
Database maintenance tool support

BSD-3-CLAUSE License



Refurb is a library for building PostgreSQL database migration software. Over the course of developing a database-backed software product in a team, you'll want to make organized updates to the database's schema and data that can be automatically reproduced in other environments. Refurb implements this process for Haskell projects in a fairly straightforward way, where individual changes to the database are applied in order by Haskell actions you make and check in with your code as usual.

Quick tour

refurb is a library whose primary public interface is Refurb.refurbMain and is intended to implement a command-line tool, much like Setup.hs uses defaultMain from Cabal (the library) to implement the build system or test/Main.hs might use hspec. You pass a list of Migrations to refurbMain along with a way to obtain the database connection parameters, and the library will take care of creating and maintaining an in-database list of applied migrations and providing a CLI for users to apply migrations, query applied migrations, and make backups.

A Migration is a small structure with:

  • What PostgreSQL schema to apply the migration to. All migrations are qualified by the schema they apply to and schemas are automatically created by Refurb if they don't already exist.
  • A key to identify the migration within the schema, for example create-first-table.
  • An execution action of the type MonadMigration m => m () which is invoked to apply the actual change, e.g. issue some create table statements.
  • An optional check action of the type MonadMigration m => Maybe (m ()) which is invokved prior to the execution action to check preconditions. It can signal errors (much as the execution action can) to abort the migration from being executed and is present purely to help you organize your code. It's run just like the execution action is, if present.

A working example is located in the example/ directory. It's not a complete worked example project, as in a normal project you'd have your own product code as well as the migration related code presented in the example.

Using refurb in your project

While example/ contains a working example of refurb, it doesn't reflect totally how you might use it in your own project. Project organization is in the end up to you and who you work with of course, but here's how we arrange our projects with Refurb:

  • package.yaml - hpack file which generates myawesomeserver.cabal. If you're not familiar with hpack, it's not required. It's just a nicer way to generate cabal files than by hand.
  • myawesomeserver.cabal - generated by hpack and contains:
    • A library section with sources in src/ (hs-source-dirs: src in cabal terms). src contains all the primary code of your product.
    • An executable section myawesomeserver-exe with sources in app/server/ that depends on the myawesomeserver library. This executable launches your main product (presumably a server). This launch expects that the database has already been migrated and doesn't use refurb directly.
    • An executable section myawesomeserver-refurb with sources in app/refurb/ that depends on the myawesomeserver and refurb libraries. This executable runs refurb for your project.
    • One or more other test suites or executable sections. At Confer, we have another executable which makes starting and stopping a development environment with PostgreSQL easy, for example.
  • app/server/Main.hs - main entry point to your server. Usually just calls something in the myawesomeserver library.
  • app/refurb/Main.hs - entry point for refurb. Usually just calls refurbMain with your list of migrations. Those migrations could be in app/refurb/ or in your main src/.
  • src/ - directory with your main product source files.

With this arrangement a build produces both myawesomeserver-exe and myawesomeserver-refurb. Make sure to run myawesomeserver-refurb migrate --execute before running myawesomeserver-exe so the database gets migrated before the server tries to start.

Invoking a refurb executable

refurb implements a CLI to query what migrations have been applied to a database, query what would happen prior to actually migrating, and migrating. It's broken into several subcommands which perform different maintenance functions. There are also a few top-level switches:

Available options:
  -h,--help                Show this help text
  -d,--debug               Turn on debug diagnostic logging
  --no-color               disable ANSI colorization
  -c,--config SERVER-CONFIG
                           Path to server config file to read database
                           connection information from
  • -h / --help shows that help output.
  • -d / --debug turns on extra execution logging. Note that all log messages produced by a migration action are always captured, even with this switch off. This merely controls the console output.
  • --no-color suppresses ANSI colorization, e.g. for CI builds.
  • -c / --config tells refurb where to find the server's config file. refurb itself doesn't care about the file contents, it just passes the config file path off to the function given to refurbMain to get the database connection information back.


myawesomeserver-refurb -c configfile show-log shows a complete list of migrations known about and applied to the database. It displays a table similar to the following though with glorious ANSI coloration unless you suppress it with --no-color:

ID     Timestamp           Duration        Result  Key
1      2017-04-03 15:27:17 5 milliseconds  success example.create-first-table
       not applied                                 example.populate-first-table (seed data)

Each column is probably self-explanatory, but:

