
An OLTP banking system is implemented, emphasizing data integrity and atomicity, and leveraging constraints, triggers, stored procedures, views, and indexing to enhance query performance.



Project Description

In this project an OLTP (Online Transaction Processing) database for a banking system is developed using PostgreSQL. The primary objective is to explore and demonstrate key database concepts, such as:

  • Implementing transaction management with rollbacks
  • Creating and utilizing triggers for automated actions
  • Developing stored procedures to encapsulate business logic
  • Enforcing data integrity with constraints
  • Enhancing query performance through indexing

Banking System Data Model

Bank legislation varies from country to country, and not all banks offer the same products and services. In this project, we consider a simple and generic data model for a banking system. This data model represents how data is stored, organized, and accessed in a database.

Entities and Relationships

Department: This entity stores information about different departments within the organization. It has a one-to-many relationship with the Employee entity, as each department can have multiple employees.

Employee: This entity stores information about employees. It includes a foreign key department_id which references the Department entity, establishing a relationship that employees belong to specific departments.

Customer: This entity stores information about customers. Each customer can have multiple accounts, establishing a one-to-many relationship with the Account entity.

Account: This entity stores information about customer accounts. It includes a foreign key customer_id which references the Customer entity. Each account is associated with one customer.

Transaction: This entity stores information about transactions. It includes foreign keys account_id and employee_id, establishing relationships with the Account and Employee entities. Each transaction is associated with a specific account and processed by a specific employee.

The main.py script sets up a database according to the specified data model. It creates two schemas: human_resource and finance, and defines tables within these schemas: department, employee, customer, account, and transaction, with the necessary indexing and constraints. The script also inserts sample data into these tables.

Enhancing query performance through indexing

Indexes are used to quickly locate and access data in a database table without having to search every row of the table each time it is accessed.

B-tree indexing, used for FK columns as shown below, enhances the performance of join operations, referential integrity checks, and query execution involving foreign key relationships. This leads to more efficient and scalable database applications.

CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_transaction_account_id
ON finance.transaction USING btree (account_id);

CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_employee_department_id
ON human_resource.employee USING btree (department_id);

CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_account_customer_id
ON finance.account USING btree (customer_id);

Additionally, creating a composite index on (first_name, last_name) is beneficial for queries that involve both columns together, enhancing search performance for such queries.

CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_first_name_last_name
ON human_resource.employee USING btree (first_name, last_name);

Enforcing data integrity with constraints

In databases, constraints are rules applied to data columns to ensure data integrity, accuracy, and reliability. They restrict the type of data that can be inserted into a table to maintain consistency and correctness.

Primary Key Constraints :

  • Primary keys ensure that each record in a table is unique.
    • department_pkey on human_resource.department(department_id)
    • employee_pkey on human_resource.employee(employee_id)
    • user_pkey on finance.customer(customer_id)
    • account_pkey on finance.account(account_id)
    • transaction_pkey on finance.transaction(transaction_id)

Foreign Key Constraints:

  • Foreign keys ensure referential integrity by requiring that a value in one table must exist in another table.
    • department_fkey on human_resource.employee(department_id) references human_resource.department(department_id)
    • user_fkey on finance.account(customer_id) references finance.customer(customer_id)
    • account_fkey on finance.transaction(account_id) references finance.account(account_id)
    • employee_fkey on finance.transaction(employee_id) references human_resource.employee(employee_id)

Check Constraints:

  • Check constraints ensure that values in a column meet specific conditions.
    • chk_valid_customer_type on finance.customer(customer_type) ensures that the value is either retail or corporate.
    • chk_positive_balance on finance.account(current_balance) ensures that the balance is non-negative.
    • chk_non_negative_amount on finance.transaction(amount) ensures that the transaction amount is positive.
    • chk_salary_positive on human_resource.employee(salary) ensures that the salary is positive.

Implementing transaction management with rollbacks

The finance.transfer procedure encapsulates the logic for secure and reliable fund transfers between accounts (sender_id and receiver_id). It ensures transactional integrity by either completing all operations successfully or rolling back completely in case of failure. The procedure employs robust exception handling to manage unexpected issues and maintains atomicity, treating all database changes as a single unit of work, thus adhering to ACID properties.

