
NoSQL Client Module for PostgreSQL databases

MIT License



This is a Node.js library which implements NoSQL features over a PostgreSQL v9.3 database.


var nopg = require('nor-nopg');

Before using the database you should initialize it by calling: nor-nopg --pg=psql://localhost:5432/test init

See also

  • nor-app -- provides a HTTP interface in to a nor-nopg database
  • nopg -- Shell scripting CLI for nor-nopg


Variable names used in this document

Name Description Example
NoPg NoPg module var NoPg = require('nor-nopg');
db NoPg instance NoPg.start(...).then(function(db) { ... });
doc NoPg.Document instance db.create()(...).shift().then(function(doc) { ... });
type NoPg.Type instance db.declareType("name")().shift().then(function(type) { ... });

Summary of available operations

Short usage Description Tested at
NoPg.start(...) Get connection and start transaction L42
db.init() Initialize database L15
db.create()({"hello":"world"}) Create document without type L41
db.create("MyType")({"hello":"world"}) Create document with type as string L57
db.create(type)({"hello":"world"}) Create document with type as object L306{"$id": "b58e402e-6b39-11e3-99c7-0800279ca880"}) Search documents by id L156{"hello": "world"}) Search documents by values L130 { return doc.hello === 'world'; }) Search documents by custom function"Foobar")() Search documents by type string L185"Foobar")({"name":"hello"}) Search documents by type string with values L219 Search documents by type{"name":"hello"}) Search documents by type as string with values L254
db.update(doc) Edit document by instance of NoPg.Document L93
db.update(doc, {"hello": "world"}) Edit document by plain document L74
n/a Edit documents by type
db.del(doc) Delete document by instance of NoPg.Document L113
n/a Delete documents by instance of NoPg.Type
db.del(type) Delete type by instance of NoPg.Type L400
db.del(attachment) Delete attachment
db.declareType("Product")({"$schema":{"type":"object"}}) Create or replace type with name as string
db.createType("Product")({"$schema":{"type":"object"}}) Create type with name as string
db.createType()({"$schema":{"type":"object"}}) Create type without name
db.update(type) Edit type by instance of NoPg.Type Yes
db.update(type, {$schema:{...}}) Edit type by plain object Yes
db.searchTypes({"$id": "b58e402e-6b39-11e3-99c7-0800279ca880"}) Search types
doc.createAttachment(data, {"content-type": "image/png"}) Create attachments
doc.searchAttachments() Search attachments
doc.getAttachment("b58e402e-6b39-11e3-99c7-0800279ca880") Search attachments
db.import('/path/to/tv4.js', {'$name': 'tv4'}) Import or upgrade module in database

PostgreSQL and JavaScript name mapping

PostgreSQL JavaScript Description
id obj.$id Property with leading $ is mapped to the actual database table column
content->>'name' or content->'name' Property without leading $ is mapped to the property of the primary JSON data variable. It's content for NoPg.Documents and meta for other objects. The string or number operator is detected automatically from the type of the value.

Connections and transactions

nopg.start('postgres://user:pass@localhost/dbname').then(function(db) {
	/* ... */
	return db.commit();

You must call

  • db.commit() to actually save any changes to the database; or
  • db.rollback() to cancel the transaction

Initialize database

The required table structures and initial settings and data can be created or upgraded by calling db.init():

nopg.start(PGCONFIG).init().then(function(db) {


NoPG (from v1.1.0) has integrated support for events using PostgreSQL's tcn extension.

Please note: You need to use .connect() instead of .start(...), since listening in a transaction will block other threads!

Event: Type#create

  • Listener gets arguments:
    • id - UUID of the document which has been created
    • eventName - Name of the event
    • type - Type name
nopg.connect(PGCONFIG).then(function(db) {
	return db.on('User#create', function db_on_create(id) {
		// User with UUID as `id` was created

Event: <Type>#<ID>@<eventName>

  • Listener gets arguments:
    • id - UUID of the document which has been created
    • eventName - Name of the event
    • type - Type name
nopg.connect(PGCONFIG).then(function(db) {
	return db.on('User#create', function db_on_create(id) {
		// User with UUID as `id` was created
		db.on('User#'+id+'@', function db_on_create(id, eventName) {
			// User with UUID as `id` was updated or deleted

Event: Type#update

  • Listener gets arguments:
    • id - UUID of the document which has been changed
    • eventName - Name of the event
    • type - Type name

Event: Type#deleteType

  • Listener gets arguments:
    • id - UUID of the type which has been deleted
    • eventName - Name of the event
    • type - Type name

