
Microservice native message and event store for Postgres

MIT License


Message DB

Microservice Native Event Store and Message Store for Postgres

A fully-featured event store and message store implemented in PostgreSQL for Pub/Sub, Event Sourcing, Messaging, and Evented Microservices applications.


  • Pub/Sub
  • JSON message data
  • Event streams
  • Stream categories
  • Metadata
  • Message queues
  • Message storage
  • Consumer groups
  • Service host
  • Administration tools
  • Reports


An event sourcing and Pub/Sub message store built on Postgres for simple cloud or local hosting. A minimalist implementation of the essential features of tools like Event Store or Kafka, with built-in support for messaging patterns like Pub/Sub, and consumer patterns like consumer groups.

Message DB was extracted from the Eventide Project to make it easier for users to write clients in the language of their choosing.

User Guide

A complete user guide is available on the Eventide Project docs site:


Message DB can be installed either as a Ruby Gem, an NPM package, or can simply be cloned from this repository.

Git Clone

git clone [email protected]:message-db/message-db.git

As a Ruby Gem

gem install message-db

As an NPM Module

npm install @eventide/message-db

Create the Postgres Database

Running the database installation script creates the database, schema, table, indexes, functions, views, types, a user role, and limit the user's privileges to the message store's public interface.


Make sure that your default Postgres user has administrative privileges.

From the Git Clone

The installation script is in the database directory of the cloned repo. Change directory to the message-db directory where you cloned the repo, and run the script:


From the Ruby Executable

If you installed Message DB via RubyGems, a database installation Ruby executable will be installed with the message-db gem.

The executable will be in the gem executable search path and may also be executed through bundler:

bundle exec mdb-create-db

For more information about Ruby executables installed with the message-db Ruby Gem, see the Eventide docs on the administration tools that are bundled with the gem:

From the NPM Module

The message-db NPM module doesn't ship with any special tooling other than the bundled scripts.

To execute the installation script, navigate to the directory where the message-db module is installed and run the script:

Database Name

By default, the database creation tool will create a database named message_store.

If you prefer either a different database name, you can override the name using the DATABASE_NAME environment variable.

DATABASE_NAME=some_other_database database/

Uninstalling the Database

If you need to drop the database (for example, on a local dev machine):


If you're upgrading a previous version of the database:


API Overview

The message store provides an interface of Postgres server functions that can be used with any programming language or through the psql command line tool.

Interaction with the underlying store through the Postgres server functions ensures correct writing and reading messages, streams, and categories.

Write a Message

Write a JSON-formatted message to a named stream, optionally specifying JSON-formatted metadata and an expected version number.

  id varchar,
  stream_name varchar,
  type varchar,
  data jsonb,
  metadata jsonb DEFAULT NULL,
  expected_version bigint DEFAULT NULL


Position of the message written.


Name Description Type Default Example
id UUID of the message being written varchar a5eb2a97-84d9-4ccf-8a56-7160338b11e2
stream_name Name of stream to which the message is written varchar someStream-123
type The type of the message varchar Withdrawn
data JSON representation of the message body jsonb {"someAttribute": "some value"}
metadata (optional) JSON representation of the message metadata jsonb NULL {"metadataAttribute": "some meta data value"}
expected_version (optional) Version that the stream is expected to be when the message is written bigint NULL 11


SELECT write_message('a11e9022-e741-4450-bf9c-c4cc5ddb6ea3', 'someStream-123', 'SomeMessageType', '{"someAttribute": "some value"}', '{"metadataAttribute": "some meta data value"}');
-[ RECORD 1 ]-+--
write_message | 0


Get Messages from a Stream

Retrieve messages from a single stream, optionally specifying the starting position, the number of messages to retrieve, and an additional condition that will be appended to the SQL command's WHERE clause.

  stream_name varchar,
  position bigint DEFAULT 0,
  batch_size bigint DEFAULT 1000,
  condition varchar DEFAULT NULL


Name Description Type Default Example
stream_name Name of stream to retrieve messages from varchar someStream-123
position (optional) Starting position of the messages to retrieve bigint 0 11
batch_size (optional) Number of messages to retrieve bigint 1000 111
condition (optional) SQL condition to filter the batch by varchar NULL messages.time >= current_time


