
NextPress Starter is a template that offers seamless authentication using AuthJS, integrated with a PostgreSQL database via Prisma ORM. It also includes Shadcn for an elegant UI component setup, making it easy to kickstart your Next.js projects with a modern tech stack.


🚀 Next.js 14 Starter Kit with Auth.js, PostgreSQL, Prisma, ShadCN, and TypeScript

Welcome to NextPress, a robust starter template designed to get you up and running quickly with the latest stack, including Next.js 14, Auth.js, PostgreSQL, Prisma, ShadCN, and TypeScript. Whether you're starting a new project or looking to streamline your development process, NextPress has you covered with the best practices and tools. Note: Uncomment the Adapter for Database to use it ✨. (server/auth.ts) and Also Remove Eslint Rules from .eslintrc.json. I added those because typescript wont allow me to do unused imports (Those are for snippet codes provided in auth.ts for you ease 🥹)

📦 What's Inside?

  • Next.js 14 – The latest version of the React framework with improved features and performance.
  • Auth.js – Flexible authentication with multiple providers like Google, GitHub, and more.
  • PostgreSQL – A powerful and open-source database.
  • Prisma – Next-generation ORM for seamless database interaction.
  • ShadCN – A styling solution for modern UI components.
  • TypeScript – Strongly typed JavaScript for better code quality and developer experience.

🚀 Get Started

Step 1: Clone the Repository

git clone
cd NextPress-Starter

Step 2: Install Dependencies

npm install

Step 3: Setup Environment Variables

Create your .env files based on the .env.example provided in the repository.




# Add more providers if necessary

STEP 3.1(Optional): Push to DB

npx prisma db push

Step 4: Migrate the Database

npx prisma migrate dev

Step 5: Generate Prisma Client

npx prisma generate

Step 6: Run the Development Server

npm run dev

Now, navigate to http://localhost:3000 to see the app live.

💻 Stack Overview: NextAuth PrismaPress

NextAuth PrismaPress is your go-to solution for building full-stack applications with:

  • Fast and efficient Next.js 14 routing and rendering.
  • Scalable PostgreSQL database.
  • Secure and customizable authentication using Auth.js.
  • Intuitive Prisma ORM for database modeling and querying.
  • Beautiful UI styling with ShadCN components.
  • Type-safe code with TypeScript integration.

🌟 Features

  • 🔒 Secure Authentication: Pre-configured with Auth.js for easy setup of Google and other providers.
  • 📊 Database Ready: PostgreSQL with Prisma for smooth migrations and database operations.
  • 💅 Customizable UI: Use ShadCN to quickly style your components.
  • 🧩 Modular Codebase: Clean and structured project for scalability and maintainability.
  • 🚀 Enhanced Folder Structure: Folder structure with Modern Practises for Server Actions, Hooks, Providers etc.

🎨 Live Demo

Check out the live version of NextPress hosted at NextPress-Starter.

❤️ Made with Love

Crafted with ❤️ by Hasaan Ahmad.

If you find this template useful, feel free to star the repository, and contribute to make it even better!

🤝 Contributing

Contributions are welcome! If you have any suggestions or improvements, feel free to submit a pull request.