
📊 Um sistema Kanban Web feito em Laravel, JavaScript, CSS e PostgreSQL.

MIT License


Um sistema Kanban feito em Laravel, JavaScript e CSS apenas.

To Run In Your PC

  1. Clone the project with git clone
  2. In root directory, run composer install for the vendor components
  3. Create the database in your pgadmin
  4. Make a copy of .env.example with name .env only and insert your databases credentials
  5. Run php artisan migrate --seed in root directory
  6. Run php artisan serve to run the server and access by localhost:8000 (or the port)
  7. In the login page of application, the email is [email protected] and the password is admin (this data was added by --seed in step 5)

To Develop

  1. Run npm run watch in a separated terminal, so you'll be able to edit assets in /resources and the Laravel Mix will compile to /public folder in each modification


Laravel Framework 9.0.2

PHP 8.1.2

Composer 2.2.3

PostgreSQL 14.0


A branch master é um sistema Kanban fechado.

A branch public é uma versão onde o Kanban é um website kanban público.

Branch master

  • Login
  • Index
    • Projetos
    • Novo Projeto
    • Conta
    • Perfil
    • Cadastro de Usuário
  • Dashboard
    • Tarefa
    • Preferencias do Projeto

Branch public

Sobre o Framework Laravel

The Laravel framework is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.