SELECT * FROM get_stream_messages('someStream-123', 0, 1000, condition => 'messages.time >= current_time');
-[ RECORD 1 ]---+---------------------------------------------------------
id              | 4b96f09e-104a-4b1f-b198-5b3b46cf1d06
stream_name     | someStream-123
type            | SomeType
position        | 0
global_position | 1
data            | {"attribute": "some value"}
metadata        | {"metaAttribute": "some meta value"}
time            | 2019-11-24 17:56:09.71594
-[ RECORD 2 ]---+---------------------------------------------------------
id              | d94e79e3-cdda-49a3-9aad-ce5d70a5edd7
stream_name     | someStream-123
type            | SomeType
position        | 1
global_position | 2
data            | {"attribute": "some value"}
metadata        | {"metaAttribute": "some meta value"}
time            | 2019-11-24 17:56:09.75969


Get Messages from a Category

Retrieve messages from a category of streams, optionally specifying the starting position, the number of messages to retrieve, the correlation category for Pub/Sub, consumer group parameters, and an additional condition that will be appended to the SQL command's WHERE clause.

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_category_messages(
  category_name varchar,
  position bigint DEFAULT 0,
  batch_size bigint DEFAULT 1000,
  correlation varchar DEFAULT NULL,
  consumer_group_member bigint DEFAULT NULL,
  consumer_group_size bigint DEFAULT NULL,
  condition varchar DEFAULT NULL


Name Description Type Default Example
category_name Name of the category to retrieve messages from varchar someCategory
position (optional) Global position to start retrieving messages from bigint 1 11
batch_size (optional) Number of messages to retrieve bigint 1000 111
correlation (optional) Category or stream name recorded in message metadata's correlationStreamName attribute to filter the batch by varchar NULL someCorrelationCategory
consumer_group_member (optional) The zero-based member number of an individual consumer that is participating in a consumer group bigint NULL 1
consumer_group_size (optional) The size of a group of consumers that are cooperatively processing a single category bigint NULL 2
condition (optional) SQL condition to filter the batch by varchar NULL messages.time >= current_time


SELECT * FROM get_category_messages('someCategory', 1, 1000, correlation => 'someCorrelationCategory', consumer_group_member => 1, consumer_group_size => 2, condition => 'messages.time >= current_time');
-[ RECORD 1 ]---+---------------------------------------------------------
id              | 28d8347f-677e-4738-b6b9-954f1b15463b
stream_name     | someCategory-123
type            | SomeType
position        | 0
global_position | 111
data            | {"attribute": "some value"}
metadata        | {"correlationStreamName": "someCorrelationCategory-123"}
time            | 2019-11-24 17:51:49.836341
-[ RECORD 2 ]---+---------------------------------------------------------
id              | 57894da7-680b-4483-825c-732dcf873e93
stream_name     | someCategory-456
type            | SomeType
position        | 1
global_position | 1111
data            | {"attribute": "some value"}
metadata        | {"correlationStreamName": "someCorrelationCategory-123"}
time            | 2019-11-24 17:51:49.879011

Note: Where someStream-123 is a stream name, someStream is a category. Reading the someStream category retrieves messages from all streams whose names start with someStream and are followed by an ID, or where someStream is the whole stream name.


Full API Reference


The message store is a single table named messages.

Messages Table

Column Description Type Default Nullable
id Identifier of a message record UUID gen_random_uuid() No
stream_name Name of stream to which the message belongs varchar No
type The type of the message varchar No
position The ordinal position of the message in its stream. Position is gapless. bigint No
global_position Primary key. The ordinal position of the message in the entire message store. Global position may have gaps. bigint No
data Message payload jsonb NULL Yes
metadata Message metadata jsonb NULL Yes
time Timestamp when the message was written. The timestamp does not include a time zone. timestamp now() AT TIME ZONE 'utc' No


Name Columns Unique Note
messages_id id Yes Enforce uniqueness as secondary key
messages_stream stream_name, position Yes Ensures uniqueness of position number in a stream
messages_category category(stream_name), global_position, category(metadata->>'correlationStreamName') No Used when retrieving by category name


By default, the message store database is named message_store.


All message store database objects are contained within a schema named message_store.


A role named message_store is created. The message_store role is given the LOGIN attribute, but no password is assigned. A password can be assigned to the role, or the message_store role can be granted to another Postgres user.

Source Code

View complete source code at:


The Postgres Message Store is released under the MIT License.