
"A full-stack e-commerce platform developed using React, Express.js, Node.js, and PostgreSQL. It includes backend APIs and Database for Product and Order management.

MIT License


E-commerce Website Documentation

Live Demo 🌐 => JP-Ecommerce

Project Overview

This documentation covers the structure, setup, and key functionalities of an e-commerce prototype built using React for the frontend, Node.js and Express.js for the backend, and PostgreSQL for the database. The project simulates the process of browsing products, managing a shopping cart, processing payments (prototype), and confirming orders.

1. Project Structure

Frontend (React)


  • Home.jsx: Displays the list of products and categories.
  • ProductDetail.jsx: Shows detailed information about a selected product.
  • Cart.jsx: Manages the items added to the shopping cart.
  • Payment.jsx: Allows users to select and process their preferred payment method.
  • ConfirmationPage.jsx: Displays order confirmation details after the payment process.


  • /: Home page.
  • /product/:id: Product details page.
  • /cart: Cart overview..
  • /payment: Payment method selection.
  • /confirmation: Order confirmation page.

State Management

  • Context API: Used to manage global state such as cart items and user information.

Notification System

  • React Toast: Used for displaying user notifications (e.g., Item Added to cart, order confirmation).

Backend (Node.js & Express.js)

  • Server: Express server running on http://localhost
  • API Routes:
    • /payments: Handles payment processing.
    • /payments:id Used to get the specific Item.

Database (PostgreSQL)

  • Database Tables
      • Product Table : Which contains the Items of products.
      • Order Table : Stores all order-related information including cart items, shipping details, payment method, and order status.

2. Key Functionalities

1. Product Browsing

Users can view a list of products on the home page and click on any product to view detailed information.

2. Shopping Cart Management

Users can add products to their cart, view the cart, and adjust quantities before proceeding to checkout

3. Payment Processing

Users can select from multiple payment methods (credit card, debit card, UPI, or Cash on Delivery).

4. Order Confirmation

Upon successful payment, the order details are stored in the database, and the user is directed to the confirmation page. A toast notification confirms the order placement.

3. Testing

  • API Testing: Used Postman and Thunder Client to test backend APIs.

4. Future Enhancements

  • Payment Gateway Integration: Integrate with real payment gateways like Stripe or PayPal.

  • User Authentication: Add user authentication and authorization for a personalized shopping experience.

  • Product Search and Filter: Implement search and filtering capabilities for better product browsing.

5. ScreenShots

  • Home Page :
  • Search-Functionallity :
  • Product Description :
  • Cart Items :
  • Payment Gateway :
  • Card Details :
  • Shipping Details :
  • Order Confirmation :
  • Order Database :
  • Product Database :


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the MIT License file for details.