
Benchmarking mysql, mongodb, postgres and postgres + timescale.


Time series database benchmarking

The following project tries to benchmark the following methods on 3 database instances:

  • mysql
  • mongodb
  • postgresql
  • postgresql with timescale extension (version 2.16.1)

Each database instance is ran through docker and uses the non-default ports to avoid conflicts with local database instances.

NOTE. Create an issue if you see a mistake or have a suggestion.

The following methods are benchmarked:

  • insert x rows (aka upserts on empty table, with indexes)
  • upsert single row at a time
  • upsert a bulk of rows
  • read x rows with a limit of y and sort descending by start_time.

The data format for all of the tables is the same (excluding the id field between mongodb and postgres implementations, and the name of the interval field in mysql).

  "created_at": "2021-09-01T00:00:00Z", // TIMESTAMPTZ | mongodb ISODate
  "updated_at": "2021-09-01T00:00:00Z", // TIMESTAMPTZ | mongodb ISODate
  "start_time": "2021-09-01T00:00:00Z", // TIMESTAMPTZ | mongodb ISODate
  "interval": TIME_IN_MILLISECONDS,     // BIGINT (renamed to resolution in mysql)
  "area": "area",                       // TEXT
  "source": "source",                   // TEXT
  "value": 0.0,                         // double precision

Upserts are done using an start_time, interval and area filter.

The same data chunks get inserted into all of the databases.


# start docker in the background
sudo docker compose up -d
# run the go benchmarks
cd go
go test -benchmem -run=^$ -bench ^BenchmarkTimeseries$ timeseries-benchmark -v -count=1 -timeout=0

# reset docker (uninstall every image and container)
sudo docker stop $(sudo docker ps -aq)
sudo docker rm $(sudo docker ps -aq)
sudo docker rmi $(sudo docker images -q)
sudo docker rmi -f $(sudo docker images -q)
sudo docker volume rm $(docker volume ls -q)


 go $ go test -benchmem -run=^$ -bench ^BenchmarkTimeseries$ timeseries-benchmark -v -count=1 -timeout=0
goos: darwin
goarch: arm64
pkg: timeseries-benchmark
BenchmarkTimeseries/mysql-insert-100000-rows-10                        1        101650284500 ns/op      108107240 B/op   1900985 allocs/op
BenchmarkTimeseries/mongodb-insert-100000-rows-10                      1        41199354291 ns/op       813491216 B/op  11302331 allocs/op
BenchmarkTimeseries/pg-ntv-insert-100000-rows-10                       1        32611100375 ns/op       40034880 B/op    1300323 allocs/op
BenchmarkTimeseries/pg-tsc-insert-100000-rows-10                       1        52285019042 ns/op       40052832 B/op    1300511 allocs/op

BenchmarkTimeseries/mysql-upsert-single-4000-rows-10                   1        1865689000 ns/op         4321896 B/op      76004 allocs/op
BenchmarkTimeseries/mongodb-upsert-single-4000-rows-10                 1        1112991375 ns/op        31069864 B/op     416178 allocs/op
BenchmarkTimeseries/pg-ntv-upsert-single-4000-rows-10                  1        1378900750 ns/op         1600000 B/op      52000 allocs/op
BenchmarkTimeseries/pg-tsc-upsert-single-4000-rows-10                  1        2096648666 ns/op         1600000 B/op      52000 allocs/op

BenchmarkTimeseries/mysql-upsert-bulk-4000-rows-10                     2         757385021 ns/op         2529884 B/op      56023 allocs/op
BenchmarkTimeseries/mongodb-upsert-bulk-4000-rows-10                   6         167808972 ns/op        14574984 B/op     176101 allocs/op
BenchmarkTimeseries/pg-ntv-upsert-bulk-4000-rows-10                   19          59175759 ns/op         5768672 B/op      52042 allocs/op
BenchmarkTimeseries/pg-tsc-upsert-bulk-4000-rows-10                    2         515012583 ns/op         5773888 B/op      52090 allocs/op

    benchmark_test.go:90:  * storage size for pg-tsc, 100000 rows, before compression: 23568

BenchmarkTimeseries/mysql-get-4000-10                                376           3211083 ns/op         3031471 B/op      40051 allocs/op
BenchmarkTimeseries/mongodb-get-4000-10                               85          12326166 ns/op         5018889 B/op      80200 allocs/op
BenchmarkTimeseries/pg-ntv-get-4000-10                               510           2367323 ns/op         2934839 B/op      16033 allocs/op
BenchmarkTimeseries/pg-tsc-get-4000-10                               309           3820294 ns/op         2934888 B/op      16033 allocs/op

    benchmark_test.go:112: sleeping for 60 sec to get the correct mongodb collection storage size
    benchmark_test.go:115:  * storage size for 100000 rows
    benchmark_test.go:122:      - mysql: 10272 KB
    benchmark_test.go:122:      - mongodb: 7704 KB
    benchmark_test.go:122:      - pg-ntv: 20208 KB
    benchmark_test.go:122:      - pg-tsc: 8392 KB
ok      timeseries-benchmark    306.979s