Event: create

  • Listener gets arguments:
    • id - UUID of the document which has been created
    • eventName - Name of the event
nopg.connect(PGCONFIG).then(function(db) {
	return db.on('create', function db_on_create(id) {
		// Document with UUID as `id` was created

Event: update

  • Listener gets arguments:
    • id - UUID of the document which has been changed
    • eventName - Name of the event

Event: delete

  • Listener gets arguments:
    • id - UUID of the document which has been deleted
    • eventName - Name of the event

Event: createType

  • Listener gets arguments:
    • id - UUID of the type which has been created
    • eventName - Name of the event

Event: updateType

  • Listener gets arguments:
    • id - UUID of the type which has been changed
    • eventName - Name of the event

Event: deleteType

  • Listener gets arguments:
    • id - UUID of the type which has been deleted
    • eventName - Name of the event

Event: createAttachment

  • Listener gets arguments:
    • id - UUID of the attachment which has been created
    • eventName - Name of the event

Event: updateAttachment

  • Listener gets arguments:
    • id - UUID of the attachment which has been changed
    • eventName - Name of the event

Event: deleteAttachment

  • Listener gets arguments:
    • id - UUID of the attachment which has been deleted
    • eventName - Name of the event

Event: createLib

  • Listener gets arguments:
    • id - UUID of the lib which has been created
    • eventName - Name of the event

Event: updateLib

  • Listener gets arguments:
    • id - UUID of the lib which has been changed
    • eventName - Name of the event

Event: deleteLib

  • Listener gets arguments:
    • id - UUID of the lib which has been deleted
    • eventName - Name of the event

Non-TCN events

We also implement few events which are not through PostgreSQL. These will happen only on the local instance.

Event: disconnect

When connection will be disconnected.

Event: commit

When transaction has been commited.

Event: rollback

When transaction has been rollback'd.

User-defined events

If you want your application to use custom LISTEN or NOTIFY, we recommend directly using nor-pg. It has a nice familiar interface for it.

There is no reason to implement this feature in NoPG since implementing it wouldn't invent anything new; it would be direct wrapper for nor-pg.

Our promise implementation

We use an extended promise implementation which allows chaining of multiple methods together.

Under the hood we are using q promises which are extended using nor-extend.

However these extended features are not required. You may use our promises just like any other q-promises.

Example of chaining multiple asynchronic calls together

NoPg.start(...).create("Group")({"name":"Bar"}).create("User")({"name":"Foo"}).then(function(db) {
	var group = db.fetch();
	var user = db.fetch();

	// ... do your magic at this point

	return db.commit();
}).fail(function(err) {

About the PostgreSQL ORM Mapping

The module has simple ORM mappings for all of our PostgreSQL tables.

JavaScript constructor PostgreSQL table Default JSON column
NoPg.Document documents content
NoPg.Type types meta
NoPg.Attachment attachments meta
NoPg.Lib libs meta
NoPg.Method methods meta
NoPg.DBVersion dbversions n/a

Using database constructors

These constructors will take an object and convert it to JavaScript instance of that PostgreSQL table row.

Example object:

	"name": "Hello",
	"foo": "bar",
	"age": 10
	"$id": "8a567836-72be-11e3-be5d-0800279ca880",
	"$created": "",
	"$updated": ""

The special $ in the name makes it possible to point directly to a column in PostgreSQL row.

Any other property points to the column in default JSON column.

For example a obj.$ in NoPg.Type instance has the same value as unless the ORM instance has been changed by the user.


Create document

Create document without type

db.create()({"hello":"world"}).then(function(db) {
	var doc = db.fetch();
	console.log("Successfully created new document: " + util.inspect(doc) );

Create document with type as string

db.create("MyType")({"hello":"world"}).then(function(db) {
	var doc = db.fetch();
	console.log("Successfully created new document: " + util.inspect(doc) );

Tested at test-nopg.js:57.

Create document with type as object

db.create(type)({"hello":"world"}).then(function(db) {
	var doc = db.fetch();
	console.log("Successfully created new document: " + util.inspect(doc) );

Search documents

Search documents by id{"$id": "b58e402e-6b39-11e3-99c7-0800279ca880"}).then(function(db) {
	var list = db.fetch();
	console.log("Found documents: " + util.inspect(list) );

Search documents by values{"hello": "world"}).then(function(db) {
	var list = db.fetch();
	console.log("Found documents: " + util.inspect(list) );

Search documents by custom function {
	return doc.hello === 'world';
}).then(function(db) {
	var list = db.fetch();
	console.log("Found documents: " + util.inspect(list) );

Search documents by type string"Foobar")().then(function(db) {
	var list = db.fetch();
	console.log("Found documents: " + util.inspect(list) );

Search documents by type string with values"Foobar")({"name":"hello"}).then(function(db) {
	var list = db.fetch();
	console.log("Found documents: " + util.inspect(list) );

Search documents by type {
	var list = db.fetch();
	console.log("Found documents: " + util.inspect(list) );

Edit documents

Edit document by instance of NoPg.Document

doc.hello = "world";

db.update(doc).then(function(db) {
	console.log("Successfully edited document: " + util.inspect(doc) );

Tested at test-nopg.js:93.