    IN sender_id integer,
    IN receiver_id integer,
    IN amount numeric,
    IN employee_id integer
LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'
AS $$
            rollback_message TEXT := 'Transaction rolled back: Insufficient funds';
            commit_message TEXT := 'Transaction committed successfully';
            IF (SELECT current_balance FROM finance.account WHERE account_id = sender_id) < amount THEN
            RAISE EXCEPTION '%', rollback_message;
                UPDATE finance.account SET current_balance = current_balance - amount WHERE account_id = sender_id;
                UPDATE finance.account SET current_balance = current_balance + amount WHERE account_id = receiver_id;
                INSERT INTO finance.transaction (account_id, transaction_type, amount, employee_id) VALUES (sender_id, 'WITHDRAWAL', amount, employee_id);
                INSERT INTO finance.transaction (account_id, transaction_type, amount, employee_id) VALUES (receiver_id, 'DEPOSIT', amount, employee_id);
            END IF;
            WHEN OTHERS THEN
            -- Rollback the transaction
            RAISE EXCEPTION 'Error transferring funds: %', SQLERRM;

Creating and utilizing triggers for automated actions

Triggers are powerful tools in databases that help automate tasks, enforce data integrity, and implement complex business rules by executing predefined actions in response to specific events.

In this project, the trigger function employee_salary_update_func() is designed to insert a record into the employee_salary_update table whenever an employee's salary is updated, serving an auditing purpose.

  1. Creating the Audit Table
  • employee_salary_update table captures the details of any salary changes, including the old and new salaries and the date of the chan

    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS human_resource.employee_salary_update
        employee_id integer NOT NULL,
        first_name VARCHAR(50),
        last_name VARCHAR(50),
        old_salary numeric(10,2) NOT NULL,
        incremented_salary numeric(10,2) NOT NULL,
        incremented_on date NOT NULL,
        CONSTRAINT employee_salary_update_pkey PRIMARY KEY (log_id)
  1. Creating the Trigger Function
  • This function compares the old and new salary values. If they are different, it logs the change in the employee_salary_update table.

    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION human_resource.employee_salary_update_func()
        RETURNS trigger
        LANGUAGE plpgsql
        AS $$
                IF NEW.salary <> OLD.salary THEN
                    INSERT INTO human_resource.employee_salary_update (employee_id, first_name, last_name, old_salary, incremented_salary, incremented_on)
                    VALUES (OLD.employee_id, OLD.first_name, OLD.last_name, OLD.salary, NEW.salary, now());
                END IF;
                RETURN NEW;
  1. Creating the Trigger
  • This trigger ensures that the employee_salary_update_func function is called automatically whenever the salary column of the employee table is updated.

    CREATE TRIGGER employee_salary_update_trigger
        AFTER UPDATE OF salary ON human_resource.employee
        FOR EACH ROW
        EXECUTE FUNCTION human_resource.employee_salary_update_func();
  1. Executing an Update to Fire the Trigger
  • This update statement triggers the employee_salary_update_func function, which logs the salary change in the employee_salary_update table.

    UPDATE human_resource.employee
    SET salary = 90000
    WHERE first_name = 'John' AND last_name = 'Doe';

Creating Views for Simplified Data Retrieval

Views provide an organized way to query and retrieve detailed information from multiple related tables within the finance and human_resource schemas.

  • View to get detailed account information including customer details

    CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW finance.account_details AS
      finance.customer ON account.customer_id = customer.customer_id;
  • View to get detailed transaction information linked with account details

    CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW finance.transaction_details AS
      finance.account ON account.account_id = transaction.account_id;
  • View to get detailed employee information along with their department details

    CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW human_resource.employee_details AS
        human_resource.employee e
        human_resource.department d ON e.department_id = d.department_id;

Note: The procedures, triggers, views, and indexing SQL queries are directly executed using the PostgreSQL GUI.