
This Microservices-based REST API, built with Java and Spring Boot, manages job listings, companies, and reviews. Each service is independently developed and deployed, allowing for easy scaling and maintenance. The API supports CRUD operations for companies, jobs, and reviews, with services communicating through RESTful endpoints.

MIT License


Job Companies and Reviews Microservices Architecture


This REST API is designed to manage job listings and reviews for various companies, utilizing a microservices architecture. Built with modern development practices, the API ensures scalability, maintainability, and fault tolerance, offering comprehensive endpoints for managing companies, jobs, and associated reviews.

Table of Contents


  • Company Management: CRUD operations for companies.
  • Job Management: CRUD operations for jobs within a company.
  • Review Management: CRUD operations for reviews related to a company.
  • Service Discovery: Seamless service registration and discovery using Eureka.
  • Load Balancing: Intelligent routing and load balancing with Spring Cloud.
  • Fault Tolerance: Resilient microservices with retry mechanisms and circuit breakers.
  • Distributed Tracing: Integrated Zipkin for monitoring and tracing.

Technologies Used

  • Java 17: Primary programming language.
  • Spring Boot: Framework for building robust and scalable REST APIs.
  • Spring Cloud Netflix Eureka: Service registry and discovery.
  • Spring Cloud Gateway: API Gateway for routing and filtering requests.
  • RabbitMQ: Message broker for asynchronous communication.
  • MySQL/PostgreSQL: Relational database management.
  • H2 Database: In-memory database for development and testing.
  • JPA/Hibernate: ORM for database interactions.
  • Maven: Dependency management and build automation.
  • Lombok: Simplifies Java code by reducing boilerplate.
  • Docker: Containerization for consistent environments.
  • Zipkin: Distributed tracing for monitoring microservices.


The system is composed of independent microservices, each responsible for a specific domain:

  • Company Service: Handles company-related operations, including company details and job associations.
  • Job Service: Manages job listings, including job creation, updates, and associations with companies.
  • Review Service: Manages user reviews of companies, integrating with job data.
  • Service Registry: Manages dynamic service registration and discovery using Eureka.
  • API Gateway: Routes external requests to the appropriate microservice, handling load balancing and security.
  • RabbitMQ: Enables asynchronous communication between services, enhancing scalability and resilience.

Getting Started


  • Java 17
  • Maven
  • MySQL or PostgreSQL (for persistent storage)
  • Docker (optional, for containerized deployments)


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd jobsmicroservices
  2. Configure the databases: Update the or application.yml files in each service with your database credentials.

  3. Build and package each service:

    mvn clean install
  4. Start the Service Registry:

    cd service-registry
    mvn spring-boot:run
  5. Start the microservices:

    cd ../company-service
    mvn spring-boot:run
    cd ../job-service
    mvn spring-boot:run
    cd ../review-service
    mvn spring-boot:run
  6. Run API Gateway and other services as needed.


To deploy the microservices architecture, Docker can be used for containerization. Alternatively, you can deploy each service to your cloud provider of choice (e.g., AWS, Azure, GCP).

  • Docker Compose: Consider using Docker Compose for local deployment. Define services, networks, and volumes to manage the entire stack.

API Endpoints

Company Endpoints

  • GET /companies: Retrieve all companies.
  • POST /companies: Create a new company.
  • GET /companies/{id}: Retrieve details of a specific company.
  • PUT /companies/{id}: Update a company's details.
  • DELETE /companies/{id}: Delete a company.

Job Endpoints

  • GET /jobs: Retrieve all job listings.
  • POST /jobs: Create a new job listing.
  • GET /jobs/{id}: Retrieve details of a specific job.
  • PUT /jobs/{id}: Update a job listing.
  • DELETE /jobs/{id}: Delete a job listing.

Review Endpoints

  • GET /reviews: Retrieve all reviews.
  • POST /reviews: Create a new review.
  • GET /reviews/{id}: Retrieve details of a specific review.
  • PUT /reviews/{id}: Update a review.
  • DELETE /reviews/{id}: Delete a review.


We welcome contributions! Please follow these guidelines:

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a feature branch (git checkout -b feature/new-feature).
  3. Commit your changes with descriptive messages (git commit -m 'Add new feature').
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin feature/new-feature).
  5. Submit a Pull Request, and our team will review your contribution.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.