'Password successfully updated' };

Continued development

Make use of UseGuards, something I studied and tried to implement but could not finish it and automatize the pagination of GET requests that involve retrieving multiple instances. Also to experiment with MongoDB.

Useful resources