Edit document by plain document

db.update(doc, {"hello": "world"}).then(function(db) {
	console.log("Successfully edited document: " + util.inspect(doc) );

Tested at test-nopg.js:74.

Edit documents by type

/* n/a */

Delete documents

Delete document by instance of NoPg.Document

db.del(doc).then(function(db) {
	console.log("Document deleted succesfully.");

Tested at test-nopg.js:113.

Delete documents by instance of NoPg.Type

// n/a

Delete type by instance of NoPg.Type

db.del(type).then(function(db) {
	console.log("Type deleted succesfully.");

Delete attachment

db.del(attachment).then(function(db) {
	console.log("Attachment deleted succesfully.");


Create types

Create or replace type with name as string

db.declareType("Product")({"schema":{"type":"object"}}).then(function(db) {
	var type = db.fetch();
	console.log("Successfully fetched a type: " + util.inspect(type) );

Create a new type with name as string

db.createType("Product")({"schema":{"type":"object"}}).then(function(db) {
	var type = db.fetch();
	console.log("Successfully created new type: " + util.inspect(type) );

Create type without name

db.createType()({"schema":{"type":"object"}}).then(function(db) {
	var product_type = db.fetch();
	console.log("Successfully created new type: " + util.inspect(product_type) );

Edit types

Edit type by instance of NoPg.Type

type.schema = {..};
db.update(type).then(function(db) {
	console.log("Successfully edited type: " + util.inspect(type) );

Edit type by plain object

db.update(type, {schema:{...}}).then(function(db) {
	console.log("Successfully edited type: " + util.inspect(type) );

Search types

db.searchTypes({"$id": "b58e402e-6b39-11e3-99c7-0800279ca880"}).then(function(db) {
	var list = db.fetch();
	console.log("Found types: " + util.inspect(list) );


Create attachments

nopg.createAttachment(doc)(file, {"content-type": "image/png"}).then(function(db) {
	var file = db.fetch();
	console.log("Successfully created new attachment: " + util.inspect(file) );
  • If doc is undefined then document is looked from previous value in the buffer which must by nopg.Attachment or nopg.Document.

Search attachments

Search all attachments

doc.searchAttachments(doc)(opts).then(function(db) {
	var list = db.fetch();
	console.log("Found attachments: " + util.inspect(list) );
  • If you omit doc, the last element in the queue will be used.
  • If you omit opts, then all attachments are listed otherwise only matching.

Get attachment by ID

doc.getAttachment("b58e402e-6b39-11e3-99c7-0800279ca880").then(function(db) {
	var attachment = db.fetch();
	console.log("Found attachment: " + util.inspect(attachment) );


Import or upgrade module in the database

db.import('/path/to/tv4.js', {'name': 'tv4'}).then(function(db) {
	console.log("Library imported succesfully.");

Run tests

Database configurations can be set using PGCONFIG:

export PGCONFIG='pg://user:password@localhost/db'

The actual test can be run: npm test

You must delete the data if you need to run the test suite again for the same database:

psql -q db < scripts/cleanup.sql

Please note: psql does not follow PGCONFIG environment variable!

Run lint test

npm run lint

Commercial Support

You can buy commercial support from Sendanor.


We use Trello board to organize development and keep track on things to do.

Internal Database Schema

Table dbversions

Name Type
version integer
modified timestamptz

Table types

Name Type
id uuid
name text
schema json
validator text
meta json
created timestamptz
modified timestamptz

Table methods

Name Type
id uuid
types_id uuid
type text
name text
body text
meta json
active boolean
created timestamptz
modified timestamptz

Table documents

Name Type
id uuid
content json
types_id uuid
created timestamptz
modified timestamptz
type text

Table attachments

Name Type
id uuid
documents_id uuid
content bytea
meta json
created timestamptz
modified timestamptz

Table libs

Name Type
id uuid
name text
content text
meta json
created timestamptz
modified timestamptz

Obsolete entity relationship diagram

This database structure has not been updated.