  • ID is the primary key in the refurb.migration-log. If this column is populated, it means that the corresponding migration was applied at some point for better or worse.
  • Timestamp is the time and date (in UTC) when the migration was applied to the database. Shows not applied if the migration hasn't been applied.
  • Duration is how long the migration took to execute when it was applied. If empty, it means the migration hasn't been applied.
  • Result indicates whether the migration application succeeded or failed. If empty, it means the migration hasn't been applied.
  • Key shows the qualified (that is, with schema) key of the migration along with a parenthetical note for seed data migrations.


myawesomeserver-refurb -c configfile show-migration example.create-first-table shows the status of and log from the application of example.create-first-table. Naturally, if the migration has never been applied then no log will be available.

For example:

ID     Timestamp           Duration        Result  Key
1      2017-04-03 15:27:17 5 milliseconds  success example.create-first-table

2017-04-03 15:27:17.780579 [LevelDebug] create sequence first_table_seq @(refurb- src/Refurb/MigrationUtils.hs:98:3)
2017-04-03 15:27:17.782271 [LevelDebug] create table first_table (id int not null primary key default nextval('first_table_seq'), t text not null) @(refurb- src/Refurb/MigrationUtils.hs:98:3)


myawesomeserver-refurb -c configfile backup path/to/backupfile creates a compressed binary database backup using pg_dump which can be restored with pg_restore. You can also trigger a backup automatically before migration with the -b path/to/backupfile switch to migrate.


myawesomeserver-refurb -c configfile migrate is the main purpose of refurb - applying migrations to a database. If given no additional options it will consult the database and known migration list and display a list of migrations that would be executed. As a safety measure those migrations do not actually get executed unless you confirm that you want your database altered with -e / --execute.

By default the list of migrations to apply will be only the schema migrations and not seed data migrations (see next section for more); in a development or QA environment where you want seed data, pass -s / --seed to see what migrations including seed data migrations would be applied and pass -s -e / --seed --execute to actually apply them.

You can additionally request that the database be backed up prior to migration using -b / --backup and passing the path where you want the backup file created.

Migration types

Migrations come in two flavors: schemaMigration and seedDataMigration. The former type are run everywhere, while the second type are only run when requested with --seed and the refurb.config table doesn't have the prod_system flag set. The two types are intended to help with a common workflow, where in development and QA environments it's helpful to have seed data installed in your database, e.g. test users and configuration. Conversely seed data should never make its way into production, especially when installing that seed data might be destructive.

Other than when they run, both types are equivalent in functionality.

As an extra check to make it hard to accidentally apply seed data migrations to production systems, refurb will flatly refuse to run any seed data migrations when the prod_system boolean is true in refurb.config. It's not possible to set this boolean via the refurb CLI, so just update refurb.config set prod_system = 't' to set it.

Migration actions

Migration actions are Haskell actions of the type MonadMigration m => m (). MonadMigration is defined this way (with ConstraintKinds):

type MonadMigration m =
  ( MonadBaseControl IO m       -- access to underlying IO
  , MonadMask m                 -- can use bracket and friends
  , MonadReader PG.Connection m -- can ask for a connection to the DB
  , MonadLogger m               -- can log using monad-logger

The database connection is of type PG.Connection with PG being Database.PostgreSQL.Simple from postgresql-simple. So at its most basic a migration action could use that connection straightforwardly:

executeMyMigration :: MonadMigration m => m ()
executeMyMigration = do
  conn <- ask
  rowsAffected <- PG.execute_ conn "create table foo (bar text)"
  $logInfo "created foo!"
  pure ()

Though this can be simplified as refurb provides several shorthands and utilities for writing migrations. They're located in the Refurb.MigrationUtils module and re-exported by Refurb. The previous example could be shortened to:

executeMyMigration :: MonadMigration m => m ()
executeMyMigration =
  void $ execute_ "create table foo (bar text)"

execute_ being a helper which asks for the database connection and runs some query against it, logging that query at debug level.

Migration action helpers

These helpers are all located in Refurb.MigrationUtils, so go there for more details.