  • in terms of inserts (upserts on initial run), mysql was the slowest and native postgres was the fastest. Timescale took ~1.6x longer than the native postgres.
  • for single upserts, mongodb was the fastest and timescale was the slowest.
  • for bulk upserts, the native postgresql is the fastest, while the timescale version was ~8 times slower than the native postgresql version.
  • for read speeds, the native postgresql version ~1.5x faster than the timescale version while running from go.
    • for some reason the EXPLAIN ANALYZE queries show that the native postgresql reads take roughly 2.5ms, while
      • compressed version takes ~70ms (28x slower)
      • decompressed version takes ~20ms (8x slower)
  • for table sizes, the timescale version can have a smaller size than the native postgresql version, but the efficiency of the compression is vastly dependent on the chunk size.


  • the default value of chunck compression in timescale is changed to one which gives better compression
  • mongodb does not use the time series collections because they can't be queried by a single row at a time
  • the empty benchmark lines are omitted.
  • The mysql version uses a field called resolution instead of interval because interval is a reserved keyword.


To get specific info about how long the queries took on the database level, i ran the read_test.sh script post benchmarking. The results between native postgres and timescale are not great. Native postgres SELECT * queries otperform timescale by at least 2x. All of the logs of the explain queries can be inspected in the file.

* postgres select with limit
 Planning Time: 0.323 ms
 Execution Time: 1.932 ms
(4 rows)

 ~ timescaledb version
 default_version | installed_version 
 2.16.1          | 2.16.1
(1 row)

* timescaledb compressed -> select with limit
 Planning Time: 63.068 ms
 Execution Time: 7.791 ms
(293 rows)

* timescale decompressed -> select with limit
 Planning Time: 16.949 ms
 Execution Time: 3.828 ms
(75 rows)

Debug commands

# find the version of timescaledb
docker exec timeseries_timescaledb psql -U test -d timeseries_benchmark -c "SELECT default_version, installed_version FROM pg_available_extensions where name = 'timescaledb';"

# see size of table in timescale + timing of query
docker exec timeseries_timescaledb psql -U test -d timeseries_benchmark -c "SELECT pg_size_pretty(hypertable_size('data_objects')) AS total_size;"
docker exec timeseries_timescaledb psql -U test -d timeseries_benchmark -c "\d data_objects"

# see size of table in postgres + timing of query
docker exec timeseries_postgres psql -U test -d timeseries_benchmark -c "SELECT pg_size_pretty(pg_total_relation_size('data_objects')) AS total_size;"
docker exec timeseries_postgres psql -U test -d timeseries_benchmark -c "\d data_objects"

docker exec timeseries_postgres psql -U test -d timeseries_benchmark -c 'SELECT *
  FROM timescaledb_information.dimensions
  WHERE hypertable_name = 'metrics';'

SELECT default_version, installed_version FROM pg_available_extensions where name = 'timescaledb';


  • mongodb
    • The statistics about the mongodb collection seem to be incorrect just after inserting the data. The totalSize value updates after some time, once the records are inserted. This is why there is a pause before reading the collection size.
    • The displayed storage size may not be correct. While running the benchmarks, i found that in some cases the displayed storage of the mongodb collection did not increase when the number of records increased by 10x. So i don't think the displayed storage size can be trusted fully.
  • timescale
    • the size of the chunk matters. From my understanding the default is 7 days. In this benchmark we save 1 hour resolution data, for which 30 days otperforms compression of 7 days with a big margin.
      • 7 days -> 4864 kb
      • 30 days -> 1576 kb
      • 60 days -> 1064 kb
    • To get the table size of the timescaledb, the default SELECT pg_size_pretty(pg_total_relation_size($1)) AS total_size; query does not return the correct. I found this out when the table size returned from this query did not change once i benchmarked the size on varying number of rows (1k -> 10k).
    • The compression of timescale does not get applied immediately after the inserts. That's why we need to trigger it manually.
    • possible cause for concern (not sure if this is fixed) compress_chunk() blocks other queries on the table for a long time
    • adjustments based on interval blog postlink
  • mysql
    • Use DATETIME instead of TIMESTAMP because TIMESTAMP has a range of 1970-2038 and DATETIME has a range of 1000-9999 (Error 1292 (22007): Incorrect datetime value: '2038-01-19 04:00:00' for column 'start_time' at row 1).