
Simple microservice project demonstration for learning purposes with GoLang, PotgreSQL & Terraform.


Microservice Project Demo

This repository provides a well-structured example of building microservices with a focus on learning purposes. It demonstrates the use of RESTful APIs with Protocol Buffers (Proto3), and containerization with Docker and Docker Compose and deployment with Terraform.

Services Explored

The project consists of two microservices:

  • Auth: Handles user authentication and authorization functionalities.
  • Blog: Manages blog posts, including creation, retrieval, and updates.

Key Technologies

The project leverages several key technologies:

  • RESTful APIs: Both services expose APIs that follow the REST architectural style for communication between services and clients.
  • Proto3: The project utilizes Proto3, a language-neutral mechanism for defining data structures and remote procedure calls (RPCs). This promotes communication efficiency and ensures consistency between services.
  • connectrpc.com (HTTP2): This project might be using connectrpc.com, a library that allows implementing gRPC functionalities over HTTP/2. It could facilitate communication between services using the gRPC framework. However, this requires further confirmation from the actual codebase.
  • Docker: Containers are employed to package and isolate the microservices, ensuring each service runs in a self-contained environment.
  • Docker Compose: This tool simplifies the management of multi-container applications like this microservice project. It allows defining and running all dependent services with a single command.
  • PostgreSQL: As the shared database between services (Auth, Blog)
  • GORM: GoLang rich-feature ORM
  • Hexagonal Architecture: Used as the main architecture of the services with a beautiful bootstrap tricks that facilitates port adapting and interaction with config package.

Deployment Process

The project utilizes Docker and Docker Compose for deployment:

Also it includes a Terraform config to deploy easily at any server using by SSH connection!

Open To Contribute

How to Contribute:

  1. Fork the Repository: Fork the repository to your own GitHub account.
  2. Create a Branch: Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix.
  3. Make Changes: Make your changes and commit them to your branch.
  4. Submit a Pull Request: Open a pull request to merge your changes back into the main repository.
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