  • execute / execute_ executes a single SQL statement which doesn't produce table output. The _ version takes a literal query, while the non-_ version takes a parameterized query along with parameters to substitute in. See qqSql below for a helper quasiquote which makes embedding a multiline SQL statement more pleasant.
  • executeMany / executeSeries_ execute a series of SQL statements which don't produce table output. The _ version takes a literal query, while the non-_ version takes a parameterized query along with parameters to substitute in. See qqSqls below for a helper quasiquote which makes embedding multiple statement SQL scripts more pleasant.
  • query / query_ executes a SQL query and return the results as a list using postgresql-simple's FromRow machinery. The _ version takes a literal query, while the non-_ version takes a parameterized query along with parameters to substitute in.
  • runQuery executes an Opaleye Query. refurb internally uses Opaleye to manage its storage tables, so this comes at no extra cost in dependency terms.
  • runInsertMany inserts a series of rows into a table using Opaleye.
  • runUpdate updates rows in a table using Opaleye.
  • runDelete deletes rows from a table using Opaleye.
  • doesSchemaExist checks if a schema exists or not using information_schema. Note that this is not typically required as refurb automatically creates schemas for you if they don't already exist.
  • doesTableExist check if a table exists or not in a given schema using information_schema.

SQL embedding quasiquotes

Writing SQL as string literals can get very tedious as Haskell doesn't have a separate multiline string literal syntax and instead relies on \ to elide the newlines. To make embedding SQL queries in code easier, refurb provides two quasiquotes: qqSql and qqSqls.

qqSql is essentially a multiline string literal and [qqSql|foo|] is equivalent to "foo" :: PG.Query.

qqSqls is more complicated and intended for use with executeSeries_. It implements a simplistic version of the ; delimited syntax common in SQL REPLs and yields a [Query].

For example:

queries :: [PG.Query]
queries =
    create sequence stuff_seq;
    create table stuff
      ( id bigint not null primary key default nextval('stuff_seq')

is equivalent to:

queries =
  [ "create sequence stuff_seq\n"
  , "create table stuff\n( id bigint not null primary key default nextval('stuff_seq')\n)\n"

As mentioned, it only implements a simplistic ; delimited syntax. It separates statements whenever a ; occurs at the beginning or end of line after stripping whitespace. Thus if you have a literal ; don't put it at beginning or end of line, and conversely don't have more than one statement per line.

Migration logs and output

Migrations usually produce log entries as they execute, e.g. with the DDL statements they execute. This output is copied to the console output as the migrations run if the log message is at info or higher, or if -d / --debug is given when running migrate --execute. This output (including debug messages) is also captured and stored in the refurb.migration_log table for later perusal using show-migration.

Failed migrations

Presently if a migration fails refurb will store a record of it along with the logs from the failing migration and will never try to apply that migration again because there's no general safe way to untangle what the migration might have done before it failed. The intended pattern is that if a migration fails, you figure out what went wrong and untangle it and then either update the existing refurb.migration_log to be marked successful, or remove the record and rerun the migration.

Failure of a migration is currently done by using either fail or throwing an exception from the migration execution or check action.

Future improvements to the handling of failed migrations might be implemented, and suggestions are welcome.

refurb schema

Refurb maintains its own schema to keep track of applied migrations, both for informational purposes and to determine which known migrations (i.e. those given to refurbMain) have not yet been applied and need execution.

The refurb schema contains two tables: migration_log and config. migration_log contains a record for each migration applied.

config has only one column presently, prod_system. prod_system is a boolean whose only effect is to disable the application of seed data migrations (when true).

migration_log has several columns:

  • id - primary key, serially assigned.
  • qualified_key - the migration's key qualified by its schema in schema.key form, e.g. example.create-first-table.
  • applied - timestamp when the migration was applied.
  • output - the log output of the migration application.
  • result - either success or failure.
  • duration - number of (fractional) seconds the migration took to execute.

Long term maintenance

One issue with using Haskell migration actions is that over time the migrations for a previous version might use types which no longer exist or have different definitions and thus not compile or do the wrong thing. It's up to you to decide what works best for your project. If you use mostly execute style migrations with embedded SQL there might not be a problem. Alternatively, you could keep old versions of data structures around for migrations to use, or comment out old migrations between releases and rely on running previous releases' migrations.

Suggestions and contributions welcome to assist with various strategies here.


As of writing, we use this library in our Haskell project which employs a database and have had no major issues. We have not yet released to production and have not gone through a series of releases, so improvements in the long term use might still be due. We'd appreciate any fixes, improvements, or experience reports.


Contributions and feedback welcome! File and issue or make a PR.


Asa (@asa) and Ross (@dridus) lurk on fpchat. You can also reach us at [email protected].